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Ancillary Ozone Data

The Level 2 data processing within MSl12 requires ozone data as an input. The ozone component of the atmosphere at a given time affects the atmospheric signal measured by a satellite and its concentration needs to be taken into account and removed from the atmospheric signal. This page illustrates how and where ozone fits into the atmospheric correction.

The Ocean Biology Processing Group makes use of several sources of ancillary ozone in the processing of both SeaWiFS and MODIS data. Listed below are the ozone data sources listed in order use:

  • EPTOMS : The primary source of ozone data.

  • TOAST: The back-up source of ozone data

  • Climatology

  • To obtain the data, visit the ftp site

    EPTOMS (Earth Probe Total ozone Mapping Spectrometer) Data set consists of daily global maps of total column ozone over sunlit portions of the globe. It measures backscattered UV radiances in the 310-380 nm region. The latest version is Version 8.

    Day 2005156

    TOAST (Total Ozone Analysis using SBUV/2 and TOVS) Data set combines TOVS trophospheric and lower stratospheric ozone with SBUV/2 mid-to-upper stratospheric layer ozone retrievals.

    Day 2005156

    Curator: OceanColor Webmaster

    Authorized by: gene carl feldman

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    Updated: Friday, 19-Jun-2009 11:44:37 EDT