Alert: Planned Site Outage Tonight: Tue. Mar 17th, 10pm-Midnight PST
my care2
make a difference

together we make a difference

Plan B Approved

After a contentious three-year battle, the FDA voted to make Plan B available to women aged 18 and older without a prescription thanks to help from a NARAL petition signed by 19,365 Care2 members.

some of our acheivements

care2 members changing the world: last week's winners

(20,790 Challenge Signatures)
(6,148 Challenge Signatures)
(3,385 Challenge Signatures)
(1,534 Challenge Signatures)
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox and three other ex-leaders of Latin American counties are calling for the decriminalization of marijuana. Is this a good idea?
people making a difference now…
Randy Paynter - Care2 Founder & CEO

To Sell or Not to Sell? What's Best for Social Ventures?

Using the power of business for good is essential for a sustainable future.  However, it’s often tough…

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