»  Purpose of this site
»  Intended Audience
»  What Information Should I Provide?
»  What Happens After I Submit the Form?

»» Purpose of this Site
This website is a vehicle for complaints of radio interference in the 800 MHz spectrum band. Public safety, critical infrastructure industries, and B/ILT 800 MHz licensees can use this site to submit a report to local wireless carriers about a particular interference incident. Carriers operating within 5000 feet of the reported interference will investigate, and those responsible for any harmful interference will take action to resolve it.

»» Intended Audience
This site was created to facilitate mitigation of interference complaints, pursuant to the FCC 800 MHz Rebanding Report and Order. Only authorized licensees operating in the 800 MHz band should use this form. In line with the Report and Order, carriers will respond to complaints from public safety organizations and critical infrastructure industries (CII) within 24 hours, and from other organizations within 48 hours.

»» What Information Should I Provide?
The more information provided, the more swiftly carriers can resolve interference. At the very least, your complaint must include:
  • The name, type, mailing address, and FCC licensing information of your organization;
  • Your name, email address, and phone number(s);
  • The location where you experienced interference, including state, county, ZIP Code, and street address or intersection
  • The time or times during which interference was noticed;
  • A proposed time for a site meeting between you and the local carriers' technicians.

  • »» What Happens After I Submit the Form?
    All carriers operating in the general area of interference will be notified and will contact you to acknowledge receipt of the complaint. Per the FCC’s rules, those carriers will then determine whether they transmit within 5000 feet of the interference. If so, they will send engineers to measure their sites for interference. If it is determined that their site is causing or contributing to interference, they will take steps to eliminate that interference.