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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Protected Resources
Acropora palmata thicket on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Andy Bruckner, 1996Coho salmon painting, Canadian Dept of Fisheries and OceansMonk seal, C.E. BowlbyHumpback whale, Dr. Lou Herman
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Conservation, Protection, & Recovery
Species of Concern
Listing of Species
Recovery of Species
Marine Mammal Conservation Plans
Cooperation with States
Interagency Consultation

Human Impacts
Fisheries Interactions (bycatch)
Ocean Sound/Acoustics
Ship Strikes
Viewing Wildlife

International Cooperation

Marine Mammal Health & Stranding
Marine Mammal National Database
National Tissue Bank
Prescott Grants
Unusual Mortality Events
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Recovery Plans for Endangered and Threatened Species

Current Recovery Plans
Marine Mammals | Marine Turtles | Fishes | Marine Invertebrates & Plants

Plans Under Revision / In Development
Species Status of Plan
Steelhead, Southern California Distinct Population Segment (DPS)
Draft [pdf] [7.1 MB]
Open for public comment through 09/21/2009; see
Federal Register Notice [pdf] for more information on the plan and submitting comments.
Steelhead, Middle Columbia River DPS
The public comment period on the draft closed on 01/23/2008.
Fin Whale
Draft [pdf] [874 KB]
The public comment period on the draft closed on 09/05/2006.
Sperm Whale
Draft [pdf] [1.1 MB]
The public comment period on the draft closed on 09/05/2006.
Kemp's Ridley Turtle


Current Recovery Plans

Marine Mammals
Final Recovery Plan for Blue Whale
Blue Whale
[pdf] [144 KB]
Issue Date: 07/1998
Final Recovery Plan for Hawaiian Monk Seal
Hawaiian Monk Seal
[pdf] [1.2 MB]
Revised Date: 08/2007
*1983 Original
[pdf] [373 KB]

Final Recovery Plan for Humpback Whale
Humpback Whale
[pdf] [4.9 MB]
Issue Date: 11/1991
Final Recovery Plan for Southern Resident Killer Whales
Killer Whale
(Southern Residents)

[pdf] [1.7 MB]
Issue Date: 01/2008
Final Recovery Plan for Northern Right Whale
Right Whale
[pdf] [2.5 MB]
Revised Date: 05/2005
Final Recovery Plan for Stellar Sea Lion
Steller Sea Lion
[pdf] [2.7 MB]
Revised Date: 03/2008
*1992 Original
[pdf] [4.6 MB]

Marine Turtles
Plans for marine turtles were developed jointly by NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). For more information, please see our marine turtle recovery planning page.
Marine Turtles in the U.S. Caribbean, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico
Final Recovery Plan for Atlantic Green Sea Turtle
Green Turtle
[pdf] [2.8 MB]
Issue Date: 10/29/1991
Final Recovery Plan for Atlantic Hawksbill Turtle
Hawksbill Turtle
[pdf] [883 KB]
Issue Date: 12/15/1993
Final Recovery Plan for Kemp's ridley Turtle
Kemp's Ridley Turtle
[pdf] [1.3 MB]
Issue Date: 08/21/1992
Final Recovery Plan for Atlantic Leatherback Turtle
Leatherback Turtle
[pdf] [2.6 MB]
Issue Date: 04/06/1992
Final Recovery Plan for Atlantic Loggerhead Turtle
Loggerhead Turtle
[pdf] [1.4 MB]
Issue Date: 01/16/2009
Threats Analysis [xls]
Marine Turtles in the U.S. Pacific
Final Recovery Plan for Pacific Populations of the East Pacific Green Turtle
East Pacific Green Turtle
[pdf] [330 KB]
Issue Date: 01/12/1998
Final Recovery Plan for Pacific Populations of the Green Turtle
Green Turtle
[pdf] [623 KB]
Issue Date: 01/12/1998
Final Recovery Plan for Pacific Hawksbill Turtle
Hawksbill Turtle
[pdf] [455 KB]
Issue Date: 01/12/1998
Final Recovery Plan for Pacific Leatherback Turtle
Leatherback Turtle
[pdf] [381 KB]
Issue Date: 01/12/1998
Final Recovery Plan for Loggerhead Turtle
Loggerhead Turtle
[pdf] [545 KB]
Issue Date: 01/12/1998
Final Recovery Plan for Olive Ridley Turtle
Olive Ridley Turtle
[pdf] [485 KB]
Issue Date: 01/12/1998

Plans for Atlantic salmon and Gulf sturgeon were developed jointly by NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
Final Recovery Plan for Atlantic Salmon
Atlantic Salmon
[pdf] [2.3 MB]
Issue Date: 12/2005
Final Recovery Plan for Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound)
Chinook Salmon
(Puget Sound)

Issue Date: 01/2007
Final Recovery Plan for Chum Salmon (Hood Canal)
Chum Salmon
(Hood Canal)

Issue Date: 05/2007
Final Recovery and Management Plan for Gulf Sturgeon
Gulf Sturgeon
[pdf] [8.1 MB]
Issue Date: 09/1995
Final Recovery Plan for Shortnose Sturgeon
Shortnose Sturgeon
[pdf] [241 KB]
Issue Date: 12/1998
Final Recovery Plan for Smalltooth Sawfish
Smalltooth Sawfish
[pdf] [2.4 MB]
Issue Date: 01/2009
Final Recovery Plan for Lake Ozette Sockeye Salmon
Sockeye Salmon
(Lake Ozette)

Issue Date: 05/2009
Final Recovery Plan for Upper Columbia River Steelhead Trout and Spring-Run Chinook Salmon
Steelhead Trout
(Upper Columbia River) and Chinook Salmon

Issue Date: 10/2007

Marine Invertebrates & Plants
Final Recovery Plan for Johnson's Seagrass
Johnson's Seagrass
[pdf] [445 KB]
Issue Date: 09/2002
Final Recovery Plan for White Abalone
White Abalone
[pdf] [797 KB]
Issue Date: 10/2008

More Info
Marine Mammal Conservation Plans
Species Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)

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