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Title 40: Protection of Environment

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Section Contents

Subpart A—General Provisions

§ 272.1   Purpose and scope.
§ 272.2   Incorporation by reference.
§§ 272.3-272.49   [Reserved]

Subpart B—Alabama

§§ 272.50-272.99   [Reserved]

Subpart C—Alaska

§§ 272.100-272.149   [Reserved]

Subpart D—Arizona

§ 272.150   [Reserved]
§ 272.151   Arizona State-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.152-272.199   [Reserved]

Subpart E—Arkansas

§ 272.200   [Reserved]
§ 272.201   Arkansas State-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.202-272.249   [Reserved]

Subpart F—California

§§ 272.250-272.299   [Reserved]

Subpart G—Colorado

§§ 272.300-272.349   [Reserved]

Subpart H—Connecticut

§§ 272.350-272.399   [Reserved]

Subpart I—Delaware

§ 272.400   State authorization.
§ 272.401   State-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.402-272.449   [Reserved]

Subpart J—District of Columbia

§§ 272.450-272.499   [Reserved]

Subpart K—Florida

§ 272.500   [Reserved]
§ 272.501   Florida State-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.502-272.549   [Reserved]

Subpart L—Georgia

§§ 272.550-272.599   [Reserved]

Subpart M—Hawaii

§§ 272.600-272.649   [Reserved]

Subpart N—Idaho

§ 272.651   Idaho State-Administered Program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.652-272.699   [Reserved]

Subpart O—Illinois

§ 272.700   State authorization.
§ 272.701   State-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.702-272.750   [Reserved]

Subpart P—Indiana

§ 272.751   Indiana state-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.752-272.799   [Reserved]

Subpart Q—Iowa

§§ 272.800-272.849   [Reserved]

Subpart R—Kansas

§§ 272.850-272.899   [Reserved]

Subpart S—Kentucky

§§ 272.900-272.949   [Reserved]

Subpart T—Louisiana

§ 272.950   [Reserved]
§ 272.951   Louisiana State-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.952-272.999   [Reserved]

Subpart U—Maine

§§ 272.1000-272.1049   [Reserved]

Subpart V—Maryland

§§ 272.1050-272.1099   [Reserved]

Subpart W—Massachusetts

§§ 272.1100-272.1149   [Reserved]

Subpart X—Michigan

§ 272.1150   State authorization.
§ 272.1151   State-administered program: Final authorization.
§ 272.1152-272.1199   [Reserved]

Subpart Y—Minnesota

§ 272.1200   [Reserved]
§ 272.1201   Minnesota State-administered program; Final authorization.
§§ 272.1202-272.1249   [Reserved]

Subpart Z—Mississippi

§§ 272.1250-272.1299   [Reserved]

Subpart AA—Missouri

§ 272.1300   State authorization.
§ 272.1301   State-administered program; Final authorization.
§§ 272.1302-272.1349   [Reserved]

Subpart BB—Montana

§ 272.1350   [Reserved]
§ 272.1351   Montana State-Administered Program: Final Authorization.
§§ 272.1352-272.1399   [Reserved]

Subpart CC—Nebraska

§§ 272.1400-272.1449   [Reserved]

Subpart DD—Nevada

§§ 272.1450-272.1499   [Reserved]

Subpart EE—New Hampshire

§§ 272.1500-272.1549   [Reserved]

Subpart FF—New Jersey

§§ 272.1550-272.1599   [Reserved]

Subpart GG—New Mexico

§ 272.1600   [Reserved]
§ 272.1601   New Mexico State-administered Program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.1602-272.1649   [Reserved]

Subpart HH—New York

§ 272.1650   [Reserved]
§ 272.1651   New York State-Administered Program: final authorization.
§§ 272.1652-272.1699   [Reserved]

Subpart II—North Carolina

§§ 272.1700-272.1749   [Reserved]

Subpart JJ—North Dakota

§ 272.1750   [Reserved]
§ 272.1751   North Dakota State-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.1752-272.1799   [Reserved]

Subpart KK—Ohio

§ 272.1800   State authorization.
§ 272.1801   State-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.1802-272.1849   [Reserved]

Subpart LL—Oklahoma

§ 272.1850   [Reserved]
§ 272.1851   Oklahoma State-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.1852-272.1899   [Reserved]

Subpart MM—Oregon

§§ 272.1900-272.1949   [Reserved]

Subpart NN—Pennsylvania

§§ 272.1950-272.1999   [Reserved]

Subpart OO—Rhode Island

§§ 272.2000-272.2049   [Reserved]

Subpart PP—South Carolina

§§ 272.2050-272.2099   [Reserved]

Subpart QQ—South Dakota

§ 272.2100   [Reserved]
§ 272.2101   South Dakota State-Administered Program: Final Authorization.
§§ 272.2102-272.2149   [Reserved]

Subpart RR—Tennessee

§§ 272.2150-272.2199   [Reserved]

Subpart SS—Texas

§ 272.2200   [Reserved]
§ 272.2201   Texas State-administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.2202-272.2249   [Reserved]

Subpart TT—Utah

§ 272.2251   Utah State-Administered program: Final authorization.
§§ 272.2252-272.2299   [Reserved]

Subpart UU—Vermont

§§ 272.2300-272.2349   [Reserved]

Subpart VV—Virginia

§§ 272.2350-272.2399   [Reserved]

Subpart WW—Washington

§§ 272.2400-272.2449   [Reserved]

Subpart XX—West Virginia

§§ 272.2450-272.2499   [Reserved]

Subpart YY—Wisconsin

§ 272.2500   [Reserved]
§ 272.2501   Wisconsin State-administered program; final authorization.
§§ 272.2502-272.2549   [Reserved]

Subpart ZZ—Wyoming

§§ 272.2550-272.2599   [Reserved]

Subpart AAA—Guam

§§ 272.2600-272.2649   [Reserved]

Subpart BBB—Puerto Rico

§§ 272.2650-272.2699   [Reserved]

Subpart CCC—Virgin Islands

§§ 272.2700-272.2749   [Reserved]

Subpart DDD—American Samoa

§§ 272.2750-272.2799   [Reserved]

Subpart EEE—Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

§§ 272.2800-272.2849   [Reserved]
Appendix A to Part 272—State Requirements

Authority:   Secs. 2002(a), 3006, and 7004(b) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6912(a), 6926, and 6974(b).

Source:   51 FR 3955, Jan. 31, 1986, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General Provisions
§ 272.1   Purpose and scope.

This part sets forth the applicable State hazardous waste management programs under section 3006(b) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 42 U.S.C. 6926, and 40 CFR 260.10. “State” is defined in 42 U.S.C. 1004(31) as “any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.”

[58 FR 3500, Jan. 11, 1993]

§ 272.2   Incorporation by reference.

Material listed as incorporated by reference in part 272 was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in theFederal Register.Copies may be obtained or inspected at EPA Resource and Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Docket Information Center (5305G), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460 and at the appropriate EPA Regional Office. Copies may be inspected at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: For an informational listing of the State and local requirements incorporated in part 272, see appendix A to this part.

[58 FR 3500, Jan. 11, 1993, as amended at 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004]

§§ 272.3-272.49   [Reserved]
Subpart B—Alabama
§§ 272.50-272.99   [Reserved]
Subpart C—Alaska
§§ 272.100-272.149   [Reserved]
Subpart D—Arizona
§ 272.150   [Reserved]
§ 272.151   Arizona State-administered program: Final authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Arizona has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Arizona's base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on December 4, 1985. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on October 7, 1991, September 11, 1992, January 22, 1993, December 27, 1993, and June 12, 1995.

(b) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The Arizona statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(i) EPA Approved Arizona Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, June 1995.

(ii) EPA Approved Arizona Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, June 1995.

(2) The following statutes and regulations concerning State enforcement, although not incorporated by reference, are part of the authorized State program:

(i) Arizona Laws Relating to Environmental Quality, 1993 edition, reprinted from Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 49, Sections 49–141 through 49–144; 49–261 through 49–265; 49–287; 49–923 through 49–926; 49–928; and 49–943.

(ii) Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 8, December 31, 1994, Sections R18–8–260.D; R18–8–271.F through R18–8–271.Q; and R–18–8–280.

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not incorporated by reference:

(i) Arizona Laws Relating to Environmental Quality, 1993 edition, reprinted from Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 49, Sections 49–901 through 49–905; 49–922.01; 49–927; 49–929 through 49–942; and 49–944.

(ii) Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 8, December 31, 1994, Sections R18–8–261.J; R18–8–261.L; R18–8–269; and R18–8–270.G.

(4) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region IX and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on June 20, 1991, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq .

(5) Statement of Legal Authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of Arizona on September 13, 1984, and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement dated November 22, 1989, October 31, 1990, August 23, 1993 (two documents), and February 3, 1995, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as part of the original application or as supplements thereto are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[60 FR 44279, Aug. 25, 1995]

§§ 272.152-272.199   [Reserved]
Subpart E—Arkansas
§ 272.200   [Reserved]
§ 272.201   Arkansas State-administered program: Final authorization.

(a) Pursuant to Section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Arkansas has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Arkansas' base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on January 25, 1985. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on August 23, 1985, May 29, 1990, November 18, 1991, December 4, 1992 and December 21, 1994.

(b) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The Arkansas statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et. seq.

(i) EPA Approved Arkansas Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated March, 1995.

(ii) EPA Approved Arkansas Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated March, 1995.

(2) The following statutes and regulations concerning State enforcement, although not incorporated by reference, are part of the authorized State program:

(i) Arkansas Hazardous Waste Management Act of 1979, as amended, Arkansas Code of 1987 Annotated (A.C.A.), 1993 Replacement, Sections 8–7–204 (except 8–7–204(e)(3)(B)), 8–7–205 through 8–7–214, 8–7–217, 8–7–218, 8–7–220, 8–7–222, 8–7–224 and 8–7–225(b) through 8–7–225(d).

(ii) Arkansas Resource Reclamation Act of 1979, as amended, Arkansas Code of 1987 Annotated (A.C.A.), 1993 Replacement, Sections 8–7–302(3), 8–7–303, 8–7–308(1), and 8–7–308(4).

(iii) Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology (ADPC&E) Regulation No. 23, Hazardous Waste Management, as amended August 27, 1993, effective September 21, 1993, chapter two, sections 3a(11), 3b, 3c, 4, 6a, 6d through 6m, 7, 8, 12b(7), 12c (except 12(c)(10) and 12(c)(11)), 12d, 12e, 14a, 17; chapter three, sections 19 and 20; chapter five, section 26.

(iv) Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, Regulation No. 7, Civil Penalties, May 25, 1984.

(v) Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, Regulation No. 8, Administrative Procedures, July 6, 1984.

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not incorporated by reference:

(i) Arkansas Hazardous Waste Management Act, as amended, Arkansas Code of 1987 Annotated (A.C.A.), 1993 Replacement, Section 8–7–226.

(ii) Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology Regulation No. 23, Hazardous Waste Management, as amended as amended August 27, 1993, effective September 21, 1993, chapter two, sections 2a(5) (only the second sentence), 2b(11), 3a(10), 11, 16a, and portions of sections 16c and 16d that refer to PCBs; and chapter four, section 23.

(4) Unauthorized State Provisions: Arkansas has adopted but is not authorized for the September 1, 1988 (53 FR 33938) and the July 1, 1991 (56 FR 30200) amendments to Parts 264 and 265 addressing liability requirements. Thus, the portions of the Arkansas Hazardous Waste Management code, chapter 2, sections 3a(5) and 3a(6) adopting the September 1, 1988 and the July 1, 1991 amendments are not part of the State's authorized program and are not Federally enforceable.

(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 6 and the State of Arkansas signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on November 3, 1994 is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Statement of Legal Authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of Arkansas on July 9, 1984 and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement dated September 24, 1987, February 24, 1989, December 11, 1990, May 7, 1992, and by the Independent Legal Counsel on May 10, 1994 are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(7) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as part of the original application or as supplements thereto are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[60 FR 32112, June 20, 1995]

§§ 272.202-272.249   [Reserved]
Subpart F—California
§§ 272.250-272.299   [Reserved]
Subpart G—Colorado
§§ 272.300-272.349   [Reserved]
Subpart H—Connecticut
§§ 272.350-272.399   [Reserved]
Subpart I—Delaware
§ 272.400   State authorization.

(a) The State of Delaware is authorized to administer and enforce a hazardous waste management program in lieu of the Federal program under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq., subject to the Hazardous and Solid Waste Act Amendments of 1984 (HSWA) (Pub. L. 98–616, November 8, 1984), 42 U.S.C. 6926 (c) and (g). The Federal program for which a State may receive authorization is defined in 40 CFR 271.9 through 271.17 and 271.21. The State's program, as administered by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, was approved by EPA pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 6926(b) and part 271 of this chapter. EPA's approval was effective on June 22, 1984, 48 FR 23837.

