The ACTEDS Training Catalog

Education Services (CP-31)

General The Education Services Career Program (CP-31) competitive professional development opportunities are open to all GS 1740-9/NSPS Equivalent and above Education Services careerists serving in positions with position descriptions classified as 1740.
During FY 09, the following types of training will be supported through requests for application/nominations by separate announcement:
University Programs
Part-time Training in which an employee attends an accredited college or university on a less than full-time basis. This training may consist of evenings, weekends, and/or part-time study that is less than the minimum number of semester or quarter hours required as a full-time student. Short-term training will be considered on a case-by-case basis when it is in keeping with the competencies identified in the CP-31 ACTEDS Plan. Part-time students are not entitled to be relieved of the full 40-hour tour of duty. However, a student may be excused any part of a week as agreed to by the supervisor.
  • Location: Varies (within careerist commuting area)
  • Length of training: Varies
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 5-8
  • Audience: GS-9/NSPS Equivalent and above
Harvard University,
Graduate School of Education

Harvard University Graduate School of Education,
Institute for the Management of Lifelong Education (MLE)

MLE provides leader development for senior CP-31 administrators. The curriculum balances practical concerns with theory. The faculty is drawn from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, with guest faculty from other institutions. Curriculum overview: leadership and organizational change; financial management and control of education; learning theories; behavioral studies; development of education programs; self-development; professional development; inter-connection of schools and colleges; learning levels; and trends in education, marketing, and strategic management. This competitive functional training prepares CP-31 key employees to better identify and meet soldier self-development needs. Once selected, applicants must also apply for acceptance into this program.
  • Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Length of training: 2 weeks (Jun/Jul 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: GS-13 and above
Harvard University,
John F. Kennedy School of Government

Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Senior Executive Fellows Program

The Senior Executive Fellows program enables current and future public servants to develop the skills required to meet the real-world challenges of leadership, governance, policymaking, politics, and organizational effectiveness. The senior executive will experience an intensive educational experience aimed at building coalitions, driving results and performance, and guiding organizational change. CP-31 participants will gain practical, effective tools to: identify and analyze the challenges and opportunities facing the organization, and master them politically, as well as technically; develop strategic plans of action using communication, negotiation and coalition-building skills; manage the tensions between long-term policy goals and short-term political pressures; and create an organizational environment that is responsive to change, while remaining true to its purpose and tradition. This competitive functional training will prepare CP-31 key personnel to meet the demands of a changing organization with the integrated skills of strategy and leadership. Once selected, applicants must also apply to the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government for acceptance into the program.
  • Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Length of training: 4 weeks,
    (Mar-Apr 09/Jun-Jul 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: GS-13/NSPS Equivalent and above

Harvard University,
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Programs on Leadership for Senior Executives
- Specifically aimed at government and non-profit executives who are in a position to influence both day-to-day and strategic management of the organization. The executive leadership curriculum offers an integrated approach to build executive leadership skills. Each two-day program focuses on a specific element of executive leadership. The four programs include: Managing People for Maximum Performance, Promoting Innovation & Creativity, Effective Decision Making, and Strategies for Enhancing Executive Influence. This competitive functional training prepares CP-31 key employees to meet the challenges of leadership at the core of our organization's mission.
  • Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Length of training: 2-3 days (dates monthly)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: GS-13/NSPS Equivalent and above
George Washington University,
School of Business and Public Management, Contemporary Executive Development (CED) Program

George Washington University, School of Business and Public Management, Senior Executive Development (SED)
SED provides leader development for senior CP-31 administrators. The curriculum combines leadership theory with real-world experiences, including hands-on problem-solving exercises. The faculty is drawn from George Washington University, with guest faculty from other public- and private-sector institutions. Curriculum includes the following topics: strategic planning under Government Performance Review Act (GRPA); management/leadership challenges for the future, including managing organizational and personal change; enhanced uses of the Internet in government; management improvement in the Federal government; effective briefing techniques for executives; and alternative dispute resolution (ADR). This competitive functional training prepares CP-31 key employees to meet the leadership challenges of a changing organizational environment.
  • Location: Washington, DC
  • Length of training: 2 weeks (Jun 09)
    /5 weeks - part-time (Mar-Apr 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: GS-14/NSPS Equivalent and above (5 week format limited to DC Metro commuting area)

