Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad--Bilateral Projects

Current Section
 Office of Postsecondary Education Home
Applicant Information


Competitions are held annually.
Current competition: FY 2010. Application deadline: October 9, 2009.

Federal Register Notices

This program does not post grant competition information in the Federal Register.

Current Application

Applications for FY 2010 grants are submitted electronically using the Department's e-Grants system.

Without registering at the U.S. Department of Education's online site for e-Grants, prospective applicants can obtain a PDF copy of the application package they are seeking by following these steps. These instructions only apply to the e-Grants site, not to the site:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Continue."
  3. Click on the blue "e-Application" tab.
  4. Click on the gray "Application Packages" tab.
  5. Scroll down the alphabetical listing of application packages to the one you want.
  6. Click on the small PDF icon; DO NOT click on the underlined name of the package.
  7. There may be a slight pause before a PDF copy of the entire package opens.

NOTE: You may need Adobe Acrobat Reader software on your computer to download a PDF copy of the package. For a free copy of the software, go to

Tips and Assistance

Descriptions of 2010 Seminars

Frequently asked questions are available to address many pre-award and post-award issues, including hints for preparing a competitive application.

Application Contacts

Carly Borgmeier, (202) 502-7691
Michelle Ward, (202)502-7623
U.S. Department of Education, OPE
Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program
1990 K Street, N.W., Suite 6000
Washington, DC 20006-8521
Fax: (202) 502-7860


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Last Modified: 08/19/2009