(b) Delaware is not authorized to implement any HSWA requirement in lieu of EPA unless EPA has explicitly indicated its intent to do so in aFederal Registernotice granting Delaware authorization.

(c) Delaware has primary responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its enforcement authorities, including conducting inspections under section 3007, 42 U.S.C. 6927, and taking enforcement actions under sections 3008, 3013, and 7003, 42 U.S.C. 6928, 6934 and 6973, as well as under other Federal laws and regulations.

(d) Delaware must revise its approved program to adopt new changes to the Federal Subtitle C program in accordance with section 3006(b) of RCRA and 40 CFR part 271, subpart A. Delaware must seek final authorization for all program revisions pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, but, on a temporary basis, may seek interim authorization for revisions required by HSWA pursuant to section 3006(g) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(g). If Delaware obtains final authorization for the revised requirements pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, the newly authorized provisions will be listed in §272.401. If Delaware obtains interim authorization for the revised requirements pursuant to section 3006(g), the newly authorized provisions will be listed in §272.402.

§ 272.401   State-administered program: Final authorization.

Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Delaware has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Delaware's program application and approved by EPA.

(a) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The requirements in the Delaware statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference and made a part of the hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register January 31, 1986.

(i) 7 Delaware Code Annotated sections 6301 through 6307 and 6310 through 6317 (1983 Replacement Volume).

(ii) Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Regulations Governing Hazardous Waste, Parts 260 through 265, 122 and 124, Order Number 83–SW–1, July 28, 1983. (Copies are available from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, PO Box 1401, Dover, Delaware 19901.)

(2) The following statutes and regulations, although not incorporated by reference, are part of the authorized State program.

(i) 7 Delaware Code Annotated sections 6308 and 6309 (1974 and Supp. 1983).

(ii) Delaware Administrative Procedures Act, 7 Delaware Code Annotated sections 10101 through 10161 (1974 and Supp. 1983).

(b) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region III and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on December 14, 1983.

(c) Statement of Legal Authority. (1) “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of Delaware of July 26, 1983.

(2) Letter from the Attorney General of Delaware to EPA, April 2, 1984.

(d) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as part of the original application or as supplements thereto.

§§ 272.402-272.449   [Reserved]
Subpart J—District of Columbia
§§ 272.450-272.499   [Reserved]
Subpart K—Florida
§ 272.500   [Reserved]
§ 272.501   Florida State-administered program: Final authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Florida has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Florida's base program application for final authorizations which was approved by EPA effective on February 12, 1985. Subsequent program revision applications were approved and effective January 30, 1988; October 30, 1988; January 3, 1989; February 12, 1991; April 6, 1992; April 7, 1992; July 20, 1992; January 10, 1994; September 9, 1994; October 17, 1994; December 27, 1994; and June 2, 1997.

(b) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The Florida statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(i) EPA Approved Florida's Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated December 1997.

(ii) EPA Approved Florida's Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated December 1997.

(2) The following statutes and regulations concerning State procedures and enforcement, although not incorporated by reference, are part of the authorized State program:

(i) Florida Statutes, 1993, Chapter 119: 119.01; 119.011; 119.0115 through 119.031; 119.041; 119.05; 119.06; 119.07(1), (2), (3)(a)–(j), (3)(k)(1) first sentence, (3)(l)–(u), (4), (5), and (8); 119.072; 119.08(1)(a), (2) and (3); 119.085; 119.09; 119.092; 119.10; and 119.11 through 119.14.

(ii) Florida Statutes, 1993, Chapter 120: 120.53; 120.57; 120.59; 120.68; and 120.69.

(iii) Florida Statutes, 1993, Chapter 403: 403.021(1)–(9); 403.051(1) and (2); 403.061(21); 403.087(1) second and third sentences, (2)–(4), and (8); 403.0875; 403.091; 403.121; 403.131; 403.141(1) and (2); 403.151; 403.161; 403.201(1)–(3); 403.412; 403.702; 403.703(1); 403.704 (except (8), (11), (20)–(23), (25), and (31)); 403.721(1); 403.721(2)–(4) (except (4)(a)); 403.721(5); 403.721(6)(a)–(g), (j), (k); 403.721(7); 403.722(7) and (9)–(11); 403.7222(3); 403.724(3)–(6); 403.726 (except 403.726(3)); 403.73; 403.7545; 403.8055; and 403.814.

(iv) Florida Statutes, 1994 Supplement to 1993, Chapter 403: 403.061(14); 403.088; 403.707; 403.722(12); 403.7222(3); and 403.727.

(v) Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62–4, effective July 4, 1995: 62–4.050(1)–(3); 62–4.070(4); and 62–4.070(5).

(vi) Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62–103, effective October 20, 1996: 62–103.150; and 62–103.155.

(vii) Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62–730, effective September 7, 1995: 62–730.020(2); 62–730.184; 62–730.200(3); 62–730.220(4); 62–730.220(9); 62–730.231(10); 62–730.240(3); and 62–730.310.

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not codified herein for enforcement purposes.

(i) Florida Statutes, 1993, Chapter 403: 403.087(5); 403.201(4) (only the phrase “may require by rule a processing fee for and”); 403.704(8); 403.721(4)(a); 403.7215(1)–(4); 403.722(8); 403.723; 403.724(7); 403.754(1)–(7); 403.767(1)–(3)(c); 403.78 through 403.7893; and 403.7895.

(ii) Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62–4, effective July 4, 1995: 17–4.050(4)(k), (n)–(p), (r) and (s)–(x); 62–4.050(5)–(7).

(iii) Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62–730, effective September 7, 1995: 62–730.170(2) and (3);62–730.180(10); 62–730.290 (only the phrase “and submittal of the appropriate permit modification fee”).

(4) Unauthorized State Provisions. The State's adoption of the following Federal rules is not approved by EPA and are, therefore, not enforceable:

Federal requirementFederal Register referencePublication date
HSWA Codification Rule: Corrective Action (Checklist 17 L)50 FR 287027/15/85
HSWA Codification Rule 2: Corrective Action Beyond Facility Boundary (Checklist 44 B); Corrective Action for Injection Wells (Checklist 44 C); and Permit Modification (Checklist 44 D)52 FR 4578812/1/87
Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces (Checklist 85)56 FR 71342/12/91
Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Corrections and Technical Amendments I (Checklist 94)56 FR 326887/1/91
Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Technical Amendments II (Checklist 96)56 FR 425048/27/91
Coke Ovens Administrative Stay (Checklist 98)56 FR 438749/5/91
Recycled Coke By-Product Exclusion (Checklist 105)57 FR 278806/22/92
Burning Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Technical Amendment III (Checklist 111)57 FR 385588/25/92
Recycled Used Oil Management Standards (Checklist 112)57 FR 41566: Amendments to 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, and 2669/10/92
Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Technical Amendment IV (Checklist 114)57 FR 449999/30/92
Corrective Action Management Units and Temporary Units (Checklist 121)58 FR 86582/16/93
Recycled Used Oil Management Standards; Technical Amendments and Corrections I (Checklist 122)58 FR 26420: Amendments to 40 CFR Parts 261, 264, and 2655/3/93

(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region IV and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on October 23, 1993, as amended on November 28, 1994, and on December 9, 1994, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Statement of Legal Authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization” certifications signed by the General Counsel of Florida on June 21, 1984; March 12, 1987; June 16, 1988; February 21, 1989; May 30, 1989; June 13, 1990; May 28, 1991; October 9, 1991; July 14, 1992; September 24, 1993; December 20, 1993; February 27, 1994; January 25, 1996; and May 20, 1996, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921.

(7) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as part of the original application, or as supplements thereto, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[63 FR 2898, Jan. 20, 1998]

§§ 272.502-272.549   [Reserved]
Subpart L—Georgia
§§ 272.550-272.599   [Reserved]
Subpart M—Hawaii
§§ 272.600-272.649   [Reserved]
Subpart N—Idaho

Source:   55 FR 50328, Dec. 6, 1990, unless otherwise noted.

§ 272.651   Idaho State-Administered Program: Final authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Idaho has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Idaho's base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on April 9, 1990. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on June 5, 1992, August 10, 1992, June 11, 1995, January 19, 1999, July 1, 2002, March 10, 2004, and July 22, 2005.

(b) The State of Idaho has primary responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste management program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its inspection and enforcement authorities in accordance with sections 3007, 3008, 3013, 7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, 6973, and any other applicable statutory and regulatory provisions, regardless of whether the State has taken its own actions, as well as in accordance with other statutory and regulatory provisions.

(c) State Statutes and Regulations.

(1) The Idaho statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(i) The EPA-Approved Idaho Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, July 2005.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) EPA considered the following statutes and regulations in evaluating the State program but is not incorporating them herein for enforcement purposes:

(i) Idaho Code (I.C.) containing the General Laws of Idaho Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 44, “Hazardous Waste Management”, published in 2002 by the Michie Company, Law Publishers: sections 39–4404; 39–4405 (except 39–4405(8)); 39–4406; 39–4407; 39–4408(4); 39–4409(2) (except first sentence); 39–4409(3); 39–4409(4) (first sentence); 39–4410; 39–4411(1); 39–4411(3); 39–4411(6); 39–4412 through 39–4416; 39–4418; 39–4419; 39–4421; 39–4422; and 39–4423(3) (a) & (b).

(ii) Idaho Code (I.C.) containing the General Laws of Idaho Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 58, “Hazardous Waste Facility Siting Act”, published in 2002 by the Michie Company, Law Publishers: sections 39–5804; 39–5809; 39–5810; 39–5813(2); 39–5814; 39–5816; 39–5817; and 39–5818(1).

(iii) Idaho Code (I.C.) containing the General Laws of Idaho Annotated, Volume 2, Title 9, Chapter 3, “Public Writings”, published in 1990 by the Michie Company, Law Publishers, Charlottesville, Virginia: sections 9–337(10); 9–337(11); 9–338; 9–339; and 9–344(2).

(iv) 2002 Cumulative Pocket Supplement to the Idaho Code (I.C.), Volume 2, Title 9, Chapter 3, “Public Writing”, published in 2002 by the Michie Company, Law Publishers, Charlottesville, Virginia: sections 9–340A, 9–340B, and 9–343.

(v) Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Rules and Regulations, Idaho Administrative Code, IDAPA 58, Title 1, Chapter 5, “Rules and Standards for Hazardous Waste”, as published July 2004: sections; through;;;;; and

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, are not incorporated by reference, and are not federally enforceable:

(i) Idaho Code containing the General Laws of Idaho Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 44, “Hazardous Waste Management”, published in 2002 by the Michie Company, Law Publishers: sections 39–4403(6) & (14); 39–4427; 39–4428 and 39–4429.

(ii) Idaho Code containing the General Laws of Idaho Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 58, “Hazardous Waste Siting Act”, published in 2002 by the Michie Company, Law Publishers: section 39–5813(3).

(iii) Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Rules and Regulations, Idaho Administrative Code, IDAPA 58, Title 1, Chapter 5, “Rules and Standards for Hazardous Waste”, as published July 2004: sections; and

(4) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 10 and the State of Idaho (IDEQ), signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on August 1, 2001, although not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921, et seq.

(5) Statement of Legal Authority. The “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization,” signed by the Attorney General of Idaho on July 5, 1988 and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement, dated July 3, 1989, February 13, 1992, December 29, 1994, September 16, 1996, October 3, 1997, April 6, 2001, September 11, 2002, and September 22, 2004, although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921, et seq.

(6) Program Description. The Program Description, and any other materials submitted as part of the original application or as supplements thereto, although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[71 FR 20345, Apr. 20, 2006]

§§ 272.652-272.699   [Reserved]
Subpart O—Illinois
§ 272.700   State authorization.

(a) The State of Illinois is authorized to administer and enforce a hazardous waste management program in lieu of the Federal program under subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), 42 U.S.C. 6921 et. seq. subject to the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA), (Public Law 98–616, November 8, 1984), 42 U.S.C. 6926 (c) and (g). The Federal program for which a State may receive authorization is defined in 40 CFR part 271. The State's base program and revisions to that program, as administered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, were approved by EPA pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 6926(b) and 40 CFR part 271. EPA's approval of Illinois' base program was effective on January 31, 1986. EPA's approval of revisions to Illinois' base program were effective on March 5, 1988, April 30, 1990 and June 3, 1991.

(b) Illinois is authorized to implement only those HSWA requirements addressed in 40 CFR 272.701 and codified herein.

