Benefits - For New Federal Employees

As a new Federal employee you need access to information regarding the benefits the Federal Government offers. The following provides information concerning the Federal Employees' Health Benefits (FEHB) Program, Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program, Federal Employees' Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP), the Federal Retirement System, Designations of Beneficiary, the Long-Term Care (LTC) Program, the Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Program, and the Federal Leave Program.

Any questions concerning these benefits should be directed to the Benefits and Payroll Liaison Branch (BPLB) at the following address:

Benefits and Payroll Liaison Branch
Workforce Relations Division
31 Center Drive
Room B3C23, MSC 2215
Bethesda, MD 20892-2215
Phone: (301) 496-4556
FAX: (301) 402-5506

Employees who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact us through the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS), 1-800-877-8339. You may also link to valuable Benefits information at OPM's New Federal Employee Enrollment page.

Locate your servicing Benefits Contact.

Health Insurance – FEHB

The FEHB program is a voluntary health insurance program offered to permanent Federal employees and employees with appointments for more than one year. The program offers coverage under fee-for-service plans and health maintenance organizations (HMO) plans.

  • As a new employee, you MUST complete and return Standard Form (SF) 2809, Health Benefits Registration Form within 60 calendar days of your appointment date.
  • If you wish to enroll, complete Parts A, C, D, and H.
  • If you elect not to enroll, complete Parts A, E, and H.
  • New enrollments begin on the first day of the first pay period after BPLB receives your form.
  • An ID card will be mailed directly to you at your home address from the insurance carrier within 4 to 6 weeks. Until you receive your card, you may use a copy of your form after the BPLB has completed the agency portion (Part I).

A summary of available plans and brochures from which you may choose are available on OPM's Federal Employees Health Benefits Program page. If you do not enroll in FEHB within 60 calendar days of your appointment, your next opportunity to enroll will be during open season that usually runs from mid-November to early December each year or you must experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). Details on QLE’s can be found on OPM's Changes You Can Make Outside of Open Season page.

Premium Conversion is a “pre-tax” arrangement under which the part of your salary that pays for health insurance premiums will be non-taxable. This means that you save on Federal income tax, and social security and Medicare taxes. In most cases, you will also save on State income tax and local income tax. If you enroll in health insurance, you will be automatically enrolled in premium conversion. While most employees will want this option, there may be circumstances where you may wish to waive this option.

For more information, please refer to OPM's Frequently Asked Questions about Premium Conversion: Choices Under Premium Conversion page.

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Federal Employees' Dental and Vision Insurance Program - FEDVIP

FEDVIP is a voluntary program that provides you with supplemental dental and/or vision insurance coverage. Premiums are withheld on a pre-tax basis and you have a choice of coverage for yourself, yourself plus one, or yourself and all your family members.

  • Federal employees’ eligible for FEHB may enroll in FEDVIP.
  • Eligible employees have 60 days from your appointment date to apply.
  • If you do not enroll during the initial enrollment period, your next opportunity to enroll will be during the annual open season (coincides with the FEHB open season) or you must experience a QLE.

A summary of available plans and brochures from which you may choose are available on OPM's Dental and Vision page.

For more information and to apply online, please visit the BENEFEDS website or call 1-877-888-FEDS.

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Life Insurance – FEGLI

The FEGLI program is a voluntary term life insurance program offered to permanent employees and employees with appointments for more than one year. The program offers Basic Life coverage, Standard Option (Option A), Additional Option (Option B) and Family Option (Option C).

  • As a new employee, you are AUTOMATICALLY covered for Basic Life Insurance and the appropriate cost for this coverage will be deducted from your pay beginning with your first paycheck unless you complete SF-2817, Life Insurance Election, to waive coverage and return it to BPLB before the end of the pay period in which you are appointed.
  • As a new employee you MUST complete and return the SF-2817, Life Insurance Election Form within 31 calendar days of your appointment date.
  • If you wish to continue Basic Life, complete Sections 2 and 3.
  • In addition to basic life, if you wish to elect Options A, B, and/or C, complete Sections 2, 3, and 4 as appropriate.
  • If you wish to WAIVE all FEGLI coverage, complete Sections 2 and 5. Waivers are effective immediately upon receipt of the SF-2817 by the BPLB IF filed within the same pay period as appointed (except when coverage from a previous appointment is reinstated). Otherwise, coverage is terminated at the end of the pay period in which BPLB receives the form.