George Washington University, School of Business and Public Management, Advanced Leadership Workshop - This workshop provides continued leader development for senior CP-31 administrators. The curriculum combines leadership theory with real-world experiences dealing with the inherent challenges in leading public sector organizations. The faculty is drawn from George Washington University, with guest faculty from other public- and private-sector institutions. Curriculum includes Leaders and Leadership: The Challenge of Leading and Managing in Government, Leadership and Reinvention in Public Management, Leadership Dynamics and Followership, and Leadership and Organizational Change: Organization Change in Public Organizations. This competitive functional training will prepare CP-31 key employees to better meet the leadership challenges of a changing organizational environment.
  • Location: Washington, DC
  • Length of training: 3 days (Jun 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: GS-13/NSPS Equivalent and above
University of Michigan,
Business School

University of Michigan, Business School, Advanced Human Resource Executive Program - Designed primarily for senior human resource (HR) executives, this course is also beneficial for senior CP-31 administrators who recognize that the management of human resources is critical to success. Objectives of the program include: developing participants' general management perspective by examining the latest thinking in various functional areas of business; helping participants forge a leadership agenda and strategy of HR function; and exploring the best available thinking and practices on leadership of the function, executive succession, board of directors relations, organization design, and developing/supporting an effective change strategy. The first week of the course focuses on how HR professionals can contribute as members of senior management and how general managers can approach these topics from the HR perspective. The second week addresses the senior HR executive as a leader within the organization who can implement practices that add value to business decisions.
  • Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Length of training: 2 weeks (Nov 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: IMA & Regional Directors

University of Michigan, Business School, Basic Management: The Newly Appointed Manager - This course is designed for new managers (ESO/ESS) or managers who feel the need to reinforce their understanding of fundamental management principles. The program focuses on the changes involved when the managee becomes a manager, by emphasizing a broad understanding of current managerial techniques with special emphasis on working with people as the key to success. Tools and exercises focus on refining leadership skills; managing time, stress, delegation, authority, responsibility, accountability, and productivity; creative decision making and problem solving; effective communications; and team building.
  • Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Length of training: 3 days (dates monthly)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 5-6
  • Audience: GS-11/NSPS Equivalent and above

University of Michigan, Business School, Leading Change: Creating Transformational Competencies - Strictly limited to CP-31 senior leadership, this course is designed for individuals who are responsible for large-scale change in their organization. The course objective is to provide participants with the perspective and skill base necessary to lead change and conduct successful interventions. Participants will assess and develop the competency, culture, and leadership skills necessary to plan, implement, and manage a change initiative; establish a change leadership mindset that aligns all levels of the organization; and develop an action plan for their own specific change initiative. Taught by experienced change agents, who have executed numerous large-scale change projects, the course focuses on valuable interaction with these individuals.
  • Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Length of training: 5 days (Mar 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: IMA & Regional Directors

University of Michigan, Business School, Management Development Program - This course is designed for functional area managers who are moving into positions where multi-functional perspectives are required, i.e. program managers into ESO positions, or ESOs into Installation Management Agency EPA or DoE positions. This course is also valuable as a refresher course for experienced managers. Participants will be assisted in developing a general manager perspective to become a strategic planner and thinker. Course activities will enable participants to: develop a customer orientation to generate new marketing ideas; learn to measure and manage customer satisfaction successfully; increase ability to lead and manage organizational change effectively; enhance ability to become a transformational leader; and develop a greater understanding of the linkages among strategy, markets, and customers.
  • Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Length of training: 2 weeks (Jun 08)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1 - 2
  • Audience: IMA & Regional Directors and ESO/ESSs

University of Michigan, Business School, Management II: Developing Leadership Competencies - This seminar is designed for mid-level managers with three to eight years of management experience where skills in working with people are critical. CP-31 managers must continuously monitor and improve their managerial development in order to stay abreast of technological advances and accelerating business trends. This seminar will assist managers to develop skills in self-assessment, employee empowerment, and team building. By using creative thinking, communication, and motivation, managers learn to manage themselves effectively and develop employees. Participants begin by examining their own individual style and then participate in active exchanges of ideas, focusing on the role interpersonal dynamics play in shaping the manager's ability to lead a productive organization.
  • Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Length of training: 5 days (dates monthly)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: IMA & Regional Directors and ESO/ESSs

