FTA by Group -
                                               |                                     |                                              April 7, 2009    B4
                                               |         U.S. IMPORTS UNDER          |
                                               |        FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS        |
                                               |       By Group,  2/2009 Data        |

    Product: Fabric
    Data in Million $  
                                                                                                       Year-to-Date             Year-Ending
                                                                                    2007      2008    2/2008    2/2009       2/2009     1/2009   12/2008

  Country:  World
 Total Imports................................................................. 7184.560  6783.932  1146.541   839.329     6476.720   6641.017  6783.932
   Qualifying Industrial Zone (QIZ)............................................    4.034     2.603     0.482     0.408        2.530      2.589     2.603
   9822.05.01 Article from fabric or yarn not available in commercial qty......    0.000     0.136     0.000     0.015        0.151      0.148     0.136
   9912.62    Originating Goods, woven apparel.................................    0.008     0.000     0.000     0.000        0.000      0.000     0.000
   9914.99    TPL, Cot & MMF Apparel...........................................    2.948    14.105     1.786     1.600       13.919     13.987    14.105
   9999.00    TPL, Cot & MMF Apparel...........................................   67.109    53.953    11.391     5.299       47.861     50.024    53.953
   9999.00    TPL, Cot & MMF Apparel...........................................   17.793    10.115     2.682     1.172        8.605      9.320    10.115
   9802.00.9000 Apparel assembled from U.S. formed and cut fabric (807A).......    0.018     0.031     0.024     0.000        0.007      0.031     0.031
   9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the U.S. (807).......    0.204     0.024     0.002     0.001        0.024      0.023     0.024
     Israel Free Trade Area ...................................................   66.517   104.253    14.297    19.580      109.535    104.420   104.253
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified................................... 1143.064   909.470   153.271   119.536      875.736    895.556   909.470

  Country:  _CAFTA
 Total Imports.................................................................   17.101    15.864     2.422     1.929       15.372     15.342    15.864
  Imports under Free Trade Agreements.................(Total of items below)...   10.687     9.894     1.633     1.360        9.621      9.701     9.894
   9822.05.01 Article from fabric or yarn not available in commercial qty......    0.000     0.136     0.000     0.015        0.151      0.148     0.136
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................   10.687     9.758     1.633     1.344        9.470      9.553     9.758

  Country:  Canada
 Total Imports.................................................................  946.513   790.850   137.257    97.862      751.454    771.367   790.850
  Imports under Free Trade Agreements.................(Total of items below)...  722.562   584.697   102.223    73.477      555.951    571.188   584.697
   9999.00    TPL, Cot & MMF Apparel...........................................   67.109    53.953    11.391     5.299       47.861     50.024    53.953
   9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the U.S. (807).......    0.061     0.000     0.000     0.000        0.000      0.000     0.000
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................  655.392   530.743    90.832    68.178      508.090    521.164   530.743

  Country:  Mexico
 Total Imports.................................................................  607.868   494.285    83.339    63.994      474.940    487.255   494.285
  Imports under Free Trade Agreements.................(Total of items below)...  477.448   363.947    60.888    49.532      352.592    360.127   363.947
   9999.00    TPL, Cot & MMF Apparel...........................................   17.793    10.115     2.682     1.172        8.605      9.320    10.115
   9802.00.9000 Apparel assembled from U.S. formed and cut fabric (807A).......    0.018     0.031     0.024     0.000        0.007      0.031     0.031
   9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the U.S. (807).......    0.143     0.024     0.002     0.001        0.024      0.023     0.024
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................  459.495   353.777    58.180    48.359      343.956    350.753   353.777

  Country:  Guatemala
 Total Imports.................................................................    4.062     2.281     0.409     0.245        2.116      2.129     2.281
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    2.556     1.622     0.266     0.127        1.483      1.518     1.622

  Country:  El Salvador
 Total Imports.................................................................    4.508     5.224     0.872     0.469        4.821      4.886     5.224
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    3.296     3.749     0.757     0.392        3.384      3.448     3.749

  Country:  Honduras
 Total Imports.................................................................    2.866     2.608     0.402     0.162        2.368      2.504     2.608
  Imports under Free Trade Agreements.................(Total of items below)...    2.232     2.171     0.305     0.134        2.000      2.117     2.171
   9822.05.01 Article from fabric or yarn not available in commercial qty......    0.000     0.136     0.000     0.015        0.151      0.148     0.136
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    2.232     2.035     0.305     0.119        1.849      1.969     2.035

  Country:  Nicaragua
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.312     0.182     0.038     0.224        0.368      0.189     0.182
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    0.026     0.120     0.001     0.046        0.165      0.161     0.120

  Country:  Costa Rica
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.939     1.933     0.151     0.174        1.955      1.870     1.933
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    0.000     0.000     0.000     0.169        0.169      0.054     0.000

  Country:  Dominican Republic
 Total Imports.................................................................    4.413     3.637     0.549     0.656        3.744      3.765     3.637
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    2.577     2.231     0.305     0.492        2.418      2.402     2.231

  Country:  Chile
 Total Imports.................................................................    8.913     5.960     0.649     0.509        5.820      5.846     5.960
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    7.323     3.818     0.462     0.390        3.745      3.749     3.818

  Country:  Israel
 Total Imports.................................................................  149.844   180.364    33.469    34.279      181.175    177.047   180.364
     Israel Free Trade Area ...................................................   66.517   104.253    14.297    19.580      109.535    104.420   104.253

  Country:  Jordan
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.041     1.231     0.000     0.002        1.232      1.233     1.231
  Imports under Free Trade Agreements.................(Total of items below)...    0.000     0.057     0.000     0.000        0.056      0.057     0.057
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    0.000     0.057     0.000     0.000        0.056      0.057     0.057

  Country:  Bahrain
 Total Imports.................................................................    6.047    18.599     2.633     2.145       18.111     18.233    18.599
  Imports under Free Trade Agreements.................(Total of items below)...    5.956    18.196     2.432     2.139       17.902     18.031    18.196
   9914.99    TPL, Cot & MMF Apparel...........................................    2.948    14.105     1.786     1.600       13.919     13.987    14.105
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    3.009     4.090     0.646     0.539        3.984      4.045     4.090

  Country:  Singapore
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.722     0.732     0.327     0.061        0.466      0.584     0.732
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    0.286     0.057     0.003     0.015        0.069      0.060     0.057

  Country:  Australia
 Total Imports.................................................................   15.873    23.858     3.941     2.711       22.628     22.249    23.858
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    6.687     6.963     1.501     0.678        6.140      5.966     6.963

  Country:  Morocco
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.884     1.096     0.093     0.062        1.065      1.063     1.096
  Imports under Free Trade Agreements.................(Total of items below)...    0.194     0.207     0.014     0.033        0.226      0.209     0.207
   9912.62    Originating Goods, woven apparel.................................    0.008     0.000     0.000     0.000        0.000      0.000     0.000
     FTA Qualifying, not elsewhere specified...................................    0.185     0.207     0.014     0.033        0.226      0.209     0.207

  Country:  Egypt
 Total Imports.................................................................    7.924     3.472     0.893     0.455        3.034      3.119     3.472
     Qualifying Industrial Zone (QIZ)..........................................    4.034     2.603     0.482     0.408        2.530      2.589     2.603

 Source:  U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Textiles and Apparel.