Sunday, January 13, 2008

"Send Off Party"

Last night, I just had my "Miss America Send off Party" to show off the wardrobe that has finally come together in the last 2 days (talk about last minute). It was wonderful to see so many family and friends from across the state who have influenced my life, helping to shape me into the woman I am today. I am forever grateful for their support, and their patience, for me. It was good to do a "run through" and see what areas need some last minute tweaking. One thing that I learned was to EAT before I do this. Modeling was fine but we had a mock interview, and well, the brain wasn't functioning. It was humbling and good to learn this now instead of at Miss America.

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"Trip Down Memory Lane"

Visiting my "old stomping grounds" of Louisiana was wonderful but also eye-opening as I saw the effects of Katrina. My friends that we stayed with completely rebuilt their home after 25 trees were removed from their yard and relocated into their house. We talked and drove for hours, visiting different sites. I met with a few different families to hear their story and learn what could have been done differently because this has so much to do with my platform: Emergency Preparedness. I did a few presentations to the community and it was wonderful to see a few familiar faces.

After that I flew straight to Orlando to a National Guard Recruiting and Retention Conference for Soldiers all across the nation.

signing at the convention

I spoke for a few minutes on how being a Soldier has helped me with my successes in life. There were about 1600 Soldiers there... talk about intimidating but they really seemed proud at how I was representing them. Even high-ranking Female Officers/NCO's came up to me and said, "Thank you for representing the women in the military, breaking that stereotype, and showing that we are women... women who just want to serve." I found myself at a loss of words, so appreciative for what these Soldiers do.

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Friday, January 4, 2008

"America's Choice! Battle Buddies,
I need your help!"

This year, America has the opportunity to select a surprise 16th pageant finalist with "Miss America: America's Choice", an online competition that allows viewers to vote for their favorite Miss America contestant. I could really use all the support from my battle buddies in the Army family to help me stay in the fight.

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Friday, January 4, 2008

"Pageant Bootcamp?"

I thought I would take a moment as I am stuck in the Atlanta Airport on my way to Louisiana for some appearances and speaking engagements this weekend. After that though, it's off to Orlando for a National Guard Convention to be with my "battle buddies".

As a soldier, you have to learn to prioritize, multi-task, and handle yourself in stressful situations to prepare for any situation/combat zone. I just had no idea that this would come as such a huge asset to my preparations for the upcoming competition. In Basic Training, soldiers have to adapt to any situation, especially when it comes to getting your gear together quickly. I found myself changing as quickly as possible into my many different "uniforms" yesterday so they can be fitted properly and "adapt" to any situation that I may face in the upcoming weeks of competition. My leadership skills that I have learned as a soldier have really helped multi-task, delegate, and prioritize to get the most out of time... which seems to be running out!

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

"How Did I Get Here?"

Things are really crazy these days but I am so glad I am a Soldier/nurse now. I realized this when I had a moment today, walking through the mall shopping for wardrobe, thinking about how weird my life is right now. Working out for a couple of hours in the morning, taking now 90 minutes to get ready (used to be 20), rushing to the local studio to practice walking in 4 and a 1/2 inch high heels (I call them the "little devils") as well as practicing my talent, then it's off to an evening gown fitting (which is turning out beautifully!!!), then another fitting with someone else for my interview suit. With whatever time is left of the day, I spend getting last minute accessories at the mall or reading a book to help me in the private interview. Frankly, I wonder how a nurse/Soldier/marathoner got to a point like this in her life? But I also realize that all of my training both in the Army and in college have really prepared me better than a lot of folks might be in my shoes. Not having enough time to do every task is one of the big challenges of Army training. You are taught to make do with what you have and overcome the challenges. Being a nurse is high pressure as well and you either accomplish the job or someone could possibly die. I think those two threads have really helped me manage this craziness far better than I could have four years ago. I take a step back sometimes and just have to laugh... life is fun, but I am so glad my training has helped me keep it fun!

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Saturday, December 22, 2007

"Shop With a Cop"

This morning, bright and early, I was privileged to participate in what is called, "Shop with a Cop". Selected kids from around the county have the opportunity to go Christmas shopping with a cop. Seventy kids were able to come and we gathered at 0600 for breakfast, then it was off to the local Supermarket. Employees dressed up in Christmas attire and you could see the kids were trying to soak in all of the excitement. Right before we raced into the stores, Santa flew in on a helicopter! The kids were beaming. Seeing them completed my Christmas. You can tell that they felt like royalty that day and that feeling will stay with them. I know that they will never forget this Christmas and neither will I.