University of Michigan, Business School, Measurement & Control of Organizational Performance - This course is designed for managers who evaluate the business performance of products, services, and individuals or business units. Participants will update their knowledge of current performance measurement, evaluation methods, and control theories in order to better develop and implement performance evaluation systems. The aim of this course is to develop a comprehensive, cross-functional understanding of how the measurement and control systems in your organization operate, the potential they have for distorting managerial decisions, and ways to reduce this potential. Participants will leave with the ability to evaluate the "fit" of any measurement and control system to the business environment strategy of their organization.
  • Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Length of Training: 5 days (Nov 08/Apr 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: IMA & Regional Directors and ESOs

University of Michigan, Business School, Strategic Human Resource Planning - This program is designed for professionals who are responsible for the design and implementation of human resources (HR) strategies that are linked to business strategies for their organization. Designed as a hands-on workshop, participants are encouraged to attend in teams of two or more participants. Experience has shown that teams who concentrate on real-time organization issues benefit more from the training. Course objectives are aimed at: providing participants with a logic and process for integrating their organizations' strategic challenges with HR strategies and practices; enabling participants to assess their organizations' strategic HR capability; providing real-time practice in developing a HR strategy; and assisting participants in developing action plans for managing strategic change through the HR function. The seminar provides a comprehensive, pragmatic framework for effective human resource planning.
  • Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Length of training: 5 days (Apr 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: IMA & Regional Directors and ESO/ESSs

Yale University,
School of Management

Yale University, School of Management, Leadership and Team Effectiveness Workshop - This executive workshop is designed to help senior managers increase their leadership potential. The program features a personalized computer analysis of leadership style, active participation and feedback in small group exercises, lecture, and open discussion. CP-31 managers and executives are given the opportunity to build upon their experience in leadership, decision-making, working effectively with teams, conflict resolution, and interpersonal communication. Workshop participants will address the following issues: teams, process consultation, dysfunctions of teams, leadership skills, leadership and decision-making, and leadership and management.
  • Location: New Haven, CT
  • Length of training: 5 days (May 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: IMA & Regional Directors and ESO/ESSs
Short Term Training
Current Army Education Issues Workshop

Current Army Education Issues Workshop

This training workshop provides a very cost effective method of keeping CP-31 careerists abreast of current ACES initiatives, policies and future direction by allowing the best and brightest the opportunity to be trained and then conduct training at the local level, developing additional leadership skills. Presentations are given by subject matter experts and workshops are presented on various topics such as technology initiatives, distance learning, and other non-traditional educational formats; career development; current education issues pertaining to the soldier; education incentives; Army Learning Centers; and the Distributed Learning System (DLS). In addition, premier leadership, strategic planning, and customer service training can be offered very economically by contracting with organizations such as Disney Institute. This customized training has the added benefit of developing a common bond amongst disparate careerists. It is critical Army professionals explore new concepts and ways of doing business. The workshop agenda will focus on developing skills to facilitate change.

  • Location: TBD
  • Length of training: 5 days (dates TBD)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 100
  • Audience: GS-9/NSPS Equivalent and above
Department of Defense Worldwide Education Symposium Department of Defense Worldwide Education Symposium
The symposium theme for 2009 is "Educating America's Patriots". Scheduled every three years, this event provides a rare opportunity to bring together key individuals from military, government, civilian and academia to examine critical education issues facing the Department of Defense, plus explore the future educational needs of our service members and the process by which voluntary education programs are delivered. Speakers/ presenters will provide attendees with the latest information on educational technologies, programs and resources inherent to voluntary education. Concurrent Session topics will include: distance learning, technology, testing, certification & licensure, educational resources, Troops To Teachers, and Veterans Affairs.
  • Location: Atlanta, GA
  • Length of training: 5 days (27-31 Jul 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 150
  • Audience: GS-9/NSPS Equivalent and above
Leadership Experience at Gettysburg

