National Defense Intelligence College



>About the College
>Academic Programs
Catalog Academic Year 08/09
John T Hughes Library
>Master of Science of
Strategic Intelligence

>Bachelor of Science
in Intelligence

>Center for Strategic
Intelligence Research

>College Press

>Center for International

>Center of Science and
Technology Intelligence

>Faculty and Staff

Home> National Defense Intelligence College

Our Approach to Intelligence Education

A Global Perspective
Our degree programs begin with an overview of globalization as the context for intelligence and US national security issues. With globalization as the backdrop for the rest of the curriculum, the academic focus is on understanding indications and warning of conflict—which can be derived by analyzing the complexity and dynamics of political, national, social, ethnic, cultural, and religious movements as a means to understand one’s adversaries and allies. As students learn about national security threats in a global context, analysis and collection are integrated throughout the curriculum.

Future-Focused Intelligence
The most valuable intelligence provides indications and warning about the constant evolution and adaptive capability of our enemies. Beyond its beneficial effects, globalization contributes to political alienation, radical ideologies, and religion fused with ethnic conflict. Our core courses concentrate on externally driven events, recognizing that analysts and collectors must have a global perspective and understand the interconnected nature and interaction effects of global, regional, and local events. Intelligence is characterized by an understanding of customer requirements and innovation, and is inherently future-focused because it is closely connected to changing world conditions. Our curricula focus on developing and applying forecasting and analytical skills.

For National Security
The Intelligence Community functions inside a complex national security policy-making process, while reforming traditional paradigms to meet the challenges of globalization. Our programs prepare students to be conversant with strategic intelligence demands, to understand how the executive branch coordinates intelligence policy in the context of national security planning, Congressional oversight of intelligence policy, budgeting, and how military and diplomatic consumers contribute to and defend intelligence policies and programs in both the executive and legislative processes.

Masters of Science of Strategic Intelligence
Bachelor of Science
in Intelligence

NSA MSSI Program
NGA MSSI Program


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