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Friday, December 21, 2007

"My Talent?"

It's funny because ever since Soldiers in my unit found out that I won a pageant in 2006 they were always somewhat shocked and then congratulatory. After it sunk in though, they then would ask the question, "So... what on earth is your talent?" Yes, I have to admit, I have come a long way. It was difficult to find a talent for me to do because I didn't grow up performing and having all that much confidence in my self. Then the challenge of the Miss America Organization came along. I had to break my fear. I have grown up in a family, a musically talented family that is, where I "shied" away from ever thinking I was good enough to sing anything, let alone on my own. Now, here I am, just a few weeks away from singing on "Miss America: Live". Huh? Talk about a reality check!

I have been working hard on trying to "improve" my voice. I have come a long way and still have lots to learn. I definitely won't be the most talented up there, that's for sure, but I am excited to show what talent I do have. It seems very fitting that I am singing a song called, "Shy".

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Bringing Out the Woman in Me"

I can't believe it's less than a month before I check in! There is so much to do before then but it should all work out (crossing my fingers). I just got word that my evening gown and talent dress are just about done and should be shipped off by the end of the week. It will be great to actually start practicing in them. Right now I am staying busy with more speaking engagements at schools (I did four yesterday). On average it is about 7 a week. And on the way to these, I sing my heart out trying to strengthen my voice and practice my talent. There are still lots of meetings to bring in sponsors throughout the week as well. Then it is off to find wardrobe needs (comfortable heels to be exact... I don't think that is possible), and getting great advice from top consultants about 3 days of the week. I am learning different things with my hair and also ways to do my make-up. Goodness, it's a lot of work being a lady!

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Friday, December 14, 2007

"Citizen Soldier"

citizen soldier video capture

I checked out the "Citizen Soldier" video. As I watched it, I felt proud to be a Citizen Soldier myself. I believe it really captured what we do. It was fascinating how it showed where and how we all started, the Revolutionary War. The Citizen Soldier has been there from the beginning! This video had me enthralled and I almost wish it was longer because it was so well done.

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"Has anyone seen my VOICE?!"

I have been sufficiently humbled and have gotten the "bug". The last 5 days or so have been interesting as I have had speaking and singing engagements with a voice that is, well... not one you would want to buy a CD of. I finally decided I needed medicinal help. Yes, some of you are probably thinking, "Wait, isn't she a nurse? She should know better that medicine can be a great aid." Yes, I know. I am one that some people like to classify as stubborn in some cases. I do love a challenge and I guess I wanted to see if my body can hack it by itself. I am on an antibiotic right now and will hopefully return to full strength by the end of the week. A song comes to mind... "Ain't no one gonna break my stride. Ain't no one gonna hold me down... Oh no, I've got to keep on moving!" Sing along if you know it ;)

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Friday, November 30, 2007

"Teen CERT"

What an incredible week! The last 2 days have been wonderful. I have been in a conference since yesterday (and it ends tomorrow) dealing with my Platform, Emergency Preparedness. This conference is focusing on Teen CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) and how to get this youth program started in High Schools. This program is empowering for youth and is so needed in our education system. I am learning so much. It's great how we can help each other out, as I am now going to help "spear-head" Teen CERT nation wide! I am so excited. I truly believe in what this program can do in teaching youth life saving skills for emergency situations, that can and may very well happen in our society.

Today I had an interview with Fox News. I felt it went well... short, but well. They really just wanted me to comment on the scandal that is happening with Miss Puerto Rico USA and if I have seen anything like that while I have competed. Nothing too exciting but fun to represent none the less.

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"Jill is Back"

I traveled down to Cedar City, Utah the last 2 days to get my new head shots for Miss America and visit some old college friends (where I went to school). The reason for the new head shots... I, along with many other contestants, got a makeover on the Miss America Reality Show that we filmed. I love my new look! I went back to the "old Jill", pre-pageant look. This Reality Show is kicking off a new direction for the Miss America Organization. It's getting away from all of the big hair, lots of make-up, Barbie look and trying to portray the "real you". I like the new direction because I wasn't doing much of the big hair, lots of make-up thing anyways. The new direction is definitely my style.