The Gettysburg Leadership Experience offers on-the-ground study and reflection on the leadership challenges and lessons from this pivotal historical event, including team and coalition building, morale and courage, dealing with ambiguity, effective communication, and the execution of policy and plans.
  • Location: Gettysburg, PA
  • Length of training: 46 days (May/June/July/Aug 09)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: GS-9/NSPS Equivalent and above
Commission on Military Educators and Trainers (CMET)/American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) Conference

Commission of Military Educators and Trainers (CMET)/American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) Conference
This year's conference theme, "Weaving Tradition and Innovation," provides a forum for current issues facing the lifelong learning field and develop future action strategies. National experts will address the following critical adult education issues: educational technology, legislative action, distance learning initiatives, literacy, ABE, ESL, welfare-to-work, skills training, continuing professional education, corporate training, job training, military education, economic development, and community college and university programs. Discussions will focus on collaboration; strengthening of the public policy debate on critical issues in the field; promotion of effective leadership and management practices in adult education; and benchmarking effective approaches to problem solving and funding.
  • Location of training: Denver, CO
  • Length of training: 46 days (8-15 May 08 11-14 Nov 08)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 400
  • Audience: GS-09/NSPS Equivalent and above
Council of College and Military Educators (CCME)

Council of College and Military Educators (CCME) Annual Symposium
This symposium focuses on how to best serve the needs of military personnel who desire a college education. Workshops provide a forum for discussions concerning the rising cost of education within constrained military budgets, the increasing reliance on outsourcing and contracting in the education services community, and the resulting serious implications on the services and institutions, and, ultimately, on the military student.
  • Location of training: Honolulu, HISan Francisco, CA
  • Length of training: 54 days (26-30 Jan 0918-22 Feb 08)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 40
  • Audience: GS-09/NSPS Equivalent and above
University of Continuing Education Association (UCEA) Conference

University Continuing Education Association (UCEA) Conference - Specifically aimed at professionals in the field of adult continuing higher education, this conference offers an excellent forum for addressing current issues, solutions, and new directions. Internationally recognized experts in higher education address critical lifelong learning issues. Annual conference topics vary but in the recent past have focused on the following: digital era educational technologies; emerging roles for continuing higher education; integrating education and work; defining professional standards and credentials; business/industry partnerships; marketing strategies; ethics and leadership; and effective legislative. Intensive pre- and post-conference professional development workshops in telecommunications, budgeting, leadership, program development, and marketing are also offered to participants.
  • Location of training: New Orleans, LA Boston, MA
  • " Length of training: 4 days (1-4 Apr 0926-29 Mar 08 )
  • Number of careerists to be trained: TBD 20
  • Audience: GS-09/NSPS Equivalent and above
The Brookings Institute

The Brookings Institution
Courses at The Brookings Institution offer a comprehensive understanding of the government/Congressional process, organization, and practices; critical policy issues and their implications; and the latest techniques and strategies in management practices. Brookings offers more than 25 executive education programs with topics ranging from an intensive public policy focus to high-impact leadership and management. The following management workshops are offered: Technology Workforce Planning; Executive Leadership in a Changing Environment; Policy for a Digital World; Dilemmas and Opportunities for Outsourcing; Preparing to Lead; Leading at a Distance; and Managing the Federal Employee Discipline and Performance Process.
Brookings offers dynamic, integrated training to give government executives the tools required to solve the complex problems encountered in the current federal environment. Strictly limited to program managers and senior leadership, this training addresses the issues of accountability and effectiveness as organizational change management initiatives are mandated to streamline organizations and enhance performance.
  • Location: Washington, DC.
  • Length of training: 2-5 days (dates monthly)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1
  • Audience: GS-12/NSPS Equivalent and above
Franklin Covey

Franklin Covey
Recognized for their highly effective leadership training, Franklin Covey™ provides executives and other leaders with an effective framework of principles, models, tools, and processes to lead and adjust to organizational change more effectively; to improve results; and to increase and sustain the performance capability of the organization. Covey leadership courses, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and Four Roles of Leadership, also address managerial and organizational challenges/opportunities, define major roles of leadership (path-finding, aligning, empowering, and modeling), and teach how to achieve sustainable results at both personal and interpersonal levels. Covey training will assist CP-31 leadership in developing skills to achieve more effective team building, empowerment, and accountability.
  • Location of training: Various US cities
  • Length of training: 3 days (dates monthly)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 8
  • Audience: GS-09/NSPS Equivalent and above
Disney Institute