Special note for re-hired Federal employees:

  • If your previous Federal employment ended before March 31, 1981, your FEGLI coverage will be Basic only. You have 31 calendar days to elect any optional insurance.
  • If your previous Federal employment ended after March 31, 1981, and your break in Federal service is less than 180 days, the FEGLI coverage (or waiver of coverage) you had when you left your previous employment will be reinstated. You may decrease this coverage, but you generally can not increase the coverage.
  • If your previous Federal employment ended after March 31, 1981, and your break in Federal service is more than 180 days, the FEGLI coverage you had when you left your previous employment will be reinstated. If you previously waived your coverage, you will now be covered under Basic Life insurance. If you wish to change your coverage, you must do so within 31 calendar days of your appointment.

The FEGLI Program booklet describes the options available to you and the cost for those benefits. If you do not return your form within 31 calendar days of your appointment, you must meet the eligibility requirements described in the FEGLI booklet to enroll or change your enrollment in the future. There are no regularly scheduled open seasons for life insurance.

For more information, please refer to the Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program page.

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Federal Government Retirement System

The Federal Government has two different retirement systems: the Federal Employees’ Retirement System (FERS) and the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). Your government retirement system is automatic and requires no elections from you. Your contribution to the retirement system will be automatically deducted from your paycheck. Any questions you have concerning your retirement plan may be directed to the BPLB.

  • FERS: All new Federal employees; rehired Federal employee’s who were previously covered under FERS; and rehired Federal employees with less than 5 years of previous Federal civilian service are covered under FERS. More information about FERS can be found in the FERS Booklet PDF icon (OPM).
  • CSRS: All employees rehired with a break in Federal service of 1 year or less, that have 5 or more years of previous Federal civilian service creditable under CSRS are covered under the CSRS. More information about CSRS can be found in the CSRS Retirement Facts PDF icon (OPM).
  • CSRS-Offset: All employees rehired with a break in service of more than 1 year who have 5 or more years of previous Federal civilian service creditable under CSRS are covered under what is referred to as CSRS-Offset. You are covered under the same rules as CSRS and you pay into Social Security. More information about CSRS-Offset can be found in the CSRS Offset Retirement Facts PDF icon (OPM).

Returning employees eligible for reentry into CSRS, either with or without Social Security coverage, may choose coverage under FERS; such an election must be made during the first six months after rehire. More information about transfer considerations can be found on the FERS Transfer Handbook (OPM).

Prior Federal service creditable for retirement purposes:

  • Military service in the armed forces of the United States in creditable for retirement purposes under CSRS and FERS if it was active service, was terminated under honorable conditions, and was performed before separation from a civilian position under the retirement system. Military service prior to 1/1/57 is fully creditable without deposit. But active duty military service after 12/31/56 may require a deposit to receive retirement credit.
  • Deposit service is defined as Federal civilian service not covered under the retirement system. Usually this is temporary service. If you have deposit service you may have the option to pay a deposit and “buy” credit for that period of service. If you elect not to make the deposit, the service may not be used for retirement purposes.
  • Redeposit service is defined as Federal civilian service covered under the retirement system that, because of a break in Federal service, you requested and received a refund of your retirement contributions. This service may or may not be creditable for retirement benefits.

Social Security Benefits

Social Security is a national system of old age, survivor and disability insurance (OASDI) cash benefits. The program’s basic plan is a simple one: During working years, employees, their employers, and self-employed persons pay Social Security taxes; when their earnings stop or are reduced due to retirement, severe disability, or the death of an employee, monthly cash benefits are paid to replace part of the earnings the employee and the family have lost.

For more information, please refer to Social Security Online.

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)

TSP is a tax deferred retirement savings plan. Contributions to TSP are optional, but they are a major component of the retirement system. Employees covered under both FERS and CSRS are eligible to contribute to TSP. After a waiting period, FERS employees are also eligible for Agency contributions to their TSP accounts, including an automatic 1% Agency contribution and potential matching contributions.

  • As a new employee, you MUST complete and return TSP-1, TSP Election Form, to begin TSP contributions.
  • Elections begin on the first day of the first pay period after BPLB receives your form.
  • About 6 weeks after your contributions begin the TSP Service Office will send you account information. They will also send you a TSP PIN number. You may use the PIN to access your account and allocate your contributions to the different TSP funds. You may change your allocations to the TSP funds at any time once your account is opened.
  • You may start, stop or change your TSP contributions at any time using myPay.

Information about TSP can be found on the TSP website.

Non-appropriated Fund Service

If you performed service with a non-appropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI) within the past year and you are vested in the NAFI retirement plan, you may have a 30-calendar-day opportunity to elect to continue coverage under the NAFI plan. Please contact BPLB for further information about this election.

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Designation of Beneficiary

Your completion of these forms is optional, and if not completed, in the event of death, any monies will be paid according to the normal order of precedence, as follows:

  1. Spouse, if any.
  2. Otherwise to children in equal shares, if any.
  3. Otherwise to parents in equal shares, if living.
  4. Otherwise to executor of the estate, if any.
  5. Otherwise to your next of kin under applicable state law.

