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Neighborhood Stabilization Program Grants


The Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) provides grants to address the problems associated with homes that have been foreclosed upon and are creating economic problems for their communities. The first round of funds (NSP1) was allocated under a formula to 309 governmental grantees that spread NSP1 funds all over the country. The competition for the second round of funds (NSP2) is underway from May 4-July 17, 2009. For more details on NSP see

This NSP Mapping tool can be used to support either NSP funding round. For NSP1, this tool can help grantees get additional information on their areas of greatest need. For NSP2, this tool will help applicants determine geographic areas that are eligible to include as NSP2 target geography.

The $1.93 billion NSP2 program is intended to fund state, local, or non-profit grantees in the implementation of neighborhood stabilization programs to address the problems associated with homes that have been foreclosed. The threshold requirement for the NSP2 competition will help HUD determine whether applications are targeting neighborhoods with a need for the funds. The qualifying threshold for the competition is an average index score of 18 for the total proposed target geography. This will result in approximately 30 percent of all Census Tracts potentially eligible to be NSP2 target geography.

To support NSP, Office of Policy Development and Research has set up mapping capabilities on the HUD USER website so that potential applicants can see a map with Census Tracts and the foreclosure related risk scores and other relevant data. The applicant may select Census Tracts they currently are targeting for NSP1 or propose to target for NSP2, then view the average scores for the selected area. The HUD USER site will indicate if the selected Census Tracts meet the minimum threshold for NSP2 program funding.

Click here for the NSP Mapping Tool

Click here for a more detailed description of the underlying data.

Watch this space for further developments! This NSP Mapping tool currently only allows users to explore the information. Enhanced capacity will include:

  • Data download capacity
  • Ability to create user accounts and save geographic configurations
  • Ability to submit threshold information to HUD and receive an application number



Content updated on 05/08/09   Back to Top Back to Top
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