Office of Advocacy
U.S. Small Business Administration
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Listed below are documents published in the Federal Register and open for comment that may significantly affect small businesses. Advocacy encourages affected small businesses to provide the Federal agency issuing the notice with comments on the proposed action and the agency's analysis of its potential impacts on small business. Please share with the Office of Advocacy your comments on these and other regulatory proposals of importance to small businesses. For a more complete listing of notices and rulemakings published for comment in the Federal Register, is the Federal government’s one stop site to comment on Federal regulations.

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Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act; Regional Fishery Management Councils; Operations
On March 27, 2009, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) issued a proposed rule on Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act; Regional Fishery Management Councils; Operations. The proposed rule addresses the administration and operations of the regional fishery management councils. In addition, the proposal would make changes to the regulations requiring Councils to provide procedures for proposed regulations, clarifying restrictions on lobbying, and clarifying timing in the Council nomination process. Comments are due on November 2, 2009.

  • Proposed rule from the Federal Register
  • Advocacy contact:  Jennifer Smith at 202-205-6533
  • Submit Comments to the NMFS Electronically (refer to RIN 0648-AW18)
  •, the Federal government’s one stop site to comment on Federal regulations.


    Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.


    Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.

    Safety, Health & Labor

    DOL to Require Notification of Employee Rights Under Federal Labor Laws
    The Department of Labor’s (DOL) Office of Labor-Management Standards is proposing a regulation to implement Executive Order 13496, which was signed by President Barack Obama on January 30, 2009. This EO would require federal agencies to include in their government contracts specific provisions requiring that certain contractors and subcontractors inform their employees of their federal labor rights with posters and online notices. The proposed rule exempts federal contracts for purchases under the Simplified Acquisition Threshold of $100,000. However, this rule does not exempt subcontracts involving purchases below the simplified threshold and requires all subcontracts that “are necessary to the performance of the government contract” to comply with these requirements. Comments regarding this proposed rule must be received by DOL by September 2, 2009.

  • Proposed rule from the Federal Register
  • Executive Order from the White House website
  • Advocacy contact:  Janis Reyes at 202-205-6533
  • Submit Comments to the DOL Electronically
  •, the Federal government’s one stop site to comment on Federal regulations.


    Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.


    Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.


    Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.


    Other Regulatory Websites