(c) Illinois has primary responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its enforcement authorities under Sections 3007, 3008, 3013, and 7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, and 6973, as well as under other Federal laws and regulations.

(d) Illinois must revise its approved program to adopt new changes to the Federal Subtitle C program in accordance with Section 3006(b) of RCRA and 40 CFR part 271, subpart A. Illinois must seek final authorization for all program revisions pursuant to Section 30069b) of RCRA but, on a temporary basis, may seek interim authorization for revisions required by HSWA pursuant to section 3006(g) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(g). If Illinois obtains final authorization for the revised requirements pursuant to Section 3006(g), the newly authorized provisions will be listed in §272.701 of this subpart. If Illinois obtains interim authorization for the revised requirements pursuant to Section 3006(g), the newly authorized provisions will be listed in §272.702.

[54 FR 37651, Sept. 12, 1989, as amended at 57 FR 3723, Jan. 31, 1992; 57 FR 45576, Oct. 2, 1992]

§ 272.701   State-administered program: Final authorization.

Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Illinois has final authorization for the following elements submitted to EPA in Illinois; base program and program revision applications for final authorization and approved by EPA effective on January 31, 1986, March 5, 1988, April 30, 1990 and June 3, 1991.

(a) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The following Illinois regulations and statutes are incorporated by reference with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51 as part of the hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq .

(i) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35, Part 702, Sections 702.101–702.104, 702.110–702.187; Part 703, Sections 703.100–703.126, 703.140–703.246; Part 709, Sections 709.102–709.105, 709.201, 709.301, 709.302, 709.401, 709.501–709.603; Part 720, Sections 720.101–720.122, Part 720 Appendix A; Part 721, Sections 721.101–721.133, Part 721 Appendices A, B, C, G, H, I, J, Z; Part 722, Sections 722.110–722.151, Part 722 Appendix A; Part 723, Sections 723.110–723.131; Part 724, Sections 724.101–724.321, 724.326–724.351, 724.354–724.451, Part 724 Appendices A, D, E; Part 725, Sections 725.101–725.248, 725.270–725.530, Part 725 Appendices, A, C, D, E; Part 726, Sections 726.120–726.180; Part 728; and Part 729, Sections 729.100–729.321; (Illinois Administrative Code, January 1, 1985, as amended January 1, 1986, January 1, 1987, and January 1, 1988).

Copies of the Illinois regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from the Secretary of State, Administrative Code Division, 288 Centennial Building, Springfield, Illinois 62756. Copies may be inspected at U.S. EPA headquarters, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to:

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) The following statutes and regulations concerning State enforcement and procedures, although not codified herein, are part of the authorized State program:

(i) Illinois Revised Statutes, chapter 1111/2, sections 1001 through 1003.52; sections 1003.54 through 1005.1; sections 1007 through 1007.1; section 1020(c); sections 1020.1 through 1022.3; sections 1022.5 through 1022.6; sections 1030 through 1034; and section 1039 parts a, d, g, k.

(ii) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35 Part 700, Sections 700.101–700.504; Part 702 Sections 702.105–702.109; Part 705, Section 705.101–705.212; Part 720, Sections 720.140–720.141; and Title 2, Part 1826, Sections 1826.101–1826.503, Section 1826 Appendices A and B. (Illinois Administrative Code, January 1, 1985, as amended January 1, 1986, January 1, 1987, and January 1, 1988).

(b) Memorandum of Agreement . The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA-Region V and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on January 26, 1990, is part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(c) Statement of Legal Authority . The Illinois Attorney General's Statements for final authorization signed by the Attorney General of Illinois on June 4, 1985, July 15, 1986, May 26, 1988, and February 23, 1990 are part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq .

(d) Program Description . Program Descriptions dated July 26, 1985, August 7, 1986, November 29, 1988, and May 18, 1990, and any other materials submitted as part of, or as supplements to, the original application or revision applications are codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq .

[54 FR 37651, Sept. 12, 1989, as amended at 57 FR 3723, Jan. 31, 1992; 57 FR 45576, Oct. 2, 1992; 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004]

§§ 272.702-272.750   [Reserved]
Subpart P—Indiana
§ 272.751   Indiana state-administered program: Final authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Indiana has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Indiana's base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on January 31, 1986. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on December 31, 1986, January 19, 1988, September 11, 1989, September 23, 1991 (two separate revisions), September 27, 1991, September 30, 1991, October 21, 1996, November 30, 1999, and January 4, 2001.

(b) State statutes and regulations. (1) The Indiana statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). Copies of the Indiana regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from the Indiana Legislative Services Agency, Administrative Code and Register Division, 302 State House, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

(i) The EPA approved Authorized Indiana Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated March 2001.

(ii) The EPA approved Indiana Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated March 2001.

(2) The following statutes and regulations concerning State procedures and enforcement, although not incorporated by reference, are part of the authorized State program:

(i) Annotated Indiana Code, 1998 edition, Title 13, Article 4–21.5, 5–14–3–2, 13–11–2, 13–14–2–2, 13–14–9, 13–14–10, 13–15–2, 13–19–1, 13–19–2, 13–20, 13–22–1, 13–22–3, 13–22–5 through 13–22–14, 13–23, 13–30, and 23–1–16.

(ii) Indiana Administrative Code, as amended, 1996 edition, certified October 24, 1995, 2000 cumulative supplement, certified November 30, 1999, sections 329 IAC 3.1–1–1 through 3.1–1–6; 3.1–1–8 through 3.1–1–14; 3.1–2–1 through 3.1–2–16; 3.1–3–1 through 3.1–3–9; 3.1–4–2 through 3.1–4–26; 3.1–13–5; 3.1–13–8 through 3.1–13–17; 3.1–14–2; 3.1–14–3; and 13–1–3 through 13–1–6.

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not incorporated by reference: Indiana Administrative Code as amended, 1996 edition, certified October 24, 1995, 2000 cumulative supplement, certified November 30, 1999, sections 329 IAC 3.1–6–3; and 3.1–8–4.

(4) Unauthorized State provisions: Although the Federal rules listed in the following table have been adopted by the State and have been included in the materials incorporated by reference in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, EPA has not authorized the State for these rules at this time. While they may be enforceable under State law, they are not enforceable under RCRA:

Federal requirementFederal RegisterreferencePublication date
1. Hazardous Waste Management System; Testing and Monitoring Activities (Checklist 158)62 FR 32452June 13, 1997.
2. Kraft Mill Stream Stripper Condensate Exclusion (Checklist 164)63 FR 18504April 15, 1998.
3. Recycled Used Oil Management Standards; Technical Correction and Clarification (Checklist 166) as amended (Checklist 166.1)63 FR 24963May 6, 1998.
4. Bevill Exclusion Revisions and Clarification (Checklist 167E)63 FR 37780July 14, 1998.
5. Exclusion of Recycled Wood Preserving Wastewaters (Checklist 167F)63 FR 28556May 26, 1998.
6. Hazardous Waste Combustors Revised Standards (Checklist 168)63 FR 33782June 19, 1998.
7. Universal Waste Rule; Technical Amendment (Checklist 176)63 FR 71225December 24, 1998.

(i) Additionally Indiana has adopted but is not authorized to implement the HSWA rules that are listed the following table. EPA will continue to implement the Federal HSWA requirements for which Indiana is not authorized until the State receives specific authorization for those requirements:

Federal requirementFederal RegisterreferencePublication date
1. HSWA Codification Rule 2; Corrective Action for Injection Wells (Checklist 44C)52 FR 45788December 1, 1987.
2. Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces (Checklist 85)56 FR 7134February 21, 1991.
3. Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Corrections and Technical Amendments (Checklist 94)56 FR 32688July 17, 1991.
4. Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Technical Amendments II (Checklist 96)56 FR 42504August 27, 1991.
5. Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Technical Amendment III (Checklist 111)57 FR 38558August 25, 1992.
6. Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Technical Amendment IV (Checklist 114)57 FR 44999September 30, 1992.
7. Requirements for Preparation, Adoption, and Submittal of Implementation Plans (Checklist 125)58 FR 38816July 20, 1993.
8. Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces (Checklist 127)58 FR 59598November 9, 1993.
9. Land Disposal Restrictions-Phase IV: Treatment Standards for Wood Preserving Wastes, Paperwork Reduction and Streamlining, Exemptions from RCRA for Certain Processed Materials; and Miscellaneous Hazardous Waste Provisions (Checklist 157)62 FR 25998May 12, 1997.
10. Hazardous Waste Management System; Carbamate Production, Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Land Disposal Restrictions (Checklist 159)62 FR 32974June 17, 1997.
11. Land Disposal Restrictions-Phase III—Emergency Extension of the K088 National Capacity Variance (Checklist 160)62 FR 37694July 14, 1997.
12. Second Emergency Revision of the Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) Treatment Standards for Listed Hazardous Wastes from Carbamate Production (Checklist 161)62 FR 45568August 28, 1997.
13. Organic Air Emission Standards for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers; Clarification and Technical Amendment (Checklist 163)62 FR 64636December 8, 1997.
14. Land Disposal Restrictions-Phase IV: Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes and Mineral Processing Wastes (Checklist 167A), Hazardous Soils Treatment Standards and Exclusions (Checklist 167B), and Corrections (Checklist 167C) as amended (Checklist 167C.1)63 FR 28556
63 FR 31266
May 26, 1998.
June 8, 1998.
15. Petroleum Refining Process (Checklist 169) as amended (Checklist 169.1)63 FR 42110
63 FR 54356
August 6, 1998.
October 9, 1998.
16. Land Disposal Restrictions-Phase IV (Checklist 170)63 FR 46332August 31, 1998.
17. Emergency Revisions of the Land Disposal Restrictions Treatment Standards (Checklist 171)63 FR 47409September 4, 1998.
18. Emergency Revision of the Land Disposal Restrictions Treatment Standards (Checklist 172)63 FR 48124September 9, 1998.
19. Land Disposal Restrictions Treatment Standards (Spent Potliners) (Checklist 173)63 FR 51254September 24, 1998.

(ii) Some regulations listed in the table in paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section are predominantly HSWA authority but contain provisions that are not HSWA authority. EPA will not enforce these non-HSWA provisions. The affected rules are as follows:

(A) Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces (BIF), including BIF (February 21, 1991);

(B) Corrections and Technical Amendments I (July 17, 1991);

(C) Technical Amendments II (August 27, 1991);

(D) Technical Amendments III (August 25, 1992);

(E) Amendment IV (September 30, 1992);

(F) Requirements for Preparation, Adoption, and Submittal of Implementation Plans (July 20, 1993); and

(G) BIF (November 9, 1993).

(iii) EPA will not enforce BIF rules for Sludge Dryers, Infrared Incinerators, Plasma Arc Incinerators, and Carbon Regeneration Units, until Indiana is authorized for these rules. Petroleum Refining Process (August 6, 1998, as amended October 9, 1998) 40 CFR 261.3, 261.4, and 261.6 are non-HSWA provisions. Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Closed/Closing Facilities (October 22, 1998) 40 CFR 264.90(e), 265.110(c), 265.118(c)(4), 265.121 (except §265.121(a)(2)), 270.1, 270.14(a), and 270.28 are non-HSWA provisions. Hazardous Remediation Waste Management Requirements (HWIR Media) (November 30, 1998) 40 CFR 261.4(g), 264.1(j)(1–13), 264.73(b)(17), 270.2, 270.11(d), 270.68, 270.73(a), and 270.79 through 270.230 (40 CFR part 270, subpart H) except §270.230(e)(1) are non-HSWA provisions. Until Indiana becomes authorized for these rules, EPA will not enforce the non-HSWA provisions.

(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 5 and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, signed by the Commissioner of the IDEM on February 14, 1996 and acknowledged by the EPA Regional Administrator in theFederal Registernoticed signed on July 29, 1996, August 2, 1999, and December 14, 2000, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Statement of legal authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of Indiana on June 28, 1985 and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement dated August 26, 1986, June 1, 1987, December 15, 1987, March 25, 1988, July 22, 1988, December 15, 1989, May 29, 1996, March 24, 1997, and January 31, 2000 are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(7) Program description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as part of the original application or as supplements thereto are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[66 FR 53728, Oct. 24, 2001]

§§ 272.752-272.799   [Reserved]
Subpart Q—Iowa
§§ 272.800-272.849   [Reserved]
Subpart R—Kansas
§§ 272.850-272.899   [Reserved]
Subpart S—Kentucky
§§ 272.900-272.949   [Reserved]
Subpart T—Louisiana
§ 272.950   [Reserved]
§ 272.951   Louisiana State-administered program: Final authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Louisiana has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Louisiana's base program application for final authorizations which was approved by EPA effective on February 7, 1985. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on January 29, 1990, October 25, 1991, January 23, 1995, March 8, 1995, January 2, 1996, June 11, 1996 and March 16, 1998.

