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NEI Support for New Investigators

The NEI strongly encourages traditional research project grant (R01) applications from new investigators. Our capacity to advance vision research and to improve the vision health of the American people requires the nurturing, education, training, recruitment, and employment of cadres of new investigators. Therefore, NEI staff is encouraged to identify and give special consideration to new investigators in making funding recommendations.

The NIH considers you a new investigator if you have never been a Principal Investigator on a Public Health Service-supported research project other than the following:

R03 Small Grant
R15 Academic Research Enhancement Awards
R21 Exploratory/Developmental Grant
K01, K08, K22, K23, K25.mentored career development awards for persons at the beginning of their research career

NIH policy requires that applicants be evaluated in a manner appropriate for the stage of their careers. Applications from New Investigators will be clustered during initial peer review to the extent possible. Review guidelines indicate that reviewers should keep in mind the experience of and the resources available to the new investigator. Specifically, when considering:

Approach: more emphasis should be placed on feasibility than on preliminary results

Investigator: more emphasis should be placed on training and research potential than on track record and number of applications

Environment: more emphasis should be placed on evidence of institutional commitment in terms of space and time to perform the research.

The NIH intends to support New Investigators at success rates comparable to those for established investigators submitting new applications.

The NIH Office of Extramural Research maintains a website which provides updated information regarding policies, resources, and data related to new investigators, and which offers advice in preparing a first application for NIH support. This is available at

Special Initiatives for New Investigators

The NIH Center for Scientific Review has announced a new policy to shorten the review cycle for new investigators who have submitted R01 grant applications. Details regarding this initiative are available at You may contact any member of the NEI Division of Extramural Research staff at 301-451-2020 with questions.

The NIH has recently announced the NIH Director's New Innovator Award Program. This initiative provides DP2 grant support up to $1.5M direct costs for a five-year period to new investigators of exceptional creativity who propose highly innovative, high impact research. Additional information is available at

NEI supports two programs designed to facilitate a timely transition from a mentored postdoctoral research position to a stable, independent research position. The NEI Career Transition Award (K22) provides three years of mentored career development training in the NEI Intramural Research Program, followed by two years of research support at an extramural institution. See The NIH Pathway to Independence (PI) Award (K99/R00) provides one to two years of mentored postdoctoral research at an extramural institution, followed by up to three years of independent support. See

Special Initiatives for Early Stage Investigators (ESI)

The NIH has recently adopted new policies to further encourage the early transition to research independence, see;; and

These initiatives define a sub-category of New Investigator, the Early Stage Investigator or ESI. An ESI is a New PI within ten years of completing their terminal research degree or within ten years of completing their medical residency. Major aspects of the new policies include:
R01 applications from ESI’s will be identified and their career stage will be considered at the time of review and award. The majority of New Investigators supported by the NIH are expected to be ESIs.


This page was last modified in January 2009

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National Institutes of Health