PHAST, Version 1.5.1, March 24, 2008 PHAST is a 3-dimensional, reactive-transport simulator that is available for Windows and Linux. PHAST simulates constant-density saturated flow, multicomponent transport, and a wide range of equilibrium and kinetic chemical reactions. INSTALLATION Windows Installation: --------------------- The Windows version uses InstallShield to install the programs PHAST, PHASTHDF, and Model Viewer. You need administrator privileges to execute the installation file phast-1.5.1-2768.exe. The installation directory is \Program Files\USGS\phast-1.5.1, which contains the following subdirectories: \bin \database \doc \examples \lib \Model Viewer \src Linux Installation with tar: ---------------------------- Extract the files from phast-1.5.1-2768.Linux.tar.gz with the command: tar -xzf phast-1.5.1-2768.Linux.tar.gz Files will be extracted into a directory named phast-1.5.1. The following subdirectories will be created within phast-1.5.1: /bin /database /doc /examples /lib /src Linux Installation with RPM: ---------------------------- The programs PHAST and PHASTHDF can be installed with the RedHat Package Manager (rpm) on Linux operating systems. (Model Viewer is only available in the Windows version). You must have root authority to install with rpm. The --prefix option may be used to change the installation directory. The programs are installed with the following command, where square brackets indicate an optional field: rpm -i [--prefix=dirname] phast-1.5.1-2768.i586.rpm The installation directory for the source, documentation, and examples is /usr/share/doc/phast-1.5.1, where the directory /usr may be changed with the --prefix option. The subdirectories of this directory are /database /doc /examples /src The installation directory for the scripts and executables is /usr/bin, where the directory /usr may be changed with the --prefix option. Additional files required to run phasthdf are installed into the /usr/lib directory, where the directory /usr may also be changed using the --prefix option. PHAST can be uninstalled with the following command: rpm -e phast DOCUMENTATION The doc subdirectory of each installation contains phast.pdf, phreeqc.pdf, and wrir02-4172.pdf, which document all of the keyword data blocks for PHAST. The ModelViewer\doc subdirectory in the Windows version includes the documentation for ModelViewer, ofr02-106.pdf. RUNNING PHAST (Serial or single-processor version) For reactive-transport simulations, PHAST needs three data files for execution, (1) the flow and transport data file,(2) the chemistry data file, and (3) the thermodynamic database file. For flow-only calculations, only the flow and transport data file is needed. Running PHAST is a two-step process that is automated in scripts (Unix, bin/phast; Windows, bin\phast.bat). A prefix, from which input and output file names are derived, is defined as an argument to the script. Within the script,the program PHASTINPUT (bin/phastinput) is run to generate an intermediate input file named Phast.tmp. Following successful completion of the PHASTINPUT program, the script invokes the program PHAST (bin/phast-ser), which performs the reactive-transport simulations. The script (Unix or Windows) is invoked from a command-line window as follows: phast prefix [database] The flow and transport data file must be named prefix.trans.dat; the chemistry data file must be named prefix.chem.dat. Optionally, [database] is the name of the thermodynamic database file; if this argument is not defined, the database file must be named phast.dat. PARALLEL (MULTIPROCESSOR) VERSIONS OF PHAST A parallel version for PHAST for Windows has been compiled with the MPICH2 version of MPI (bin\phast-mpich2). For Linux, the parallel version has been compiled with the LAM version of MPI (bin/phast-lam). The parallel versions use exactly the same input files as the serial versions. Limited help with installation and running the parallel versions is given in Appendix C of the PHAST documentation (doc/phast.pdf). PHASTHDF PHASTHDF (bin/phasthdf) is a Java program that allows you to extract data from the HDF output file (prefix.h5). The Java 2 Runtime Environment must be installed on your computer to be able to run PHASTHDF. MODEL VIEWER Model Viewer (Model Viewer\bin\modview.exe) is a graphical user interface that allows visualization of data stored in the HDF output file (prefix.h5). SOURCE-CODE FILES Executables are provided in the PHAST distribution, so it is not usually necessary to recompile the PHAST suite of programs. If you want to modify the programs or compile for a different operating system, source-code files for PHASTINPUT, PHAST, and PHASTHDF are included in subdirectories of the directory /src. Makefiles for PHASTINPUT and PHAST are included as templates; however, these Makefiles will require modification to work on your computer. INPUT FILES The flow and transport data file, chemistry data file, and database file are all composed of keyword data blocks. The keyword data blocks for chemistry are identical to PHREEQC, and any PHREEQC calculation can be performed. PHREEQC is run first when PHAST starts to define solutions, equilibrium-phase assemblages, exchange assemblages, surface assemblages, solid-solution assemblages, gas phases, and sets of kinetic reactions with associated identifying numbers. The numbered entities are used to set initial conditions in the model domain and to define boundary solutions. The database file phast.dat is the same as phreeqc.dat distributed with PHREEQC. It contains the definitions of elements, aqueous species, mineral phase, exchange species, and surface species. The keywords for the flow and transport data file have been devised for PHAST, but are based on input for the model HST3D (stripping out anything related to heat or density and using head in place of pressure). Most of the data blocks are related to the flow and transport parameters needed to simulate ground-water flow and solute transport. The main interaction between the flow and transport data file and the chemistry data file occurs in CHEMISTRY_IC (of the flow and transport data file), where entity numbers (solutions, equilibrium-phase assemblages, etc, as defined in the chemistry data file) are assigned to spatial zones (rectangular parallelepipeds) to establish the initial conditions and reactions in the model domain. Note that it is possible to define initial conditions that change linearly in one of the coordinate directions for each zone (for example solution composition could vary linearly between two end members along the x coordinate direction for a zone). LEAKY_BC, FLUX_BC, SPECIFIED_BC, RIVER, and WELL all specify flow conditions that may result in a flux of water into the domain. In that case, the solution composition associated with that flux must be defined, again with index numbers referring to solutions defined in the chemistry data file. In the _BC boundary conditions, it is possible to define a fixed or linear distribution of solution composition. EXAMPLES Example problems are included in the examples directory of the installation. Four of the examples are documented in the phast.pdf file. They include a pulse of a linearly decaying and sorbing component (ex1); chain decay resulting in production of three degradation products (ex2); microbial consumption of a substrate with microbial growth (ex3); and a field-scale model of for Central Oklahoma that uses most of the features of PHAST (ex4). Another example is an ion exchange problem equivalent to example 11 in the PHREEQC manual. The other examples are test problems used to debug PHAST that often use only one feature of PHAST. Some of the examples contain no chemistry and are simply a test of the flow model. HISTORY--See RELEASE.TXT Hopefully this is enough to get you started. Please report bugs ( or and we will try to fix any problems as soon as possible. Any other comments are appreciated.