State Statutes and Regulations

(1) The Louisiana statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(i) EPA Approved Louisiana Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated June, 1997.

(ii) EPA Approved Louisiana Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated June, 1997.

(2) The following statutes and regulations concerning State procedures and enforcement, although not incorporated by reference, are part of the authorized State program:

(i) Louisiana Statutes Annotated, Revised Statutes, 1989, Volume 17B, Subtitle II of Title 30, Louisiana Environmental Quality Act, 1989: Chapter 2, Sections 2011.A(1)&(2), 2011.B, 2011.C (except 2011.C(1)(a)), 2011.D (introductory paragraph), 2011.D(1)–(3), 2011.D(5)–(9), 2011.D(13)–(15), 2011.D(17)&(18), 2011.D(21) (except 2011.D(21)(e)), 2011.D(22), 2011.E–.G, 2012 (except 2012.F(4) and 2012.G), 2013, 2014.A, 2019.A&.B, 2020 through 2021, 2023, 2024.B–.C, 2025.A–.D, 2025.E(2)–(5), 2025.F (introductory paragraph), 2025.F(1)–(4), 2025.G–.I, 2026, 2027.C, 2028, 2029, 2033, 2037; Chapter 3, Sections 2054.B(1), 2054.B(2)(a); Chapter 9, sections 2174, 2175, 2180.A (introductory paragraph), 2180.A(2)–(8), 2180.B–.C, 2181–2182, 2183.C, 2183.F, 2183.G (except 2183.G(3)), 2183.H, 2186, 2187, 2188.A, 2188.C, 2189, 2190.A–.D, 2191.A–.C, 2192.A, 2192.B (except 2192.B(4)), 2192.C, 2196, 2199 through 2200, 2203.B–.C, 2204.A(2), and 2204.B.

(ii) Louisiana Statutes Annotated, Revised Statutes, 1992 Cumulative Annual Pocket Part, Volume 17B, Subtitle II of Title 30, Louisiana Environmental Quality Act: Chapter 2, section 2011.C(1)(a), 2011.D(21)(e), 2012.F(4), 2012.G, 2018, 2019.C, 2022 (except the first sentence of 2022.A), 2024.A&.D, 2025.E(1), 2025.J, 2027.A&.B; Chapter 9, sections 2180.A(1), 2183.G(3), 2192.B(4).

(iii) Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33, Part V, Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, Amendments through June 1995: Chapter 1, sections 101, 107.A–.C; Chapter 3, Sections 301.A&.B, 311.A, 311.C, 315 (introductory paragraph), 323.B.3; Chapter 5, Section 503; Chapter 7, Sections 703, 705 and 707 through 721.

(iv) Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33, Part V, Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, Amendments for July 1995—March 1996: Chapter 3, Section 323.B.4.d. & e.

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not incorporated by reference:

(i) Louisiana Statutes Annotated, Revised Statutes, 1989, Volume 17B, Subtitle II of Title 30, Louisiana Environmental Quality Act, 1989: Chapter 2, sections 2014.B.–D.

(ii) Louisiana Statutes Annotated, Revised Statutes, 1992 Cumulative Annual Pocket Part, Volume 17B, Subtitle II of Title 30, Louisiana Environmental Quality Act: Sections 2178 and 2197.

(iii) Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33, Part V, Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, Amendments through June 1995: 327, 1313, and Chapter 51.

(4) Unauthorized State Amendments. The following authorized provisions of the Louisiana regulations include amendments published in the Louisiana Register that are not approved by EPA. Such unauthorized amendments are not part of the State's authorized program and are, therefore, not Federally enforceable. Thus, notwithstanding the language in the Louisiana hazardous waste regulations incorporated by reference at §272.951(b)(1), EPA will only enforce the authorized State provisions with the effective dates indicated in the table below. The actual State regulatory text authorized by EPA for the listed provisions are available as a separate document, Addendum to the EPA-Approved Louisiana Regulatory and Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, June, 1997. Copies of the document can be obtained from EPA Region 6, 1445 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202–2733, Phone number: (214) 665–8533.

State provisionEffective date of authorized provisionUnauthorized state amendments
State referenceEffective date
LAC §109 “Industrial furnace” introductory paragraphNovember 20, 1988LR 18:1375December 20, 1992.
LAC §303.K.1 (previously LHWR §3.2(k)(1))July 20, 1984LR 14:790November 20, 1988.
LAC §901 (LHWR §6.1)March 20, 1984LR 20:1000September 20, 1994.
LAC §1111.B.1.c (previously LHWR §7.6(b)(1))March 20, 1984LR 16:220March 20, 1990.
LAC §1113 (previously LHWR §7.7)March 20, 1984LR 16:220
LR 20:1000
LR 20:1109
March 20, 1990.
September 20, 1994.
October 20, 1994.
LAC §2511.B (previously LHWR §14.6(b))March 20, 1984LR 16:1057December 20, 1990.
LAC §3105.ANovember 21, 1988LR 18:1256
LR 18:1375
LR 20:1000
November 20, 1992.
December 20, 1992.
September 20, 1994.
LAC §3309 (previously LHWR §18.5)July 20, 1984LR 16:614July 20, 1990.
LAC §3707.F.1 (previously LHWR 20.4(f)(1))August 20, 1987LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §3707.F.2 (previously LHWR 20.4(f)(2))August 20, 1987LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §3711.F.1November 21, 1988LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §3711.F.2November 21, 1988LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §3711.G (previously LHWR 20.4(g))March 20, 1984LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §3715.F.1 (previously LHWR §20.8(f)(1))March 20, 1984LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §4141March 20, 1992LR 18:1375December 20, 1992.
LAC §4307 (previously LHWR §23.4)March 20, 1984LR 21:944September 20, 1995.
LAC §4397.BAugust 20, 1987LR 21:266March 20, 1995.
LAC §4403.E.1March 20, 1990LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §4403.E.2November 21, 1988LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §4403.F (previously LHWR §23.52(f))March 20, 1984LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §4407.A.12 (previously LHWR §23.54(a)(12))March 20, 1984LR 13:433
LR 18:723
August 20, 1987.
July 20, 1992.
LAC §4407.E.1&.2August 20, 1987LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §4407.F (previously LHWR §23.54(f))March 20, 1984LR 18:723July 20, 1992.
LAC §4503.B introductory paragraph (previously LHWR §23.102(b))March 20, 1984LR 16:1057December 20, 1990.
LAC §4513.AMarch 20, 1990LR 18:1375
LR 20:1000
December 20, 1992.
September 20, 1994.
LAC §4901.D.3September 20, 1994LR 21:266March 20, 1995.

(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 6 and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality—Hazardous Waste Division, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on December 18, 1995, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Statement of Legal Authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of Louisiana on May 10, 1989 and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement dated May 13, 1991, May 3, 1994, December 2, 1994, May 31, 1995, July 24, 1995, and November 30, 1995, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(7) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as part of the original application or as supplements thereto are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[62 FR 67583, Dec. 29, 1997]

§§ 272.952-272.999   [Reserved]
Subpart U—Maine
§§ 272.1000-272.1049   [Reserved]
Subpart V—Maryland
§§ 272.1050-272.1099   [Reserved]
Subpart W—Massachusetts
§§ 272.1100-272.1149   [Reserved]
Subpart X—Michigan
§ 272.1150   State authorization.

(a) The State of Michigan is authorized to administer and enforce a hazardous waste management program in lieu of the Federal program under subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. subject to the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA) (Public Law 98–616, November 8, 1984), 42 U.S.C. 6926 (c) and (g). The Federal program for which a State may receive authorization is defined in 40 CFR part 271. The State's program, as administered by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, was approved by EPA pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 6926(b) and part 271 of this chapter. EPA's approval of Michigan's base program was effective on October 30, 1986 (see 51 FR 36804). EPA's approval of the revisions to Michigan's base program was effective on January 23, 1990 (see 54 FR 48608) and RCRA Cluster III authorization effective June 24, 1991 (see 56 FR 18517).

(b) Michigan is authorized to implement certain HSWA requirements in lieu of EPA. EPA has explicitly indicated its intent to allow such action in aFederal Registernotice granting Michigan authorization and RCRA Cluster III authorization effective June 24, 1991 (see 56 FR 18517).

(c) Michigan has primary responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its enforcement authorities under sections 3007, 3008, 3013, and 7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, and 6973, as well as under other Federal laws and regulations.

(d) Michigan must revise its approved program to adopt new changes to the Federal Subtitle C program in accordance with section 3006(b) of RCRA and 40 CFR part 271, subpart A. Michigan must seek final authorization for all program revisions, pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA but, on a temporary basis, may seek interim authorization for revisions required by HSWA, pursuant to section 3006(g) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(g). If Michigan obtains final authorization for the revised requirements pursuant to section 3006(g), the newly authorized provisions will be listed in §272.1151 of this subpart. If Michigan obtains interim authorization for the revised requirements pursuant to section 3006(g), the newly authorized provisions will be listed in §272.1152.

[54 FR 7421, Feb. 21, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 18112, May 1, 1990; 57 FR 3724, Jan. 31, 1992]

§ 272.1151   State-administered program: Final authorization.

Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Michigan has final authorization for the following elements submitted to EPA in Michigan's base program and program revision applications for final authorization and approved by EPA effective on October 30, 1986 (see 51 FR 36804), January 23, 1990 (see 54 FR 46808), and RCRA Cluster III authorization effective June 24, 1991 (see 56 FR 18517).

(a) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The requirements in the Michigan statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference and codified as part of the hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. This incorporation, by reference, was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a).

(i) Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated, §§299.501–506, 299.521–522, 299.532–535, 299.537, and 299.539–541 (P.A. 64 of 1979 as amended by P.A. 486 of 1982, effective March 30, 1983). Copies of the State laws incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from West Publishing Co., 50 West Kellogg Boulevard, P.O. Box 64526, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164–0526.

(ii) Michigan Administrative Code, Rules 299.9101–9206(3)(g), 299.9206(4)–9208(1), 299.9208(3)–9209(1), 9209(4)–(9209(6), 299.9210(2)–9211(1)(a), 299.9211(1)(c)–9212(4), 299.9212(6)–9212(7), 299.9212(8)(b)–9213(1)(a), 299.9213(1)(c), 299.9213(2)–9214(6)(b), 299.9215–9217, 299.9220, 299.9222, 299.9224–9225, 299.9301–9304(1)(b), 299.9304(1)(d)–299.9401(5), 299.9402, 299.9404(1) introductory text, 299.9404(1)(b)–9405, 299.9407–9408(1), 299.9409–9410, 299.9501–9504(1) introductory text, 299.9504(1)(b)–9506, 299.9508–9508(1)(g), 299.9508(1)(i)–9521(1)(b), 299.9521(2)–9522, 299.9601–9611(2)(a), 299.9611(3)–9623(1)(b), 299.9623(3)–9710, 299.9801–9804, 299.11001–11008 (1985 Annual Michigan Administrative Code Supplement, as supplemented by the April 1988 Michigan Register, pages 3–107, and the January 1989 Michigan Register, pages 1–27). Copies of the Michigan regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from the Department of Management and Budget's Publication Office, 7461 Crowner Drive, Lansing, Michigan 48913, Phone: (517) 322–1897. Copies may be inspected at: U.S. EPA Headquarters Library, PM 211A, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Phone: (202) 382–5926; U.S. EPA, Region V, Waste, Pesticides and Toxics Division, Program Management Branch, 7th floor, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL. Phone: Ms. Judy Feigler, (312) 886–4179; and at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to:

(2) The following statutes and regulations, although not codified herein for enforcement purposes, are part of the authorized State program.

(i) Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated, §24.201–328 (P.A. 306 of 1969, effective July 1, 1970), §§299.507, 299.514–520, 299.523–528, 299.544, and 299.546–548 (P.A. 64 of 1979 as amended by P.A. 486 of 1982, effective March 30, 1983).

(ii) Michigan Administrative Code Rules 299.9521(1)(c), 299.11101–11107 (1985 Annual Michigan Administrative Code Supplement, as supplemented by the April, 1988 Michigan Register, pages 3–107).

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not codified herein for enforcement purposes.

(i) Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated, §§299.508–513, 299.529, 299.531, and 299.542–543 (P.A. 64 of 1979 as amended by P.A. 486 of 1982).