If you wish money to be paid in a manner and/or to individuals not listed in the order of precedence shown above, you should complete one or all of these forms, as you deem appropriate. Please note that all of the forms require two witnesses to your signature. Anyone can sign as a witness as long as they are not a named beneficiary. Forms must be free of any erasures or changes. Beneficiary forms can be found on OPM's Designation of Beneficiary page.

Retirement - (SF-2808/3102) this form is used if you wish to designate a specific beneficiary for lump sum benefits in the event you leave no spouse or children eligible for survivor benefits.

TSP – The TSP-3 is for your TSP account. This form should NOT be submitted to the TSP Service office until AFTER you receive account information.

FEGLI - (SF-2823) this form is for any life insurance benefit payable.

Unpaid Compensation - (SF-1152) this form is for any unpaid compensation (for example final paycheck, any accrued annual leave, etc.) payable by the Department of Health & Human Services.

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Federal Long Term Care Insurance

The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) provides services including home care, adult day care, and facility care. They are many plan features to choose from. If you are newly employed in a position that conveys eligibility for FEHB coverage, you can apply for long-term care insurance, even if you don’t enroll in the FEHB Program.

  • Eligible employees (and their spouse) have 60 days from your appointment date to apply for LTC insurance using the abbreviated underwriting application with only a few health-related questions.
  • If you apply after the 60-day period, you must use the long underwriting application with numerous health-related questions, and possibly a review of medical records and/or an interview with a nurse.
  • Enrollment is available for qualified relatives including your spouse, adult children, parents, parents-in-law, and stepparents.

For more information and the on-line application, please visit the LTCFEDS website or call 1-800-LTC-FEDS. Applications are submitted to the LTC Partners, not BPLB.

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Flexible Spending Accounts

The Federal Flexible Spending Accounts Program (FSAFeds) allows you to pay for certain health and dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars. You may choose to make a voluntary allotment from your salary to your FSAFEDS account(s). You will not pay employment or income taxes on your allotments and your employing agency also avoids paying employment taxes. Additionally, the NIH has agreed to pay the administrative fee for these accounts.

Three FSAs are being offered to eligible employees:

  • A Health Care FSA (HCFSA) allows pre-tax reimbursement of eligible medical costs not covered or reimbursed by insurance, such as co-payments and over-the-counter medicines. This includes expenses incurred by you and/or any dependent you claim on your Federal income tax return.
  • A Limited Expense Health Care FSA (LEX HCFSA) is used in place of HCFSA if you are enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan with a Health Savings Account. LEX HCFSA allows you to submit eligible dental and vision expenses only.
  • A Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) allows pre-tax reimbursement for eligible dependent care expenses that are necessary to allow you or your spouse to work, look for work, or attend school full-time.

Federal employees eligible for FEHB may enroll in the HCFSA. However, if you are enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plans with a Health Savings Account, you cannot enroll in a HCFSA. You have the option of electing a LEX HCFSA.

Most Federal employees may enroll in a DCFSA, even if they are not eligible for FEHB.

  • Eligible employees have 60 days from your appointment date to apply for an FSA.
  • If you do not apply during the initial enrollment period, you may later enroll during the annual Federal benefits open season.
  • FSAs are not carried over from one Plan Year to the next, so each fall during the annual open season you must make a new election for the upcoming Plan year.

For more information and the on-line application please visit the FSAFEDS website or call 1-877-FSA-FEDS. Applications are submitted to the FSA administrator, not BPLB.

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Federal Leave Programs

Annual Leave

Annual leave is available for vacations or personal time. New employees earn 4 hours of annual leave bi-weekly for a total of 13 days per year. Annual leave accrual increases to 6 hours bi-weekly after 3 years of Federal service, and 8 hours bi-weekly after 15 years of Federal service. Part time employees earn annual leave on a pro-rated basis. In addition, there are 10 paid holidays per year. Additional information about annual leave can be found on OPM's Annual Leave page

Sick Leave

Sick leave is available for personal medical needs, care of a family member, and adoption related purposes. Federal employees earn 4 hours of sick leave bi-weekly for a total of 13 days per year. Part time employees earn sick leave on a pro-rated basis. Additional information about sick leave can be found on OPM's Sick Leave page.

Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP)

One of the many work and family/life services available to NIH employees is the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP). This program gives employees additional flexibility for balancing work and family needs through greater accessibility to leave. It allows participating Federal employees to share their accrued annual leave with other employees who are faced with economic hardship because of insufficient leave to cover a medical or family medical emergency.

Additional information about VLTP can be found on the NIH Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP) page.

For information on other leave programs, please visit our web site the NIH OHR Leave page.

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This page was last reviewed on August 24, 2009