Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
Thank you for visiting my Senate Web site. One of the most important parts of my job as Senator is to help provide services and information to my constituents in North Dakota.

I hope you find this Web site both useful and interesting.

Kent Conrad



"Our nation faces a growing energy challenge. We must chart a new course toward energy independence. North Dakota is home to vast resources of traditional energy sources, such as lignite and oil, and has great potential to increase our production of energy from renewable sources, such as wind and bio-diesel. I am committed to a national plan for greater energy independence – a plan that makes North Dakota a national energy leader."
--Senator Kent Conrad

Click here to learn about major energy bills recently passed by Congress and how they will benefit North Dakota.

Promoting North Dakota's Energy Resources
Keeping Fuel Affordable
Increasing Biofuels Production
Advancing Clean Coal Technology
Expanding Our Use of Wind Power
Conservation and Energy Efficiency
Addressing the Challenge of Global Climate Change

Promoting North Dakota's Energy Resources

North Dakota is fortunate to have a variety of resources that can help meet our energy needs. The state is unmatched in its wind energy potential, features large coal reserves, and could produce large quantities of biomass for conversion into electricity or automotive fuel. More recently, studies of the Bakken Formation estimate that western North Dakota harbors billions of barrels of recoverable oil, adding even more to the state's portfolio of energy supplies. Senator Conrad will continue to advance efforts that put North Dakota's resources at the center of our nation's energy policies.

Keeping Fuel Affordable

In the summer of 2008, gasoline prices increased dramatically, putting a dent in the budgets of nearly all North Dakotans. In response, Senator Conrad organized a bipartisan group of his senate colleagues to find a long-term solution to our nation's energy challenges. The group's proposal, the "New Era" plan, served as a catalyst for significant legislative action on energy issues. Read more about the New Era plan here.

Increasing Biofuels Production

Biofuels carry great potential to reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil and create new jobs for North Dakotans. These renewable fuels also offer tremendous potential for North Dakota, which is home to many fuel-producing crops, including canola, switchgrass, and soybeans. Our nation can power its cars with fuels from the Midwest rather than the Middle East.

Senator Conrad has supported legislation to advance the production and use of biofuels, such as cellulosic ethanol and biodiesel. For example, he voted for the Energy Independence and Security Act, which requires the use of 36 billion gallons of renewable biofuels by 2022, 21 billion gallons of which must come from advanced biofuels such as cellulosic ethanol. Also, Senator Conrad co-authored the 2008 Farm Bill, which provides more than $1.5 billion to promote the use of cellulosic ethanol and other renewable sources of energy. Finally, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act expands tax incentives for businesses that install biofuel pumps.

Advancing Clean Coal Technology

The earth underneath North Dakota contains enough lignite coal to power the state for centuries. North Dakota's lignite coal industry has improved the quality of life in the state by creating some of its best-paying jobs and keeping utility bills in the state among the lowest in the nation.

In the long-term, it is critical that coal plants invest in carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology, which captures carbon dioxide emissions before they escape into the atmosphere and stores them deep underground.

Last year, Senator Conrad introduced a bipartisan bill to provide tax incentives for energy companies to push forward on the first generation of new coal power plants that capture and store carbon dioxide.

In addition, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides $3.4 billion for CCS technology research and development. Funding for such programs will help ensure that North Dakota's coal can continue to generate affordable electricity while lowering emissions.

Expanding Our Use of Wind Power

North Dakota is ranked first in the nation in wind-power production potential. Senator Conrad has been a leader in promoting and passing the wind energy production tax credit, and creating opportunities for farmers and ranchers to develop clean, renewable wind energy.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act helps North Dakota's wind industry in several ways. It extends the production tax credit for three years, creating more certainty for potential private investors. It expands tax credits for homeowners that invest in small wind turbines. Finally, it provides $6 billion to strengthen the federal loan guarantee program for renewable electricity transmission projects. This funding will help move wind-generated electricity from North Dakota's prairies to more urban markets like Minneapolis and Chicago.

Conservation and Energy Efficiency

Senator Conrad believes we need a national energy policy that balances domestic energy production with increased conservation and energy efficiency. Greater efficiency in our nation's power plants, automobiles, and appliances saves money for all Americans. Greater efficiency also conserves our natural resources for future generations and makes America less dependent on foreign countries to meet our energy needs.

In 2007, Senator Conrad supported the Energy Independence and Security Act to promote energy efficient automobiles, lighting, and government buildings. Building on this success, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act increases and extends tax credits for home energy efficiency improvement, worth up to $1,500. It also includes funding to modernize federal buildings to cut back on our nation's total energy demands.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act also provides funding directly to North Dakota for energy efficiency initiatives, including:

  • $24.5 million for the North Dakota State Energy Program, which promotes energy conservation and efficiency. Read more about the State Energy Program here.
  • $25 million for the Weatherization Assistance Program in North Dakota, which helps hundreds of families across the state reduce their energy bills through home improvements. Click here to apply for Weatherization Assistance.
  • $12.8 million to North Dakota through the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant Program, which provides grants to local governments, states, territories, and Indian tribes for projects that reduce energy use and fossil fuel emissions, and that improve energy efficiency. Click here to see how EECBG funds have been distributed to North Dakota.

Addressing the Challenge of Global Climate Change

The 111th Congress is expected to debate comprehensive clean energy legislation. As this debate moves forward, Senator Conrad will be working for a solution that carefully balances the need for action with the concerns about electricity rates for North Dakotans and the impact on our broader economy.

Ensuring a diverse energy supply from clean, renewable sources -- including those that are abundant in North Dakota, like wind and biomass -- is critical to addressing the challenge of global climate change. It is also very important to develop advanced technologies to capture and store carbon dioxide produced from North Dakota's abundant coal resources.


Senator Conrat at the 2005 Energy Security Summit Announcement
Senator Conrad announces plans for the 2005 Energy Security Summit


Energy Secretary Joins Senators Conrad and Dorgan to Announce Basin Electric to Receive Up to $100 million for New Project

North Dakota Allotted More than $25 Million to Make Homes Energy Efficient, Conrad says

Conrad: Energy Key to Rebuilding Economy

Conrad: Energy Policy Fueling New Administration's Agenda

Delegation Announces New Wind Energy Project in North Dakota


Senator Conrad's 2008 Energy Report (.pdf)

Conrad, 'Gang of 10' Unveil Energy Plan

Senator Conrad's BOLD Energy Bill

Conrad's BOLD Energy Act Discussed at Agriculture Hearing on Biofuels
(04-26-06) (.mp3)

Agriculture Committee Focuses on Conrad BOLD Energy Act
(04-26-06) (.mp3)


Government Agencies

Energy Information Administration

Department of Energy

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

USGS Energy Resource Program

US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources




Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Idaho National Laboratory

National Renewable Energy Laboratory