(ii) Michigan Administrative Code Rules 299.9208(2), 299.9209 (2) and (3), 299.9210(1), 299.9211(1)(b), 299.9212 (5) and (8)(a), 299.9213(1) (b) and (d), 299.9214(6)(c), 299.9218–9219, 299.9221, 299.9223, 299.9226, 299.9304(1)(c), 299.9401(6), 299.9403, 299.9404(1)(a), 299.9406, 299.9408 (2) and (3), 299.9411–9412, 299.9504(1)(a), 299.9507, 299.9508(1)(h), 299.9523, 299.9611(2) (b) and (c), 299.9623(2), 299.9711, 299.9901–9906 (1985 Michigan Administrative Code Annual Supplement, as supplemented by the April 1988 Michigan Register, pages 3–107, and the January 1989 Michigan Register, pages 1–27).

(b) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA—Region V and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on February 7, 1991, is codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(c) Statement of Legal Authority. The Michigan Attorney General's Statements for final authorization signed by the Attorney General of Michigan on October 25, 1985, and supplements to that Statement dated June 3, 1986, September 19, 1986, September 7, 1988, and July 31, 1990, are codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(d) Program Description. The Program Description dated June 30, 1984, and the supplements thereto dated June 30, 1986, September 12, 1988, and July 31, 1990, are codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[54 FR 7421, Feb. 21, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 18113, May 1, 1990; 57 FR 3725, Jan. 31, 1992; 62 FR 1834, Jan. 14, 1997; 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004]

§ 272.1152-272.1199   [Reserved]
Subpart Y—Minnesota
§ 272.1200   [Reserved]
§ 272.1201   Minnesota State-administered program; Final authorization.

Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Minnesota has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Minnesota's base program and revision application for final authorization as approved by EPA effective on February 11, 1985. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on September 18, 1987, June 23, 1989, August 14, 1990, August 23, 1991, May 18, 1992, May 17, 1993, and March 21, 1994.

(a) State statutes and regulations. (1) The Minnesota statutes and regulations cited in appendix A are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(i) EPA Approved Minnesota Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated April 5, 1994.

(ii) EPA Approved Minnesota Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated April 5, 1994.

(2) The following statutes and regulations concerning State enforcement, although not incorporated by reference for enforcement purposes, are part of the authorized State program: Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 14.02–14.56; 115.07 Subdivisions 1 and 3; 115.071, 116.091; 116.11, and 116B.09 (June 1992 edition).

(b) [Reserved]

[59 FR 45987, Sept. 6, 1994]

§§ 272.1202-272.1249   [Reserved]
Subpart Z—Mississippi
§§ 272.1250-272.1299   [Reserved]
Subpart AA—Missouri
§ 272.1300   State authorization.

(a) The State of Missouri is authorized to administer and enforce a hazardous waste management program in lieu of the Federal program under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq., subject to the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA), (Pub. L. 98–616, Nov. 8, 1984), 42 U.S.C. 6926 (c) and (g)). The Federal program for which a State may receive authorization is defined in 40 CFR part 271. The State's program, as administered by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources was approved by EPA pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 6926(b) and part 271 of this Chapter. EPA's approval was effective on December 4, 1985 (50 FR 47740, November 20, 1985).

(b) Missouri is not authorized to implement any HSWA requirements in lieu of EPA unless EPA has explicitly indicated its intent to allow such action in aFederal Registernotice granting Missouri authorization.

(c) Missouri has primary responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its enforcement authorities under sections 3007, 3008, 3013, and 7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, and 6973, as well as under other Federal laws and regulations.

(d) Missouri must revise its approved program to adopt new changes to the Federal Subtitle C program in accordance with section 3006(b) of RCRA and 40 CFR part 271, subpart A. Missouri must seek final authorization for all program revisions pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, but, on a temporary basis, may seek interim authorization for revisions required by HSWA pursuant to section 3006(g) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(g). If Missouri obtains final authorization for the revised requirements pursuant to section 3006(g), the newly authorized provisions will be listed in §272.1301 of this subpart. If Missouri obtains interim authorization for the revised requirements pursuant to section 3006(g), the newly authorized provision will be listed in §227.1302.

[54 FR 8193, Feb. 27, 1989]

§ 272.1301   State-administered program; Final authorization.

Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Missouri has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Missouri's program application for final authorization which was approved on November 20, 1985. Subsequent program revision applications were approved on February 27, 1989, and March 12, 1992. Copies may be obtained from the Hazardous Waste Program, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102.

(a) State statutes and regulations. (1) The Missouri statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(i) Missouri Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, 1990.

(ii) Missouri Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, December 31, 1990.

(2) The following statutes and regulations, although not incorporated by reference for enforcement purposes, are part of the authorized State program. The statutory provisions include: 260.360(4), 260.360(20)–260.377, 260.393–260.394, 260.400, 260.410–260.420, 260.425–260.430. The regulatory provisions include 3.260(1)(A)24–3.260(1)(A)25, 3.260(1)(B)–3.260(1)(D), 4.261(2)(D)3, 5.262(2)(B)2, 5.262(2)(C)2, 5.262(2)(D)1, 6.263(2)(A)10.D–6.263(2)(A)10.I, 6.263(2)(D)3, 7.264(2)(B)1, 7.265(2)(B), 7.266(2)(E)–7.266(2)(E)3, 7.268(2)(A)1, 7.268(2)(A)3, 7.268(2)(E), 7.270(2)(B)12–7.270(2)(B)13, 7.270(2)(B)18, 7.270(2)(C)1.D, 7.270(2)(C)3, 7.270(2)(D)4.

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, and are not part of the authorized State program. The statutory provisions include: 260.360(13), 260.379, 260.380–1.(10), 260.385(1), 260.390(8), 260.391, 260.395–1–260.295–5, 260.395–7.(5)–260.395–7.(6), 260.396, 260.405, 260.423–260.424, 260.431–260.434. The regulatory provisions include: 3.260(1)(A)21, 4.261(2)(A)6–4.261(2)(D)2, 5.262(2)(I), 6.263(2)(A)3–6.263(2)(A)4, 7.264(2)(P), 7.266(2)(C)–7.266(2)(D), 7.266(2)(E)4–7.266(2)(G), 7.270(2)(B)7–7.270(2)(B)8, 7.270(2)(B)10, 7.270(2)(C)1.A, 7.270(2)(H).

(b) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region VII and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on August 30, 1988, and the subsequent Agreement signed on August 31, 1992 are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(c) Statement of Legal Authority. (1) “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization,” signed by the Attorney General of Missouri on June 27, 1985, is codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(2) “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization of Changes to the Federal RCRA Program,” signed by the delegated Assistant Attorney General of Missouri on December 1, 1987, and the subsequent Statement signed on February 28, 1992, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA; 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(d) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as part of the original application or as supplements thereto are codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[54 FR 8193, Feb. 27, 1989, as amended at 58 FR 3500, Jan. 11, 1993]

§§ 272.1302-272.1349   [Reserved]
Subpart BB—Montana
§ 272.1350   [Reserved]
§ 272.1351   Montana State-Administered Program: Final Authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Montana has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Montana's base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on July 25, 1984. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on, March 21, 1994, December 24, 1996, December 26, 2000 and November 29, 2005.

(b) The State of Montana has primary responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste management program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its inspection and enforcement authorities in accordance with sections 3007, 3008, 3013, 7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, 6973, and any other applicable statutory and regulatory provisions, regardless of whether the State has taken its own actions, as well as in accordance with other statutory and regulatory provisions.

(c) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The Montana regulations cited in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. This incorporation by reference is approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of the Montana regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from the Montana Secretary of State, Administrative Rules Bureau, P.O. Box 202801, Helena, MT 59620–2801 (Phone: 406–444–2055). You may inspect a copy at EPA Region 8, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., 999 18th Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado 80202–2466, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to:

(i) The Binder entitled “EPA Approved Montana Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program”, dated November 2005.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) EPA considered the following statutes and regulations in evaluating the State program but is not incorporating them herein for enforcement purposes:

(i) Montana Code Annotated (MCA) 2005, Title 2, “Government Structure and Administration”: Chapter 3, “Public Participation in Governmental Operations”, sections 2–3–102 introductory paragraph through 2–3–102(2), 2–3–103(1), 2–3–104, 2–3–105, 2–3–111, 2–3–112, 2–3–221, 2–3–301; Chapter 4, “Administrative Procedure Act”, sections 2–4–103, 2–4–315; Chapter 6, “Public Records”, sections 2–6–101 et seq. ; Chapter 15, “Executive Branch Officers and Agencies”, sections 2–15–3501 and 2–15–3502.

(ii) Montana Code Annotated (MCA) 2005, Title 25, “Civil Procedure”: Chapter 20, “Rules of Civil Procedure”, Rule 24(a).

(iii) Montana Code Annotated (MCA) 2005, Title 27, “Civil Liability, Remedies, and Limitations”: Chapter 30, “Nuisances”, section 27–30–204.

(iv) Montana Code Annotated (MCA) 2005, Title 30, “Trade and Commerce”: Chapter 14, “Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection”, sections 30–14–402 et seq.

(v) Montana Code Annotated (MCA) 2005, Title 75, “Environmental Protection”: Chapter 10, “Waste and Litter Control”, sections 75–10–107, 75–10–402(3), 75–10–403, 75–10–404(1) introductory paragraph and (1)(a), 75–10–404(1)(e), 75–10–404(2), 75–10–405 (except 75–10–405(1)(i), (1)(j) and (2)(a)), 75–10–406, 75–10–408, 75–10–409, 75–10–410, 75–10–411, 75–10–413, 75–10–414, 75–10–415, 75–10–416, 75–10–417, 75–10–418, 75–10–419, 75–10–420, 75–10–421, 75–10–422, 75–10–424, 75–10–425, 75–10–426, 75–10–427, 75–10–441 and 75–10–442; Chapter 20, “Major Facility Siting”.

(vi) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM), effective April 1, 2005, Title 17, “Environmental Quality”: Chapter 53, Hazardous Waste, sections 17.53.104, 17.53.201, 17.53.202 , 17.53.206, 17.53.207, 17.53.208, 17.53.212, 17.53.213, 17.53.214, 17.53.215, 17.53.1202(5)(m), 17.53.1202(6).

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, are not incorporated by reference and are not federally enforceable:

(i) Montana Code Annotated (MCA) 2005, Title 75, “Environmental Protection”: Chapter 10, “Waste and Litter Control”, sections 75–10–405(1)(i) & (j), 75–10–405(2)(a), 75–10–431, 75–10–432, 75–10–433, 75–10–434.

(ii) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM), effective April 1, 2005, Title 17, “Environmental Quality”, Chapter 53, Hazardous Waste, sections 17.53.112, 17.53.113, 17.53.703, and 17.53.1202(5)(l), and (17).

(4) Memorandum of Agreement and Enforcement Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 8 and the State of Montana, signed by the State of Montana Department of Environmental Quality on November 30, 1993, and by the EPA Regional Administrator on December 25, 1993, and the Enforcement Agreement between EPA Region 8 and the State of Montana, signed by the State of Montana Department of Environmental Quality on September 1, 2000, and by the EPA Regional Administrator on September 11, 2000, although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(5) Statement of Legal Authority. “Independent Legal Counsel Statement”, accompanied by an Attorney General concurrence letter signed by the Attorney General of Montana on December 27, 1983 as amended June 7, 1984 and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement accompanied by Attorney General concurrence letters dated September 23, 1993, March 28, 1995, June 29, 1995, and April 4, 2005 although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as supplements thereto, although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[71 FR 11538, Mar. 8, 2006]

§§ 272.1352-272.1399   [Reserved]
Subpart CC—Nebraska
§§ 272.1400-272.1449   [Reserved]
Subpart DD—Nevada
§§ 272.1450-272.1499   [Reserved]
Subpart EE—New Hampshire
§§ 272.1500-272.1549   [Reserved]
Subpart FF—New Jersey
§§ 272.1550-272.1599   [Reserved]
Subpart GG—New Mexico
§ 272.1600   [Reserved]
§ 272.1601   New Mexico State-administered Program: Final authorization.

Link to an amendment published at 73 FR 63900, October 28, 2008.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), New Mexico has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in New Mexico's base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on January 25, 1985. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on April 10, 1990, July 25, 1990, December 4, 1992, August 23, 1994, December 21, 1994, July 10, 1995, January 2, 1996, March 10, 1997, and October 9, 2001.

(b) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The New Mexico regulations cited in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. (See §272.2).

(i) The Binder entitled “EPA Approved New Mexico Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program”, dated October 2001.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) The following provisions provide the legal basis for the State's implementation of the hazardous waste management program, but they are not being incorporated by reference and do not replace Federal authorities:

(i) New Mexico Statutes 1978 Annotated, Inspection of Public Records Act, Chapter 14, Article 2, (1994 Cumulative Supplement), sections 14–2–1 et seq.

