USGS: Science for a changing world

PhreeqcI--A Graphical User Interface for the Geochemical Computer Program PHREEQC



BulletPhreeqcI Fact Sheet FS-031-02 (HTML), (PDF)
Bullet Summary
Bullet FAQ--Frequently Asked Questions about PHREEQC and PhreeqcI
Bullet Mail Archive--Questions and answers about PHREEQC, PhreeqcI, and Netpath
Bullet Reports using PHREEQC


Bullet PhreeqcI Version 2.15.0-2697, February 5, 2008, (11M)


Bullet Status of Phreeqc Programs
Bullet Add Me to the PHREEQC Mailing List (Include the word "subscribe" in body of letter)
Bullet Your Comments/Bug Reports

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