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Our Food Safety Videos also provide consumers with a wide selection of safe food handling public service announcements and video-casts in American Sign Language.
sandwich Back to School Food Safety Update
A mother teaches her young daughter and her daughter's friend about food safety by preparing a safe school lunch.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:20
boating Food Safety While Boating and Fishing
Two friends plan a boating/fishing trip and talk about food safety.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 7:37
removing odors from refrigerators and freezers Removing Odors from Refrigerators and Freezers
Learn what you can do to remove odors from refrigerators and freezers if you experience a power outage or unit failure.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 4:45
foodborne illness rises in warm weather Foodborne Illness Rises in Warmer Months
FSIS food safety specialists discuss the increase in foodborne illnesses in warmer weather and how to prevent becoming ill.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:40
canned goods Food Safety When Cooking Out
FSIS Food Safety Specialists provide tips for safe food handling at cookouts in warm weather.
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canned goods Canned Food Safety
FSIS Food Safety Specialists discuss the safety and storage of canned foods.
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Cooking chicken & using food thermometer Let's Talk Chicken
Food safety experts discuss the safe handling and cooking of chicken.
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cart full of groceries Shopping for Food
Food safety experts share useful information about shopping for food and provide helpful tips on how to safely handle food at home.
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hamburgers Focus on Ground Beef
Food Safety specialists discuss the safe handling, storage and preparation of ground beef.
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Sheep Lamb and Lamb Food Safety
FSIS Food safety specialists discuss the safe handling and preparation of lamb, a popular springtime meat.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 7:15
cut ham Ham
Food safety specialists from the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline discuss safe preparation and serving of hams, a popular springtime meat.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 9:43
hotline phone Meet the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline
Listen in and learn how the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline operates.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:41
senior Food Safety for Transplant Recipients
Transplant recipients are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses. Learn the precautions this group can take to lower the risk of contracting a foodborne illness.
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older adults Food Safety for Older Adults
Learn the food safety precautions that older adults should take to lower their risk of contracting foodborne illness.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:28
meat case Food Safety for People with Cancer
Learn the food safety precautions that people with cancer should take to lower their risk of contracting foodborne illness.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:31
separate food Food Safety for People with Diabetes
Learn the food safety precautions that people with diabetes should take to lower their risk of contracting foodborne illness.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:37
inside a refrigerator Power Outage in the Freezer
Here's what you need to know when your freezer has a power outage.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 5:58
woman eating a burger Food Safety at the Super Bowl
Avoid food safety penalties at your Super Bowl gathering. The USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline lays out the game plan to lower the risk you or your guests get sidelined by a foodborne illness.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 7:08
mail order package Mail Order Food Safety
These handy tips will help you make sure that the foods you send or receive through the mail are safe to eat.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 8:20
slow cooker Safe Use of Slow Cookers
Planning ahead and using a slow cooker not only saves you time in the long run, it also saves you money since it takes less electricity to use a slow cooker rather than an oven.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:45
Writing down New Year's Resolutions New Year's Be Food Safe Resolutions
Making out your list of New Year's resolutions? Protect yourself and your loved ones in 2009 with these 12 Be Food Safe resolutions.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 7:28
Checking internal temperature of roast Other Holiday Meats
Turkey isn't the only meat served during the holidays. The USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline gives tips on how to cook other meats that may be part of your holiday meal.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:13
Foods kept hot in a chafing dish Keeping Food Safe on the Buffet Table
The USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline offers guidance on keeping food for your holiday or party buffet safe to eat.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 7:16
Egg Nog Holiday Eggnog
Eggnog is a delicious part of the holidays. These tips from the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline will keep you food safe when buying and preparing this traditional beverage.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 5:13
woman cooking a meal Holiday Cooking
The USDA Meat & Poultry Hotline reminds us about the safe way to prepare holiday feasts.
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cooked turkey on a plate Turkey Basics
This episode provides expert guidelines for safely storing, handling, and preparing your holiday turkey.
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cooked turkey on a plate Let's Talk Turkey
This episode provides answers to questions on how to safely plan, select, thaw, and prepare a turkey.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 11:29
food thermometer Using Food Thermometers
Learn more about the different types of food thermometers and how to use them to make sure your food is cooked to a safe minimum internal temperature.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 8:03
cutting board The Safe Use of Cutting Boards
Diane Van, manager of the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline, provides tips on the safe use of cutting boards.
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halloween food safety Halloween Food Safety
Diane Van, manager of the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline, gives helpful pointers on having a food safe Halloween.
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two people checking a meat label Taking the Mystery Out of Food Labels
This episode provides information on food labels and explains what they mean for food safety in the home.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:58
teenagers talking Teens Talk About Food Safety: School Lunches and After School Snacks
Two high school teenagers participate in a lively dialog with the host on how to Be Food Safe when preparing lunches for school and after school snacks.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 8:53
tailgating Tailgating
In this episode, Robert Tuverson, Director of the Food Safety Education Staff at FSIS, tells you everything you need to know to be food safe and avoid foodborne illness when having a tailgating event.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 4:15
food recall Food Recalls
This episode provides valuable information about recalls of meat, poultry or processed egg products.
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food safety for at risk populations Food Safety for the At Risk Population
This episode presents practical information to help reduce the risk of foodborne illness for those who are at risk.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:56
food safety for college students Questions from the Hotline: Food Safety for College Students
In this episode, a specialist from the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline answers an assortment of food safety questions called in by college students and their parents.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 8:49
Partnership for Food Safety Education Back to School Food Safety
In this episode, listen to a discussion about the Partnership for Food Safety's Back to School Food Safety Program.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 6:18
consumer complaint part 1 Filing a Consumer Complaint Part 2
In this episode learn about how a consumer complaint is processed and what outcome can be expected.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 5:05
consumer complaint part 1 Filing a Consumer Complaint Part 1
Learn what to do if you have a consumer complaint about meat, poultry, or processed egg products.
  earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 7:14
food safety during floods Food Safety During Floods
In this episode learn what you need to do to keep your food safe during and after a flood.
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microwave cooking Microwave Cooking
In this episode learn how to cook and reheat food safely in a microwave oven.
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leftovers Safe Handling of Leftovers
This episode features a discussion on the safe handling, storage, and reheating of leftover food.

