Trademark Electronic Application System


Please click on the following to access a form for:

Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register
Use this form to file an initial application for either a TRADEMARK for "goods" AND/OR a SERVICEMARK for "providing services" -- this form is appropriate for both, and you will not actually specify the "type" of mark when filing. However, wording used only in the manner of a "trade name" is not registrable, unless it also functions as a trademark or servicemark. NOTE: If you file this application based only on an intent to use the mark in commerce in the future, rather than actual use in commerce now, you must later file a second form (and additional fee) to establish use before we can register the mark, even if the mark has otherwise been approved based on the information in the original Trademark/Servicemark application. See listings under "File a PRE-registration Form" category on the TEAS front page.

Only one mark is permissible per application, although a mark may consist of several elements that are joined to form a composite whole (e.g., words plus a design). The filing fee for the application is based on the

  • number of classes of goods and/or services in the application. I.e., if an application is for one mark, but the mark is used on goods and/or services in two different classes, e.g., computer software in Class 9 and t-shirts in Class 25, then payment for two classes is required before the application could be approved.
  • version of the form being used, i.e., either the "TEAS Plus Form" or the "TEAS Form." The filing fee for the TEAS form is $325 per class of goods and/or services. TEAS Plus has a lower filing fee of $275 per class, but has stricter filing requirements, than the TEAS form. Clicking on the "Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register" link above will take you to the page offering the two form versions, with more detailed instructions as to which version of the form may be most appropriate for your specific filing.
    NOTE: The filing fee is an actual processing fee for the application. The USPTO will NOT refund this fee, even if ultimately the USPTO is not able to issue a registration because of problems associated with the application- approval is based on a legal determination by an examining attorney, and is NOT automatic. Therefore, please take all necessary steps to ensure the mark is registrable before filing the application.
  • Trademark/Servicemark BLANK Application, Principal Register
    (A downloadable blank form, for use by experienced parties who file multiple applications, to create standard templates containing repetitive information)
    Because of significant modifications to the underlying structure of the basic application, the USPTO no longer offers this version of the form. However, a "workaround" option still exists for creating a "template" for doing multiple filings: simply create a "dummy" form by (1) pulling up the regular TEAS form; (2) entering either an "x" for any mandatory field, or "fake" numbers where a numerical entry is required, or attaching a "dummy" image file; (3) validating this version of the form; (4) using the button on the bottom of the validation page to save the form to your local drive; (5) pulling up the saved form, and (6) entering "real" data for any field wherein an "x" was initially used as a "data placeholder."
    WARNING: If you create a template, and the USPTO then later upgrades the form, the saved template may not be usable for future filings, and a new template based on the upgraded version of the form may have to be created.


    WARNING: The other types of forms identified below are appropriate ONLY under unusual circumstances, and must be used very carefully. You should read the description provided for each form before deciding that the "Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register" form at the top of this page is for some reason not appropriate for your specific filing (that form, in either the TEASPlus or "regular" TEAS version, is correct for the majority of all applicants). For more information about these alternative types of filings, please consult the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (use the alphabetic Index accessed at the bottom of the first page of the Manual to perform a search for more detailed information).

      Trademark/Servicemark Application, Supplemental Register
    Use this form to file an initial application for a trademark/servicemark on the Supplemental Register, rather than the Principal Register.  Almost all marks are filed directly on the Principal Register.  However, certain marks that are not eligible for registration on the Principal Register, but which are capable of distinguishing an applicant's goods or services, may be registered on the Supplemental Register.  If you file on the Principal Register, but are only eligible for the Supplemental Register, you will be permitted to amend the application to change registers during the prosecution of the application.

    NOTE: The electronic filing fee is $325.00 per class of goods and/or services (i.e., if an application is for one mark, but the mark is used on goods and/or services in two different classes, e.g., computer software in Class 9 and t-shirts in Class 25, then the overall electronic filing fee is $650.00--- $325.00 x 2 classes). Only one mark is permissible per application, although a mark may consist of several elements that are joined to form a composite whole (e.g., words plus a design). Also, the electronic filing fee is a processing fee for the application. This fee is NOT returned even if ultimately the USPTO does not issue a registration. You should take all necessary steps to ensure the mark is registrable before filing the application.

    1. If you have installed Anti-Spam filters or software on your email service, please ensure that legitimate emails from are not falsely identified as spam or junk.
    2. This form uses pop-up windows to display critical information. To use this site properly, you must disable any existing pop-up filters (through either anti-virus software or a pop-up killer program).
    3. Before filing an application requesting registration on the Supplemental Register, or amending to the Supplemental Register, you must be lawfully using the mark in commerce, on or in connection with the goods and services (unlike an application on the Principal Register, which may be based on an intent to use the mark in the future, under §(b) of the Trademark Act). The only exception from the use requirement in seeking registration on the Supplemental Register is for applications based solely on §4 of the Trademark Act (i.e., based on a foreign application and/or registration).

      Certification Mark Application, Principal Register
    Use this form to file an initial application for a Certification mark (used or intended to be used by authorized persons on designated goods and/or services to certify something; e.g., a particular regional origin of the goods; a characteristic of the goods or services; or that labor was performed by a particular group). A copy of standards that the applicant uses or will use to determine whether the goods and/or services will be certified must be submitted.

    1. If you have installed Anti-Spam filters or software on your email service, please ensure that legitimate emails from are not falsely identified as spam or junk.
    2. This form uses pop-up windows to display critical information. To use this site properly, you must disable any existing pop-up filters (through either anti-virus software or a pop-up killer program).

      Collective Membership Mark Application, Principal Register
    Use this form to file an initial application for a collective membership mark (used to indicate membership in a specific organization; e.g., a social club or labor union). The applicant must control, or will intend to control, use of the mark by its members by a specified method of control.

    1. If you have installed Anti-Spam filters or software on your email service, please ensure that legitimate emails from are not falsely identified as spam or junk.
    2. This form uses pop-up windows to display critical information. To use this site properly, you must disable any existing pop-up filters (through either anti-virus software or a pop-up killer program).

      Collective Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register
    Use this form to file an initial application for a collective trademark/servicemark. The applicant must control, or will intend to control, use of the mark by its members by a specified method of control.

    1. If you have installed Anti-Spam filters or software on your email service, please ensure that legitimate emails from are not falsely identified as spam or junk.
    2. This form uses pop-up windows to display critical information. To use this site properly, you must disable any existing pop-up filters (through either anti-virus software or a pop-up killer program).

    Transformation into a National Application (under development)
    The holder of an international registration may use this form to request transformation of its extension of protection to the United States into an application for registration under Section 1 and/or Section 44 of the Trademark Act, if the international registration was cancelled (in whole or in part) by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization under Article 6(4) of the Madrid Protocol, due to the cancellation of the basic application or registration. The request for transformation must be filed within three months of the date of cancellation of the international registration.

    NOTE: The holder must pay an application electronic filing fee of $325.00 for each class of goods/services identified in the request for transformation.

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