Disney Institute
Recognized as a premier source for visionary leadership and outstanding customer service training, Disney Institute offers excellent business professional development programs for teams in the areas of: leadership excellence, quality service, people management, and organizational creativity. Using the Disney organization as a model, students learn how team members become accountable for their performance and contributions to the overall objectives of the organization. The programs also broaden professional understanding and expertise in the field of service and customer satisfaction by studying the "how-to-do-it" strategies practiced at the Walt Disney World resorts. This competitive functional training will help prepare CP-31 key employees to meet current leadership challenges by turning visions into actions, encouraging creativity, and empowering employees to exceed customer expectations.
  • Location of training: Orlando, FL
  • Length of training: 3 days (dates monthly)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: teams of 20 or more
  • Audience: GS-11/NSPS Equivalent and abovee
American Society for Quality (ASQ)

American Society for Quality (ASQ)
A leading source for quality training and education, ASQ offers excellent courses in a variety of topics related to quality management. To effectively implement the mandated Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) requirement and build an effective organization, CP-31 leadership must acquire skills in visionary strategic planning, metric development, benchmarking, and customer satisfaction. In order to undergo effective change, every ACES organization must have a strategic plan that supports HQDA Education Division's vision, mission, critical success factors, goals, and objectives.
  • Location of training: Various US cities
  • Length of training: 3 days (dates monthly)
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 3
  • Audience: GS-11/NSPS Equivalent and above
Developmental Assignments
  Interested individuals should specify their assignment preference as well as an appropriate developmental project having direct relevance to both the organization providing training and to the participant's career goals. Assignments are available with the following organizations
Army Continuing Education System (ACES) Army Continuing Education System (ACES)
Participants will receive leader development training by the HQ ACES staff. Trainees will work on the ACES staff in Alexandria, VA, and other training sites specially assigned. Training will involve working/staffing/coordinating actions with the Pentagon, Installation Management Agency, other Defense activities, and civilian agencies. Specific areas for development include: leader development, career program issues, automation, technology, distance learning, budgeting, contracting, marketing, and current education issues.
  • Location: Alexandria, VA
  • Program length: 3-6 months
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 3 - 5
  • Audience: GS-11/NSPS Equivalent and above and above
Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES).
Participants receive developmental training in testing programs to include professional certification examinations and licensure. Training will include working/ staffing/coordinating within DoD, DA, and other Defense activities and civilian agencies.
  • Location: Pensacola, FL
  • Program length: 3-4 months
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1
  • Audience: GS-11/NSPS Equivalent and above and above
American Council on Education (ACE) American Council on Education (ACE) An independent, nonprofit organization, ACE is the umbrella organization for the nation's colleges and universities. ACE provides a forum for discussion and decision-making on higher education issues of national importance and seeks to coordinate the interests of all segments of the higher education community into a single voice. The Center for Adult Learning and Educational Credentials is ACE's adult learning arm. It serves as a leader and catalyst in adult education by developing opportunities for adult learners in the following areas: access to lifelong learning, quality assurance in learning, assessment of learning, credentialing of learning acquired outside of educational institutions, and recognition by educational institutions and other organizations of such extra-institutional learning. Participants will receive training on Military Installation Voluntary Education Review (MIVER), accreditation, and credentialing.
  • Location: 1 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC
  • Program length: 3-4 months
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: GS-11/NSPS Equivalent and above and above
Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASA M&RA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASA (M&RA): Education Program Manager
ASA (M&RA) provides the overall oversight of manpower and reserve component affairs of the Department of the Army. The ASA (M&RA) is the Army's chief Human Resource Management official, responsible for setting long-range, strategic direction and policy governing the management, utilization and potential for all civilian employees and active duty military and reserves. As such, the ASA (M&RA) has policy approval and oversight responsibility for all manpower, force structure, and personnel activities conducted throughout the Army. The ASA (M&RA) is responsible for training, education, and simulation policy for all Active Army, ARNG, and USAR components (G-1 sets policy for AR 621-5), including, but not limited to:
1) Training, training readiness, and training budget issues;
2) Training aids, devices, simulators and simulations;
3) Leader development/military education, DA civilian and dependent education;
4) Army language program; and
5) Army Continuing Education System.
This developmental assignment will be under the direct supervision of the Assistant Deputy for Education and Transition Policy, located in the Pentagon. Assignment may be extended for additional time by mutual agreement of the parent organization, Education Services Proponency Office, and the Office of the ASA (M&RA). This position will greatly enhance the participant's knowledge of the policy development and oversight at the Secretariat and Army Staff levels.