(ii) New Mexico Statutes 1978 Annotated, Hazardous Waste Act, Chapter 74, Article 4, (1993 Replacement Pamphlet), sections 74–4–4 (except 74–4–4C), 74–4–4.1, 74–4–4.2C through 74–4–4.2F, 74–4–4.2G(1), 74–4–4.2H, 74–4–4.2I, 74–4–4.3 (except 74–4–4.3A(2) and 74–4–4.3F), 74–4–4.7B, 74–4–4.7C, 74–4–5, 74–4–7, 74–4–10, 74–4–10.1 (except 74–4–10.1C), 74–4–11 through 74–4–14.

(iii) Title 20, Chapter 4, part 1, New Mexico Administrative Code, effective June 14, 2000, sections (except through and,,,, and

(3)(i) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not incorporated by reference:

(ii) New Mexico Statutes 1978 Annotated, Hazardous Waste Act, Chapter 74, Article 4, (1993 Replacement Pamphlet), sections 74–4–3.3 and 74–4–4.2J.

(4) Unauthorized State Amendments. —(i) The State's adoption of the Federal rules listed in the following table is not approved by EPA and are, therefore, not enforceable:

Federal requirementFederal RegisterreferencePublication date
Biennial Report48 FR 397701/28/83
Permit Rules; Settlement Agreement48 FR 3961109/01/83
Interim Status Standards; Applicability48 FR 5271811/22/83
Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Listing (F024)49 FR 530802/10/84
National Uniform Manifest49 FR 1049003/20/84
Recycled Used Oil Management Standards57 FR 41566: Amendments to 40 CFR parts 260, 261 and 26609/10/92
  58 FR 26420: Amendments to 40 CFR parts 261, 264 and 26505/03/93
  58 FR 33341: Amendments to 40 CFR parts 261, 264 and 26506/17/93
  63 FR 24963: Amendments to 40 CFR part 26105/06/98
Revision of Conditional Exemption for Small Scale Treatability Studies59 FR 836202/18/94
Letter of Credit Revision59 FR 2995806/10/94
Universal Waste Rule, Petition Provisions to Add a New Universal Waste60 FR 2549205/11/95
Recovered Used Oil Exclusion; Correction61 FR 1310303/26/96
Mineral Processing Secondary Materials63 FR 28556; Amendments to 40 CFR part 26106/26/98
Hazardous Remediation Waste Requirements (HWIR-Media), except as they apply to the standards for staging piles and to 40 CFR 264.1(j) and 264.101(d)63 FR 6587411/30/98

(ii) Additionally, New Mexico has adopted but is not authorized to implement the HSWA rules that are listed in the following table in lieu of EPA. EPA will continue to enforce the Federal HSWA standards for which New Mexico is not authorized until the State receives specific authorization from EPA:

Federal requirementFederal RegisterreferencePublication date
Toxicity Characteristic; Hydrocarbon Recovery Operations55 FR 40834
56 FR 3978
56 FR 13406
Toxicity Characteristic; Chlorofluorocarbon Refrigerants56 FR 591002/13/91
Revisions to the Petroleum Refining Primary and Secondary Oil/Water/Solids Separation Sludge Listings (F037 and F038)56 FR 2195505/13/91
Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Administrative Stay and Interim Standards for Bevill Residues58 FR 5959811/09/93
Hazardous Remediation Waste Requirements (HWIR-Media), to the extent that they apply to the standards for staging piles and to 40 CFR 264.1(j) and 264.101(d)63 FR 6587411/30/98

(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 6 and the State of New Mexico, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on July 30, 2001, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Statement of Legal Authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of New Mexico January, 1985, and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement dated April 13, 1988; September 14, 1988; July 19, 1989; July 23, 1992; February 14, 1994; July 18, 1994; July 20, 1994; August 11, 1994; November 28, 1994; August 24, 1995; and January 12, 1996; and June 14, 2000 are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(7) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as supplements thereto are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[68 FR 51487, Aug. 27, 2003]

§§ 272.1602-272.1649   [Reserved]
Subpart HH—New York
§ 272.1650   [Reserved]
§ 272.1651   New York State-Administered Program: final authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), New York has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in New York's base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on May 29, 1986. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on July 3, 1989, May 7, 1990, October 29, 1991, May 22, 1992, August 28, 1995, October 14, 1997, January 15, 2002 and March 14, 2005.

(b) The State of New York has primary responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste management program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its inspection and enforcement authorities in accordance with sections 3007, 3008, 3013, 7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, 6973, and any other applicable statutory and regulatory provisions, regardless of whether the State has taken its own actions, as well as in accordance with other statutory and regulatory provisions.

(c) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The New York regulations cited in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. The Director ofFederal Registerapproves this incorporation by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. You may obtain copies of the New York regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph from West Group, 610 Opperman Drive, Eagan, MN 55123, ATTENTION: D3–10 (Phone #: 1–800–328–9352). You may inspect a copy at EPA Region 2 Library, 290 Broadway, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10007 (Phone number: (212) 637–3185), or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: .

(i) The Binder entitled “EPA Approved New York Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program”, dated March 2005.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) EPA considered the following statutes and regulations in evaluating the State program but is not incorporating them herein for enforcement purposes:

(i) Environmental Conservation Laws (ECL), 1997 Replacement Volume, as revised by the 2004 Cumulative Pocket Part: sections 1–0303(18), 3–0301(1) (introductory paragraph); 3–0301(1)(a) and (b); 3–0301(1)(m); 3–0301(1)(o); 3–0301(1)(w); 3–0301(1)(x); 3–0301(1)(cc); 3–0301(2) introductory paragraph; 3–0301(2)(a), (b), (d) through (j), (l), (m) and (q); 3–0301(2)(z); 3–0301(4); 19–0301(1) (except 19–0301(c), (e) and (f)); 19–0303(1) through (3); 19–0304; 27–0105; 27–0701; 27–0703; 27–0705; 27–0707 (except 27–0707(2-c)); 27–0711; 27–0900 through 27–0908; 27–0909 (except 27–0909(5)); 27–0910 through 27–0922; 27–1105;70–0101; 70–0103; 70–0105 (except 70–0105(3) and 70–0105(6)); 70–0107(1) and (2); 70–0107(3) (except 70–0107(3)(a) through (k), (m) and (n)); 70–0109; 70–0113; 70–0115 (except (2)(c) and (d)); 70–0117; 70–0119; 70–0121; 71–0301; 71–1719; 71–2705; 71–2707; 71–2709 through 71–2715; 71–2717; 71–2720; and 71–2727.

(iii) McKinney's Consolidated Laws of New York, Book 1, Executive Law (EL), Article 6: section 102.

(iv) McKinney's Consolidated Laws of New York, Book 46, Public Officers Law (POL), as amended through 2004: sections 87 and 89 (except the phrase “and one-a” at 89(5)(a)(3), and 89(5)(a)(1–a)).

(v) McKinney's Consolidated Laws of New York, Book 7B, Civil Practice Law and Rules (CPLR), as amended through 2004: sections 1013, 6301; 6311; and 6313.

(vi) Title 6, New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (6 NYCRR), Volume A–2A, Hazardous Waste Management System, as amended through April 10, 2004: sections 372.1(f); 373–1.1(f) and (g); 373–1.4(b); 373–1.4(d) through (f); 373–1.6(c); 621.1 through 621.4; 621.5 (except (d)(5), (d)(6)(i), (d)(7)(i)(a), (d)(7)(i)(c) and (d)(9)); 621.6 (except (b), (d)(4) and (d)(5)); 621.7; 621.8; 621.9 (except (a)(5), (c)(2) and (e)(2)); 621.10; 621.11 (except (d)); 621.12 through 621.15; and 621.16 (except (b), (d) and (e)).

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, are not incorporated by reference and are not federally enforceable:

(i) Environmental Conservation Laws (ECL), 1997 Replacement Volume, as revised by the 2004 Cumulative Pocket Part: sections 27–0301; 27–0303; 27–0305; 27–0307; 27–0909(5); 27–0923; 27–0925 and 27–0926.

(ii) Title 6, New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (6 NYCRR), Volume A–2A, Hazardous Waste Management System, as amended through April 10, 2004: Section 371.4(e); 372.3(a)(1); 372.3(a)(4); 372.3(b)(6)(iv); 372.3(d)(3); 373–1.1(d)(1)(x); 373–1.4(c); 373–2.15(a)(2); and 374–3.4(a)(2).

(iii) Throughout New York's hazardous waste regulations, the State cross-references Part 364, which sets forth additional transporter requirements including permit and liability requirements (for examples, see 6 NYCRR sections 372.2(b)(8), 373–1.7(h)(3), 374–3.3(i)(1) and (2), 374–3.4(a) and 374–3.6(a)(1)). The transporter permit and liability requirements are broader in scope than the Federal program.

(iv) New York did not adopt an analog to 40 CFR 261.4(g) that excludes certain dredged materials from the State definition of hazardous waste. Instead, the State subjects these materials to full regulation as hazardous wastes.

(v) New York State regulations do not incorporate the Mineral Processing Secondary Materials Exclusion at 40 CFR 261.4(a)(17) and the related changes affecting 40 CFR 261.2(c)(3) and (c)(4)/Table, and 40 CFR 261.2(e)(1)(iii). Since New York did not adopt the exclusion at 40 CFR 261.4(a)(17) the State has a broader in scope program because the effect is to include materials that are not considered solid waste by EPA.

(4) Unauthorized State Amendments. (i) The authorized provisions at sections 371.1(c)(7), 373–1.3(d)(3), and 373–2.8(a)(3) of 6 NYCRR, as amended through April 10, 2004, include amendments that are not approved by EPA. Such unauthorized amendments are not part of the State's authorized program and are, therefore, not Federally enforceable. Thus, notwithstanding the language in the New York hazardous waste regulations incorporated by reference at paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, EPA will enforce the State regulations that are actually authorized by EPA. The effective dates of the State's authorized provisions are listed in the following Table:

Title 6—New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (6 NYCRR)

State CitationDescriptionEffective date
371.1(c)(7)Definition of Solid Waste. Documentation of claims for exemption
373–2.8(a)(3)Submission of applications.
373–1.3(d)(3)Financial Requirements. States and Federal government are exempt from the requirements of this section

(ii) The actual State regulatory text authorized by EPA ( i.e. , without the unauthorized amendments) is available as a separate document, Addendum to the EPA Approved New York Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, March 2005. This document is available from EPA Region 2, EPA Region 2 Library, 290 Broadway, 16th Floor, New York, New York 10007, Phone number: (212) 637–3185.

(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 2 and the State of New York, signed by the Commissioner of the State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation on July 20, 2001, and by the EPA Regional Administrator on January 16, 2002, although not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Statement of Legal Authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of New York in 1985 and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement dated August 18, 1988, July 26, 1989, August 15, 1991, October 11, 1991, July 28, 1994, May 30, 1997, February 5, 2001, and April 2, 2004, although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(7) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as supplements thereto, although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[72 FR 14047, Mar. 26, 2007]

§§ 272.1652-272.1699   [Reserved]
Subpart II—North Carolina
§§ 272.1700-272.1749   [Reserved]
Subpart JJ—North Dakota
§ 272.1750   [Reserved]
§ 272.1751   North Dakota State-administered program: Final authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), North Dakota has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in North Dakota's base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on October 19, 1984. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on August 24, 1990, July 6, 1992, June 6, 1994, March 20, 2000, November 25, 2005, and April 14, 2008.

(b) The State of North Dakota has primary responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste management program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its inspection and enforcement authorities in accordance with sections 3007, 3008, 3013, 7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, 6973, and any other applicable statutory and regulatory provisions, regardless of whether the State has taken its own actions, as well as in accordance with other statutory and regulatory provisions.

(c) State Statutes and Regulations.

(1) The North Dakota statutes and regulations cited in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921, et seq. The Director of the Federal Register approves this incorporation by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. You may obtain copies of the North Dakota statutes that are incorporated by reference from the Matthew Bender & Company Inc., P. O. Box 7587, Charlottesville, VA, 22906–7587, phone number: (800) 833–9844. You may obtain copies of the North Dakota regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph from the North Dakota Legislative Counsel, Second Floor, State Capitol, 600 E Boulevard, Bismarck ND 58505, phone: (701) 328–2916. You may inspect a copy at EPA Region 8, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver, CO, 80202, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to:

(i) The Binder entitled “EPA Approved North Dakota Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program”, dated July 2006.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) EPA considered the following statutes and regulations in evaluating the State program but is not incorporating them herein for enforcement purposes:

(i) North Dakota Century Code, 1998 Replacement, Volume 13A, North Dakota Constitution, Article XI: Sections 5 and 6.

(ii) North Dakota Century Code, 2002 Replacement, Volume 4A, Chapter 23–01 “Department of Health” Section 23–01–04.1, (except (6)).