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family gathered around the table Cooking for Family Gatherings
This episode presents helpful information on the selection, handling, and preparation of meat and poultry products to reduce the risk of foodborne illness at family gatherings.

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barbeque Barbecue and Grilling
This episode provides helpful guidelines for the safe handling, preparation, and cooking of meat and poultry when barbecuing and grilling.

earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 4:45
refrigerator Be Food Safe: Chill - Part 4
Part 4 in our series of be food safe handling messages, discusses the importance of chilling and thawing food properly and checking that your refrigerator and freezer are at recommended temperature settings to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 3:30
cooking steak Be Food Safe: Cook - Part 3
Part 3 in our series of be food safe handling messages, discusses using a food thermometer to safely prepare meat, poultry, and egg products to ensure that the food has reached a safe minimum internal temperature.

earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 4:19
separate foods Be Food Safe: Separate - Part 2
Part 2 in our series of be food safe handling messages, discusses the importance of keeping raw foods separate from cooked food to prevent cross-contamination and help to eliminate foodborne illness.

earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 4:07
image of hands being cleaned Be Food Safe: Clean - Part 1
In part 1 of our series of be food safe handling messages, learn the importance of keeping everything that comes in contact with food clean.

earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 3:47
image of refrigerator shelf Safe Storage of Food
This episode features a discussion on the safe storage of food which is essential in the prevention of foodborne illness.

earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 5:18
palm trees blowing in the wind Food Safety During a Power Outage
Learn helpful tips on what you can do to keep your food safe during a power outage.
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Hotline Lady Questions from the Hotline: Spoilage Bacteria
This episode provides information on different types of spoilage bacteria that affect food.

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mother and son in kitchen Is It Done Yet?
Learn about the Is It Done Yet? food safety education campaign to promote the use of food thermometers when cooking meat and poultry.

earphone icon Listen to this Broadcast Script Running Time: 5:26

Last Modified:  August 20, 2009



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