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Office of the Senior Adviser to the Secretary of State for Women's Empowerment (S/WE)
 - Women Leaders' Working Group
 - UN Security Council Resolution 1820
 - One Woman Initiative Fund for Women's Empowerment
 - Senior Roundtable for Women's Justice
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Office of the Senior Adviser to the Secretary of State for Women's Empowerment (S/WE)

Our Mission

Ambassador Tahir-KheliThe mission of the Office of the Senior Adviser to the Secretary of State for Women's Empowerment (S/WE), headed by Senior Adviser Shirin Tahir-Kheli, is to advise the Secretary of State on strategies the Department of State should implement to help empower women worldwide. S/WE also administers the Women Leaders' Working Group, a network chaired by Secretary Rice comprised of key women Ministers and Heads of State, which meets periodically to address the critical challenges to women's empowerment.

S/WE implements its mission by working closely with senior U.S. officials, foreign governments, and civil society to highlight women's empowerment as a bilateral and multilateral priority on the U.S. foreign policy agenda. S/WE also launches cost-effective and high-impact model programs that showcase the impact and importance of creating greater political, economic, education, and legal access for women wide.


Secretary Rice Remarks at The Women’s Conference 2008
Secretary Rice (Oct. 22): "... I still think that in our society we have a tendency toward role definition that sees women in particular roles. But it’s changing very, very rapidly. When you have this presidential campaign in which you’ve had Hillary Clinton, who I think was terrific, and now Sarah Palin, who is a fantastic person; and when I might say we haven’t had a white male Secretary of State in 12 years – because there was Madeleine Albright and then Colin Powell and myself -- I think the glass ceiling is being shattered." Full Text

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Host Women Leaders' Working Group
Secretary Rice hosted the Women Leaders’ Working Group for a breakfast on September 25, 2008, at 8:00 a.m. in the Empire Room of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel at 301 Park Avenue, New York, New York. Remarks | Interview With Michel Ghandour of Al-Hurra
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