(iii) North Dakota Century Code, Volume 4A, 2002 Replacement, as amended by the 2005 Pocket Supplement. Chapter 23–20.3 “Hazardous Waste”: Sections 23–20.3–01, (except (5) and (6)); 23–20.3–02, (except (1), (9), (11), (12), and (17)); 23–20.3–03; 23–20.3–04; 23–20.3–05(3), (5), (6), and (8); 23–20.3–06; 23–20.3–07; 23–20.3–08; 23–20.3–09; and 23–20.3–10.

(iv) North Dakota Century Code, Volume 4A, 2002 Replacement. Chapter 23–29 “Solid Waste Management”: Section 23–29–04.

(v) North Dakota Century Code, Volume 5, 1991 Replacement. Chapter 28–32 “Administrative Agencies Practice Act”: Section 28–32–21.1.

(vi) North Dakota Century Code, Volume 6, 1996 Replacement. Chapter 32–40 “Environmental Law Enforcement”: Sections 32–40–03; 32–40–04; 32–40–05; 32–40–06; 32–40–07; 32–40–08; 32–40–09; 32–40–10; and 32–40–11.

(vii) North Dakota Century Code, Volume 9A, 2001 Replacement, as amended by the 2003 Pocket Supplement. Chapter 44–04 “Duties, Records, and Meetings”: Sections 44–04–18; 44–04–18.1; 44–04–18.2; 44–04–18.3; 44–04–18.4; 44–04–18.5; 44–04–18.6; 44–04–18.7; 44–04–18.8; 44–04–19; and 44–04–19.1.

(viii) North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC), Article 33–24, Hazardous Waste Management, as amended through December 1, 2003: sections 33–24–01–15; 33–24–01–16; 33–24–06–05, (except .1.c); 33–24–06–06.2 and .3; 33–24–06–09; 33–24–06–15, (except introductory paragraph through .1.a); 33–24–07–03.4; 33–24–07–04 through 33–24–07–14; and 33–24–07–25 through 33–24–07–27.

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the federal program, are not part of the authorized program, are not incorporated by reference and are not federally enforceable:

(i) North Dakota Century Code, 2002 Replacement, Volume 4A, Chapter 23–01: “Department of Health”, “Rulemaking Authority and Procedure” Section 23–01–04.1(6).

(ii) North Dakota Century Code, Volume 4A, 2002 Replacement, as amended by the 2005 Pocket Supplement. Chapter 23–20.3 “Hazardous Waste”: Sections 23–20.3–02 (1); 23–20.3–05.1; 23–20.3–05.2; and 23–20.3–05.3.

(iii) North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC), Article 33–24, “Hazardous Waste Management”, as amended through December 1, 2003, sections 33–24–04–02.3, 33–24–06–14.3.a(4) and 33–24–06–21.

(iv) North Dakota's hazardous waste regulations set forth additional transporter requirements including permit requirements at 33–24–04–02. The transporter permit requirements are broader in scope than the federal program.

(4) Unauthorized State Amendments. (i) The authorized provisions at sections of the NDAC Article 33:24, as amended through December 1, 2003 include amendments that are not approved by EPA. Such unauthorized amendments are not part of the State's authorized program and are, therefore, not federally enforceable. Thus, notwithstanding the language in the North Dakota hazardous waste regulations incorporated by reference at paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, EPA will enforce the State regulations that are actually authorized by EPA. The effective dates of the State's authorized provisions are listed in the following table.

North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC), Article 33–24

State citationDescriptionEffective date
33–24–02–07.4 introductory paragraphResidues of Hazardous Waste in Empty Containers10/1/86
33–24–03–12.2Accumulation Time1/1/84
33–24–05–421Applicability of Definitions12/1/91
33–24–06–17.2.y(8)Contents of Permit Application1/1/84

(ii) The actual State regulatory text authorized by EPA (i.e., without the unauthorized amendments) is available as a separate document, Addendum to the EPA Approved North Dakota Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, July 2006. This document is available from EPA Region 8, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado 80202.

(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 8 and the State of North Dakota, signed by the State of North Dakota State Department of Health on June 6, 2003, and by the EPA Regional Administrator on August 29, 2003, although not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921, et seq.

(6) Statement of Legal Authority. “Attorney General's Statement: Hazardous Waste Management Program” signed by the Attorney General of North Dakota on June 8, 1984, and revisions, supplements, and addenda to that Statement dated February 22, 1989, February 11, 1994, October 13, 1999, April 23, 2004, and August 19, 2004, although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921, et seq.

(7) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as supplements thereto, although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921, et seq.

[73 FR 8615, Feb. 14, 2008]

§§ 272.1752-272.1799   [Reserved]
Subpart KK—Ohio
§ 272.1800   State authorization.

(a) The State of Ohio is authorized to administer and enforce a hazardous waste management program in lieu of the Federal program under subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), 42 U.S.C. 6291 et seq ., subject to the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA) (Pub. L. 98–616, November 8, 1984), 42 U.S.C. 6926 (c) and (g). The Federal program for which a State may receive authorization is defined in 40 CFR part 271. The State's program, as administered by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, was approved by EPA pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 6926(b) and part 271 of this chapter. EPA's approval of Ohio's base RCRA program was effective on June 30, 1989 (see 54 FR 27173). EPA's approval of revisions to Ohio's base program was effective on June 7, 1991 (see 56 FR 14203) and August 19, 1991 (see 56 FR 28088).

(b) Ohio is authorized to implement certain HSWA requirements in lieu of EPA. EPA has explicitly indicated its intent to allow much action in aFederal Registernotice granting Ohio authorization on June 7, 1991 (see 56 FR 14203) and August 19, 1991 (see 56 FR 28088).

(c) Ohio has primary responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its enforcement authorities under Section 3007, 3008, 3013, and 7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, and 6973, as well as under other Federal laws and regulations.

(d) Ohio must revise its approved program to adopt new changes to the Federal Subtitle C program, in accordance with section 3006(b) of RCRA and 40 CFR part 271, subpart A. Ohio must seek final authorization for all program revisions pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA but, on a temporary basis, may seek interim authorization for revisions required by HSWA pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(g). If Ohio obtains final authorization for the revised requirements pursuant to section 3006(b), the newly authorized provisions will be listed in 272.1801 of this subpart. If Ohio in the future obtains interim authorization for the revised requirements pursuant to section 3006(g), the newly authorized provisions will be listed in §272.1802.

[54 FR 27173, June 28, 1989, as amended at 57 FR 4162, Feb. 4, 1992]

§ 272.1801   State-administered program: Final authorization.

Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b): Ohio has final authorization for the following elements submitted to EPA in Ohio's program application for final authorization and approved by EPA effective on June 30, 1989 (see 54 FR 27173), June 7, 1991 (see 56 FR 14203) and August 19, 1991 (see 56 FR 28088).

(a) State Statutes and Regulations . (1) The following Ohio regulations are incorporated by reference and codified as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). Ohio Administrative Code, volume 4, chapter 3745, rules: 49–031; 50–01; 50–03; 50–10; 50–11; 50–31 through 50–32; 50–40 through 50–44(C)(3)(j); 50–44(C)(4) through 50–44(C)(4)(k); 50–44(C)(5) through 50–44(C)(5)(i); 50–44(C)(6) through 50–44(C)(7)(j); 50–44(C)(8) through 51–03(C)(2)(b)(ii); 51–03 (D) and (E); 51–04 through 51–05; 51–06(A)(1) through 51–06(A)(3)(g); 51–06(B) through 52–20(F); 52–20 Appendix I through 52–34(F); 52–40 through 52–44; 52–50 through 53–10; 53–11(D) through 53–20(H); 53–21 through 54–99; 55–02 through 55–99; 56–20 through 56–31; 56–33 (A) and (B); 56–50 through 56–60; 56–70 through 56–83; 57–01 through 57–14(B); 57–14(E); 57–15 through 57–18; 57–40 through 58–40; 58–42; 58–43 through 58–44; 58–45(A) through 58–45(E); 58–45(G); 58–46; 58–50 through 58–54; 58–60 through 65–01(C); 65–01(E); 65–10 through 68–14(C); 68–14(F); 68–15 through 68–52; 68–70 through 68–83; 68–011(A) through 68–011(E); 69–01 through 69–30 (OAC June 30, 1990, as supplemented by 1990–1991 Ohio Monthly Record, pages 70–80 (July 1990)). Copies of the Ohio regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from Banks-Baldwin Law Publishing Company, P.O. Box 1974, University Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44106–8697. Customer Service Department.

(2) The following statutory provisions and regulations concerning State enforcement, although not codified herein for enforcement purposes, are part of the authorized State program:

(i) Ohio Revised Code, title 1, chapter 119, sections: 01 through 06.1, and 07 through 13; Ohio Revised Code, title 1, chapter 149, sections 011, 43, and 44 (Banks-Baldwin, 1990); Ohio Revised Code, title 37, chapter 3734, sections: 01 through 05, 07, 09 through 14.1, 16 through 17, 20 through 22, and 31 through 99 (Banks-Baldwin, 1990).

(ii) Ohio Administrative Code, volume 4, chapter 3745, rules: 49–031, 50–21 through 50–30, and 51–03(F) (OAC June 30, 1990, as supplemented by 1990–1991 Ohio Monthly Record, pages 70–80 (July, 1990)).

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not codified for enforcement purposes.

(i) Ohio Revised Code, Title 37, Chapter 3734, Sections: 06, 08, 18 through 19, and 23 through 30 (Page, 1987).

(ii) Ohio Administrative Code, Volume 4, Chapter 3745, Rules: 50–33 through 50–37, and 53–11(A) through 53–11(C) (OAC June 30, 1988).

(b) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region V and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on March 6, 1989, is codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA. 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(c) Statement of Legal Authority . (1) “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization,” signed by the Attorney General of Ohio on July 1, 1985, and supplements to that Statement dated June 13, 1990, and October 15, 1990, are codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(2) Supplemental “Attorney General's Statements for Final Authorization,” and addenda to such Statements signed by the Attorney General of Ohio on December 30, 1988, and February 24, 1989, are codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(d) Program Description . The Program Description and any other materials submitted as part of the original application or as supplements thereto dated November 8, 1990, and December 11, 1990, are codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[54 FR 27173, June 28, 1989, as amended at 57 FR 4162, Feb. 4, 1992]

§§ 272.1802-272.1849   [Reserved]
Subpart LL—Oklahoma
§ 272.1850   [Reserved]
§ 272.1851   Oklahoma State-administered program: Final authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Oklahoma has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Oklahoma's base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on January 10, 1985. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on June 18, 1990, November 27, 1990, June 3, 1991, November 19, 1991, November 29, 1993, December 21, 1994, April 27, 1995, March 14, 1997, July 14, 1998, November 23, 1998, February 8, 1999, May 30, 2000, July 10, 2000 and March 5, 2001.

(b) State Statutes and Regulations.

(1) The Oklahoma statutes and regulations cited in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. ( See §272.2).

(i) The Binder entitled “EPA Approved Oklahoma Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program”, dated March, 2001.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) The following provisions provide the legal basis for the State's implementation of the hazardous waste management program, but they are not being incorporated by reference and do not replace Federal authorities:

(i) Oklahoma Hazardous Waste Management Act, as amended, 27A Oklahoma Statute (O.S.) 1997 Edition (unless otherwise specified), Sections 2–2–104, 2–7–102, 2–7–104, 2–7–105 (except 2–7–105(27), 2–7–105(29) and 2–7–105(34)), 2–7–106, 2–7–107, 2–7–108(B)(2), 2–7–110(A), 2–7–113.1, 2–7–115, 2–7–116(A), 2–7–116(G), 2–7–116(H)(1), 2–7–123, 2–7–126 (1999 Supplement), 2–7–129, 2–7–130, 2–7–131 and 2–7–133.

(ii) The Oklahoma Administrative Code, Title 252, Chapter 205, Hazardous Waste Management, effective June 12, 2000: Subchapter 1, Sections 252:205–1–1(b), 252:205–1–3(a) and (b), 252:205–1–4(a)–(d); Subchapter 3, Sections 252:205–3–2 introductory paragraph, and 252:205–3–2(a)(1).

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not incorporated by reference:

(i) Oklahoma Hazardous Waste Management Act, as amended, 27A Oklahoma Statute 1997 Edition, Sections 2–7–119, 2–7–121 and 2–7–134.