Assignment Duties: Duties may include, but are not limited to, policy issues dealing with ACES; Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA); Exceptional Family Member Program; U.S. Department of Education (DOE) initiatives, such as No Child Left Behind Act; Community & Family Support Center - School Liaison Services; Federal Impact Aid Program; Army's Residential Communities Initiative and Schools; Army Libraries; and Transition Assistance/ Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP). Additional duties may include interpreting congressional guidance, intent and regulations pertaining to ACES, ACAP, and dependent's education; preparing legislative input to modify existing policy and procedures; participation in DOD, DOL and DEd committee meetings on education and transition issues; formulating Presidential budget input; contracting of education, library transition services and overseas schools issues such as outsourcing, funding, home schooling, and student eligibility issues. Incumbent will be exposed to total operation of the Secretariat and Army Staff.

Conditions of Employment: Candidate must currently possess or be able to obtain and maintain a SECRET security clearance. Unfavorable, adjudicated clearance investigation may be grounds for removal from the position and/or the Federal Service.

Special Selection Procedures: Selections made within Career Program will be referred to ASA (M&RA) to interview with selected management official (by telephone or in person). Career Program does not cover travel for interview purposes. POC is the Assistant Deputy for Education and Transition Policy, COM (703) 695-6906 or DSN 225-6906.
  • Location: Pentagon, Washington, DC
  • Program length: 3-4 months
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: GS-14/NSPS Equivalent and above and above
American Counseling Association (ACA) American Counseling Association (ACA): Counseling Specialist.
ACA is the world's largest private, non-profit organization devoted entirely to the advancement and growth of professional counselors and the counseling profession. Representing nearly 60,000 members, ACA provides benefits, products and services to expand professional knowledge and expertise, promote recognition of counselors to the public and media, and represent members' interests before federal, state and local government. Its mission is to promote public trust and confidence in the counseling profession. ACA is comprised of a network of 15 divisions and two organizational affiliates with 56 branches organized into four regions.

This assignment with ACA involves working with the Director for the Center for Professional Affairs, located in Alexandria, VA. Mutual agreement of the parent organization, Education Services Proponency Office, and the office of the ACA may extend assignment for additional time. The Center for Professional Affairs provides information to the membership about the counseling profession and about promoting advocacy of the profession. The assignment is designed to broaden the individual's experience and knowledge of the counseling profession and to provide experience in a professional national association dedicated to counseling.

