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z/OS System (Titan)

The NIH Data Center's z/OS mainframe system (Titan) provides an efficient, reliable and economical computing environment, and offers robust commercial products and tools.

Titan Password Help


Titan uses IBM's JES2 and provides the following services:

Interactive Systems


  • Model 204
  • DB2
  • IMS

Language Compilers

  • PL/I
  • REXX
  • High Level Assembler

Statistical Systems

Other Facilities

  • Connectivity—QWS 3270 Secure, QWS 3270 Plus, WS_FTP Pro, Web-based secure file transfer, SSH, Connect:Direct
  • Disaster recovery
  • Document system—BookManager
  • File management—VISION:Builder, IRS
  • Printing—high volume (at the Data Center), local networked printers (VPS)
  • RACF for data and access security (including changing passwords)
  • SILK Web hosting—customized, public, and secure servers
  • Web-based applications (including Password Reset, RACF, TSO commands, and Web Sponsor)

More information on hardware and software is available on the CIT Web site. 

The Online Services Directory lists the Internet host names for the z/OS system.


Titan is validated for hosting critical applications and sensitive data. For further information, see security.

Additional Information and Assistance

Users will find the following CIT publications useful:

New users should subscribe to two Web-based periodicals, Interface and Titan News via NIH Listserv.

Assistance is available from the NIH Help Desk at 301-496-4357 (local), 866-319-4357 (toll free), or 301-496-8294 (TTY).

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This page last reviewed: October 16, 2009