PFX Procedures for Experimenters(PDF version)

Chapter 1

Introducing Fermilab

  • Physics at Fermilab
  • The People of Fermilab
  • The Laboratory and the Environment
  • How We're organzed
  • FermiLab Milestones 1965-1999

    Human Rights at Fermilab

    Environmental Policy

    Chapter 2

    What Every Experimenter Must Know

  • ES&H Policies
  • Working Safely at Fermilab
  • Environment Safety & Health Requirements for Experiments
  • Basic Safety
  • Radiation Safety
  • Electrical Safety
  • Hazardous Materials Safety
  • Personnel Protective Equipment
  • Laboratory ES&H
  • Protecting the Environment
  • Tours, Visitors and Minors in Experimental and Operating Areas
  • Children at Fermilab
  • Substance Abuse
  • Policies and Rules to Protect Fermilab Computers
  • In an Emergency

    Responsibilities of Experimenters


    Pregnancy and Radiation Safety

    Hazards of Experimental Areas

    Waste Disposal

    Chapter 3

    How to Get Started

  • Site Access Controls
  • Registration as an Experimenter
  • Spokespersons
  • Working with the Particle Physics Division and the Beams Division

    Responsibilities of Scientific Spokesperson

    Chapter 4

    Communicating at Fermilab

  • How to Learn What You Need to Know
  • How to Convey What You Want to Say

    Selected Fermilab Publications

    Seminars, Colloquia and Meetings

    Chapter 5

    Planning Your Experiment at Fermilab

  • Proposing an Experiment
  • Consideration of Proposals
  • Deciding on Proposals
  • Test Beam Requests
  • Letters of Intent
  • Memorandum of Understanding
  • Drafting an MOU
  • Schedule of Experiments

    How to Propose an Experiment at Fermilab

    How to Request Test Beam

    Chapter 6

    Nuts and Bolts

  • Finances
  • Billing
  • Procurement
  • Fermilab Stores
  • How to Withdraw Stock
  • Property Management
  • Shipping Experimental Materials or Equipment to Fermilab
  • Technical Support Services
  • Facilities Engineering
  • Staffing Your Experiment

    Shipments Form Foreign Countries

    Chapter 7

    Computing for Your Experiment

  • The Memorandum of Understanding
  • Liaisons
  • Allocating Resources
  • Where to Find the Services You Need
  • Workgroup Computing
  • Online and Data Acquisition Support
  • Responsibilities of Those Using Fermilab Computers

    A note for experimenters

    Computing at Fermilab


    Chapter 8

    Life at Fermilab

  • The Users' Office, Resource for Experimenters
  • Personal Help for You and Your Family
  • A Place to Live
  • Living On Site
  • Mail
  • Phone
  • Medical Care
  • Food Service
  • Day Care
  • Travel and Transportation
  • Are We Having Fun Yet?

    Tornado Shelters

    FAX (Fermilab Acronyms for Experimenters)

    User's Survival List

    PDF version