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Strategic management of human capital requires that policies, processes, and structures are in place to ensure that critical workforce skills and capabilities are available and effectively used in the timeframe needed to enact the major activities of the Agency's mission. NASA's 2009 Workforce Plan is the management tool that guides and prioritizes the work of the Office of Human Capital Management and the human capital community, ensuring that work priorities are aligned with higher level Mission Support Plans, and other Agency-level plans such as the NASA Strategic Plan, NASA Workforce Strategy, and the Shuttle Human Capital Plan.

The Workforce Plan focuses on three workforce goals, three objectives, and numerous planned deliverables that enable NASA to achieve its overarching Strategic Workforce Goal: "Identify, acquire, and sustain the workforce needed to successfully conduct NASA’s current and future missions."

Workforce Goals:

Goal 1: Understand Mission Requirements
To understand mission requirements, both near- and long-term, to enable the identification and matching of needed skills to program tasks through a robust, comprehensive workforce planning process.

Goal 2: Align the Workforce with the Mission
To align the skills in the workforce with mission needs by strengthening technical and leadership excellence and by reshaping the existing workforce.

Goal 3: Enable Effective and Efficient HR Operations
To enable more effective and efficient human resources operations through the delivery of comprehensive and authoritative workforce information for decision-making through integrated human resources, financial and other business support systems.

The Workforce Plan is not static. To continually ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and alignment with NASA's vision and goals, the Workforce Plan will be reviewed and updated regularly, evolving in step with changes to NASA's priorities and plans. It will position NASA's HC programs and policies to support the Vision for Space Exploration and NASA's aeronautics and science missions.

Continuous improvement will be accomplished by:

  Evolving the Workforce Plan – assessing and adjusting focus on the right objectives and associated tasks.
  Identifying and managing robust metrics – measuring program success against Agency priorities.
  Assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of human resources programs through the continued implementation of the Human Capital Accountability System.

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NASA Official: Mike McCann
Last Updated: July 30, 2009
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+ Contact Phone: 1-877-677-2123

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