The MINOS Experiment and NuMI Beamline

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NuMI - Neutrinos at the Main Injector

The NuMI Beamline is a facility at Fermilab, near Chicago, which uses protons from the Main Injector accelerator to produce an intense beam of neutrinos which are utilized by the MINOS Experiment; the neutrino beam is directed along a line connecting the two endpoints of the experiment.

MINOS - Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search

The MINOS Experiment is a long-baseline neutrino experiment designed to observe the phenomena of neutrino oscillations, an effect which is related to neutrino mass. MINOS uses two detectors, one located at Fermilab, at the source of the neutrinos, and the other located 450 miles away, in northern Minnesota, at the Soudan Underground Mine State Park in Tower-Soudan.

News and Updates

Spring 2008 - The MINOS experiment has results from 2 years of running, presented in publications and various conferences and seminars. The MINOS for Scientists page has links to materials such as publication references, conference presentations, and posters.

Summer 2008 - For the Public pages updated with photo galleries from the NuMI Project construction, and other content updates

Spring 2006 - Fermilab Press Release, March 2006 announcing the first results from MINOS using NuMI beamline neutrinos