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Saturday, November 24, 2007

"Tool Kit"

It's slowly coming to my realization that Miss America is in 6 weeks! I'm excited and I am tactfully planning out my training. I have already lined up someone to help me with understanding the "political world and jargon" and someone to help me with my voice on my talent. They are going to be a great asset. I am going to be meeting with them once a week. I'll let you know how it goes. I have yet to connect myself with a modeling coach to help me walk and pose in these high heels... yikes, I need to get on that. My wardrobe for competition is underway and being made. I am still on the look out for a killer interview outfit right now though. We will see what I land on. I'm getting excited and the preparation is coming together so far.

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Family Gathering"

Today most of my family is coming into town, all but two of my siblings that is. There are 7 kids in the family but my two sisters in California were unable to make it this holiday. I love this time of year. You can't help but be in a good mood as you sing a Christmas song. Yep, I must confess, I break out the holiday tunes the day after Halloween. If I start the day after Thanksgiving, by the time Christmas rolls around, I'm just not ready to part with it yet.

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Thursday, November 15, 2007

"Orders for Mobilization"

It's funny how these past few months as Miss Utah has related so much to a Military Deployment for me. I feel like on June 29 I received my "orders for mobilization" and I have entered a whole new combat zone as I prep for Miss America. The past several weeks have been busy as I have been in Washington DC to run the Marine Corps Marathon, speak, and have several appearances and interviews. Miami was after that for some production rehearsals with the Miss America Organization on a cruise. I do have to say that's not a bad way to relax after a marathon but WARNING: AVOID CRUISES DURING HURRICANE SEASON. We had to change a lot of our ports because of the weather.  For the past 2 weeks I have been in L.A. where all 52 Miss America Contestants filmed the new "Reality Show" that will air on TLC in January. 4 one hour episodes each week leading up the competition. It was a kick to meet all of the contestants and we really got along with each other, much to the surprise of the producers as they thought they were going to be filming a lot of drama. Not the case. It was a blast and a lot of girls really caught on to my Soldier life. Lets just say a lot of camouflage paint was used... tune in to find out what happened!

I guess on a more "internal" note... this really does feel like a combat zone to me. As I have gone to these Miss America events it is like walking into enemy territory as I receive so many judgments/"advice" from so many that are so willing to shoot them at me. Some bullets I dodge and some hit me hard. There are others that give off "friendly fire" (constructive criticism) and I know that they are just trying to help. My armor is my belief in myself that I can do this.

- Sgt. Jill Stevens

Jill's Biography

For the past 6 years, Jill Stevens has been serving in the US Military as a Combat Medic in the Utah National Guard, while earning her degree in Nursing at Southern Utah University. In November 2003, Jill was deployed to Afghanistan, returning home in April 2005. She has earned 5 medals for her outstanding service, and was the first female finisher of the inaugural Afghanistan Marathon, making a total of 12 marathons she has completed together with earning the highest Fitness award during Army Basic Training. In representing the Army National Guard, Sergeant Stevens recently addressed Generals from 40 different nations gathered at Hill Air Force Base.

In addition to her US Military service, Jill recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Nursing program at Southern Utah University on a four-year leadership scholarship. Last summer, she placed 3rd in the Cinco De Mayo Sailboat Regatta in Mexico, and this summer, Jill was chosen one of four women for the “Women of Strength” featured in Muscle and Fitness Hers Magazine September/October 2007 issue. Additionally, Jill has been a fitness instructor for Gold’s Gym for several years, as well as a bread baker for Great Harvest. Possibly one of the most unusual adventures for Jill though, has been her unexpected experience in becoming Miss Utah 2007, and her participation in national competition in the Miss America Pageant in January 2008.

About Jill

Photo of Sgt. Stevens

One of the Army's own took a shot at the "Miss America 2008" Title Jan. 26 in Las Vegas. A combat medic and Miss Utah 2007, Sgt. Jill Stevens is a member of the Utah National Guard's 1st Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment.

As Miss Utah, Sgt. Stevens travels the state and across America to spread the word on emergency preparedness and give motivational talks. The chance to serve and help others - much like she does in uniform - attracted Sgt. Stevens to pageantry.

Chronicle her rise through pageantry and her final days of competition on this site, and see her featured in the December issue of "Soldiers" magazine.

Jill's Bio