The duties will include the following:
  1. Serve as a resource person in responding to ACA members and the public seeking information on general counseling related issues,
  2. Develop and conduct surveys, coordinate responses and develop materials on survey findings,
  3. Conduct research on counseling related issues and develop resource materials suitable for dissemination,
  4. Establish a reference library in the Center for Professional Affairs on counseling topics,
  5. Work on special projects and issues related to counseling by gathering and compiling information from various references, individuals, and organization,
  6. Develop presentations and handouts on counseling issues.
Special Selection Procedures: Selections made within Career Program will be referred to ACA for interview with Director, Center for Professional Affairs (by telephone or in person). Career Program does not cover travel for interview purposes. POC is the Director, Center for Professional Affairs, COM (703) 823-9800, ext 397.
  • Location: ACA, Alexandria, VA
  • Program length: 3-4 months
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1-2
  • Audience: GS-9 or GS-11/NSPS Equivalent and above
Training-With-Industry (TWI)
  TWI is designed to strengthen the leadership, visionary planning, customer service, and technology skills of employees within the Education Services' organizations. TWI provides participants a better understanding of leading the workforce and operating effective programs and services in the 21st century. Additionally, TWI assignments will provide insight into providing optimum customer service and the application of cutting edge technology in powerful learning opportunities with training and education. Training is conducted at various locations and includes the following corporations:
  • Motorola University for customer service and exemplary in-house training programs which serve as a major catalyst for change and continuous improvement in support of the corporation's business objectives;
  • Franklin Covey for effective leadership and visionary planning skills;
  • Disney for world renown customer service and technology training; and
  • Microsoft Corporation for visionary, creative skill enhancement and technology training.
World renown for customer service, Motorola University allows the careerist the unique opportunity to develop strong customer service skills. Assignments are available in the following: Training Operations Management; Planning, Evaluation, and Quality; Learning, Development, Research Business Integration Services; and Consulting and Training Services - Custom Design. The Covey Leadership Center has earned an excellent reputation for providing results-based leadership training in both personal and organizational effectiveness. The careerist will work in either the 'Innovations' area involving curriculum review, design, studies and research or the 'Business Transformation' area. With Disney viewed as one of the world leaders in the innovative uses of cutting edge technology as well as customer service, a Disney assignment will allow the careerist to focus on innovative uses of state-of-the-art technology to enhance delivery of education programs and services. development of specialized delivery systems for training and education. Their education program is one of the largest programs of this kind in industry. An assignment with Microsoft Corporation will focus on one of the following: reviewing, refining and developing technology (hardware and software) to realize efficiencies for the delivery of basic skills training and/or education-based courses; or evaluating and developing technology-based hardware and software to standardize business process methodologies for use in Army Education Centers.

Assignments will be uniquely designed and individually tailored. The careerist works with their Activity Career Program Manager and the FCR in developing a TWI program that will enhance the careerist's development. The Career Activity Program Manager, careerist, and FCR will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Another Memorandum of Understanding will be negotiated and signed by the FCR and the corporation conducting the training. Memoranda will stipulate the objectives to be attained from the training. Start dates are negotiable, but must have three months lead time for the FCR to negotiate the MOU with industry. We anticipate TWI participants (and their organizations) will gain significant insights and skills from exposure to the learning organization culture of these companies.
  • Location: Disney (Orlando, FL); Motorola University (Schaumburg, IL, Phoenix, AZ, and Austin, TX); Franklin Covey (Provo, UT); and Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, WA)
  • Length of training: 4 months - 1 year
  • Number of careerists to be trained: 1
  • Audience: GS-11/NSPS Equivalent and above
Other Information Salary and benefits will not be reimbursed for CP-31 professional development opportunities.

Equal Employment Opportunity: All eligible candidates will receive consideration for these professional development assignments without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability condition, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor.
Competitive Selection Process Applicants for training will be rank ordered by the CP-31 Steering Committee based on the following criteria: leadership potential; meaningful utilization plan; prior contributions to organization; demonstrated initiative; and strong command endorsements. Final selections will be made by the FCR.
Application Submission Deadline Deadline for FY 09 CP-31 CPD applications will be provided under separate announcement.
Submit applications through Regional/Major Army Unit Career Program Managers preferred by email to:
Or Mail to:
Ms. Ileen F. Rogers
Functional Chief Representative, CP-31
U.S. Army Human Resources Command
ATTN: AHRC-PDE, Suite 3N07
200 Stovall Street
Alexandria, VA 22232-0472.
(For the application package, click on the application button at bottom of this page.)
Point of Contact Ms. Kelley D. Mustion, DSN 221-0416 or commercial: (703) 325-0416.
Email inquiries can be directed to
For FY09
  • Academic Degree Training (ADT) Checklist - Employees requesting DA ACTEDS funds to obtain an academic degree (training or education with the stated objective of getting an academic degree) must provide the information found in the "ADT Checklist" below.
  • Career Program ACTEDS Plans - Information about career management training, education, and development is provided in the individual ACTEDS plans. Individual plans may be found using the ACTEDS link below.
  • Course Checklist - Employees requesting ACTEDS funds for training-with-industry programs, developmental assignments, short-term training opportunities (120 days for less) and non-academic degree programs must provide the information found in the "Course Checklist" below.

Button representing a link to the ADT Application Package     Link to the ACTEDS Plan     Button representing a link to the Course Application Package