(ii) The Oklahoma Administrative Code, Title 252, Chapter 205, effective June 12, 2000: Subchapter 1, Section 252:205–1–1(c)(2)–(4), 252:205–1–2 “RRSIA”. 252:205–1–2 “Reuse”, 252:205–1–2 “Speculative accumulation”, 252:205–1–2 “Transfer facility”, 252:205–1–2 “Transfer station”, 252:205–1–4(e) and (f); Subchapter 5, Sections 252:205–5–1(4), Subchapter 15; Subchapter 17; Subchapter 21; and 252:205 Appendices A, B, and C.

(4) Unauthorized State Amendments. The State's adoption of the Federal rules listed below is not yet approved by EPA and is, therefore, not enforceable:

Federal requirementFederal RegisterreferencePublication date
Delisting50 FR 28702
54 FR 27114
Amendments to 260.22(a) through 260.22(e).
Toxicity Characteristics; Hydrocarbon Recovery Operations55 FR 40834
56 FR 3978
56 FR 13406
Toxicity Characteristics; Chlorofluorocarbon Refrigerants56 FR 591002/13/91
Administrative Stay for K069 Listing56 FR 1995105/01/91
Amendments to Interim Status Standards for Downgradient Ground-water Monitoring Well Locations56 FR 6636512/23/91
Removal of Legally Obsolete Rules60 FR 3391206/29/95
Mineral Processing Secondary Materials Exclusion63 FR 2855605/26/98

(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 6 and the State of Oklahoma (ODEQ), signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on March 1, 2000, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Statement of Legal Authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of Oklahoma on January 20, 1984 and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement dated January 14, 1988 (as amended July 20, 1989); December 22, 1988 (as amended June 7, 1989 and August 13, 1990); November 20, 1989; November 16, 1990; November 6, 1992; June 24, 1994; December 8, 1994; March 4, 1996; April 15, 1997; February 6, 1998, December 2, 1998, October 15, 1999 and May 31, 2000, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(7) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as supplements thereto are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[68 FR 51491, Aug. 27, 2003]

§§ 272.1852-272.1899   [Reserved]
Subpart MM—Oregon
§§ 272.1900-272.1949   [Reserved]
Subpart NN—Pennsylvania
§§ 272.1950-272.1999   [Reserved]
Subpart OO—Rhode Island
§§ 272.2000-272.2049   [Reserved]
Subpart PP—South Carolina
§§ 272.2050-272.2099   [Reserved]
Subpart QQ—South Dakota
§ 272.2100   [Reserved]
§ 272.2101   South Dakota State-Administered Program: Final Authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), South Dakota has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in South Dakota's base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on November 2, 1984. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on June 17, 1991, November 8, 1993, March 11, 1994, September 23, 1996, June 8, 2000, May 24, 2004 and March 8, 2006.

(b) The State of South Dakota has primary responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste management program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its inspection and enforcement authorities in accordance with sections 3007, 3008, 3013, 7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, 6973, and any other applicable statutory and regulatory provisions, regardless of whether the State has taken its own actions, as well as in accordance with other statutory and regulatory provisions.

(c) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The South Dakota regulations cited in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. This incorporation by reference is approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of the South Dakota regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from the South Dakota Legislative Research Council, 3rd Floor, State Capitol, 500 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501, (Phone: 605–773–3251).

(i) The Binder entitled “EPA Approved South Dakota Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program”, dated December, 2005.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) EPA considered the following statutes and regulations in evaluating the State program but is not incorporating them herein for enforcement purposes:

(i) South Dakota Codified Laws (SDCL), as amended, effective July 1, 2004, Title 1, State Affairs and Government: Chapter 1–26, Administrative Procedures and Rules, sections 1–26–1(1), 1–26–1(4), 1–26–1(8) introductory paragraph, 1–26–1(8)(a), 1–26–2, 1–26–6.6, 1–26–16 through 1–26–19, 1–26–19.1, 1–26–19.2, 1–26–27, 1–26–29, 1–26–30, 1–26–30.1, 1–26–30.2, 1–26–30.4, 1–26–31, 1–26–31.1, 1–26–31.2, 1–26–31.4, 1–26–35 and 1–26–36; Chapter 1–27, Public Records and Files, sections 1–27–1, first sentence, 1–27–3, 1–27–9(2) and 1–27–28(2); Chapter 1–32, Executive Reorganization, section 1–32–1(1); Chapter 1–40, Department of Natural Resources, sections 1–40–4.1, 1–40–24, 1–40–31 and 1–40–34.

(ii) SDCL, as amended, effective July 1, 2004, Title 15, Civil Procedure: Chapter 15–6, Rules of Procedure in Circuit Courts, section 15–6–24(a)–(c).

(iii) SDCL, as amended, effective July 1, 2004, Title 19, Evidence: Chapter 19–13, Privileges, sections 19–13–2(1), 19–13–2(5), 19–13–3, 19–13–20 and 19–13–22.

(iv) SDCL, as amended, effective July 1, 2004, Title 21, Judicial Remedies: Chapter 21–8, Injunction, section 21–8–1.

(v) SDCL, as amended, effective July 1, 2004, Title 22, Crimes: Chapter 22–6, Authorized Punishments, sections 22–6–1 introductory paragraph and 22–6–1(6).

(vi) SDCL, as amended, effective July 1, 2004, Title 23, Law Enforcement: Chapter 23–5, Criminal Identification, sections 23–5–1, 23–5–10(1), 23–5–10(3), 23–5–10(4) and 23–5–11 first sentence; Chapter 23–6, Criminal Statistics, section 23–6–4.

(vii) SDCL, as amended, effective July 1, 2004, Title 34, Public Health and Safety: Chapter 34–21, Radiation and Uranium Resources Exposure Control, section 34–21–2(7).

(viii) SDCL, as amended, effective July 1, 2004, Title 34A, Environmental Protection: Chapter 34A–6, Solid Waste Disposal, section 34A–6–1.3(17); Chapter 34A–10, Remedies for Protection of Environment, sections 34A–10–1, 34A–10–2, 34A–10–5, 34A–10–11, 34A–10–14 and 34A–10–16, Chapter 34A–11, Hazardous Waste Management, sections 34A–11–1 through 34A–11–4, 34A–11–5, 34A–11–8 through 34A–11–12, 34A–11–13 through 34A–11–16, 34A–11–17 through 34A–11–19, 34A–11–21 and 34A–11–22.

(ix) SDCL, as amended, effective July 1, 2004, Title 37, Trade Regulation, Chapter 37–29, Uniform Trade Secrets Act, section 37–29–1(4).

(x) Administrative Rules of South Dakota (ARSD), Article 74:08, Administrative Fees, effective August 29, 2004: Chapter 74:08:01, Fees for Records Reproduction, sections 74:08:01:01 through 74:08:01:07.

(3) The following statutory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, are not incorporated by reference and are not federally enforceable:

(i) SDCL, as amended, effective July 1, 2004, Title 34A, Environmental Protection, Chapter 34A–11, Hazardous Waste Management, sections 34A–11–12.1, 34A–11–16.1, 34A–11–25 and 34A–11–26.

(ii) [Reserved]

(4) Unauthorized State Amendments. South Dakota has adopted but is not authorized for the following Federal final rules: (1) Removal of Legally Obsolete Rules (HSWA/non-HSWA) [60 FR 33912, 06/29/95]; (2) Imports and Exports of Hazardous Waste: Implementation of OECD Council Division (HSWA—Not delegable to States) [61 FR 16290, 04/12/96]; (3) Clarification of Standards for Hazard Waste Land Disposal Restriction Treatment Variances (HSWA) [62 FR 64504, 12/05/97]; and (4) Vacatur of Organobromide Production Waste Listings (HSWA) [65 FR 14472, 03/17/00]. Those Federal rules written under RCRA provisions that predate HSWA (non-HSWA) which the State has adopted, but for which it is not authorized, are not Federally enforceable. In contrast, EPA will continue to enforce the Federal HSWA standards for which South Dakota is not authorized until the State receives specific authorization from EPA.

(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 8 and the State of South Dakota, signed by the State of South Dakota Department of Natural Resources on June 6, 1996, and by the EPA Regional Administrator on June 25, 1996, although not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Statement of Legal Authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of South Dakota on May 24, 1984, and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement dated January 14, 1991, September 11, 1992, September 25, 1992, April 1, 1993, September 24, 1993, August 23, 1994, December 29, 1994, September 5, 1995, October 23, 1997, October 27, 1997, October 28, 1997, November 5, 1999, June 26, 2000, June 18, 2002 and October 19, 2004, although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(7) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as supplements thereto, although not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[71 FR 11534, Mar. 8, 2006]

§§ 272.2102-272.2149   [Reserved]
Subpart RR—Tennessee
§§ 272.2150-272.2199   [Reserved]
Subpart SS—Texas
§ 272.2200   [Reserved]
§ 272.2201   Texas State-administered program: Final authorization.

Link to an amendment published at 73 FR 64257, October 29, 2008.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), the EPA granted Texas final authorization for Base program effective on December 26, 1984. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on October 4, 1985, February 17, 1987, March 15, 1990, July 23, 1990, October 21, 1991, December 4, 1992, June 27, 1994, November 26, 1997, December 3, 1997, and November 15, 1999.

(b) State statutes and regulations.

(1) The Texas statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(i) The EPA Approved Texas Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, December 1997.

(ii) The EPA Approved Texas Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, December 1997.

(2) The following statutes and regulations concerning State procedures and enforcement, although not incorporated by reference, are part of the authorized State program:

(i) Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) Annotated, (Vernon, 1992), effective September 1, 1991: Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, sections 361.002, 361.017 (except 361.017(d)&(e)), 361.024(b)-(d), 361.033, 361.036, 361.037(a), 361.063(b), 361.063(e)-(g), 361.063(i), 361.063(k)&(l), 361.066(b), 361.078, 361.080(a), 361.082(b), 381.082(c) (except second sentence), 361.082(e), 361.084(c) (except the phrase “, or evidence of  *  *  * waste management”), 361.085(a)-(d), 361.088(b), 361.089(g), 361.090, 361.095(b)-(f), 361.096, 361.097, 361.098(a) (except the phrase “Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c),”), 361.099(a), 361.100, 361.101, 361.103 through 361.108, 361.109(a), 361.221 (except 361.221(c)&(e), 361.222 (except 361.222(d)-(u)), 361.223(c), 361.227, 361.301, 361.303, 361.321(b), 361.321(c) (except the phrase “Except as provided by section 361.322(a)”), and 361.321(d); Chapter 371, Texas Oil Collection, Management, and Recycling Act, sections 371.043(a)&(b), 371.044(b) and 371.045.

(ii) Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) Annotated, (Vernon, 1997 Supplement), effective September 1, 1996: Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, sections 361.016, 361.017(d)&(e), 361.018, 361.024(a), 361.024(e), 361.032, 361.061, 361.063(a), 361.063(c), 361.063(d), 361.063(j), 361.063(h), 361.064, 361.067, 361.068(a), 361.069 (except last sentence), 361.079, 361.083, 361.084 (except 361.084(c)), 361.085(e)-(j), 361.088(a)&(c), 361.089(a)-(f), 361.102(a) (except the phrase “Except as provided by subsections (b) and (c)”), 361.223(a)&(b), 361.224(a)&(b), 361.225, 361.226, 361.228, 361.229, 361.301, 361.303, 361.321(a), and 361.321(e) (except the phrase “Except as provided by section 361.322(e)”); Chapter 371, Texas Oil Collection, Management, and Recycling Act, sections 371.0025(b)&(c), 371.003 (introductory paragraph), 371.024(a), 271.024(c)&(d), 371.026(a)&(b), 371.028, 371.041(b)-(d), 371.042, 371.043(c)&(d), and 371.044(a).

(iii) Texas Water Code (TWC), Texas Codes Annotated (Vernon, 1992), effective September 1, 1985, as amended: Chapter 5, sections 5.103, 5.104, 5.105; Chapter 26, section 26.011; and Chapter 27, section 27.019.

(iv) Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Environmental Quality, 1994, as amended, effective through January 1, 1994: Chapter 305, sections 305.98 and 305.99.

(v) Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Environmental Quality, 1997, as amended, effective through January 1, 1997: Chapter 281, sections 281.1 (except the clause “except as provided by * * * Prioritization Process)”), 281.2 (introductory paragraph), 281.2(4), 281.3(a)&(b), 281.5, 281.17(d)-(f), 281.18(a), 281.19, 281.20, 281.21 (except 281.21(e)), 281.22(a)&(b), 268.23 281.24; Chapter 305, sections 305.29(b)&(c), 305.64(d)&(f), 305.66(c), 305.66(e)-(l), 305.91 through 305.95, 305.97, 305.100, 305.101 (except 305.101(c)), 305.102, 305.103, 305.105, 305.123, 305.125(1)&(3), 305.125(20), 305.127(1)(B)(i), 305.127(4)(A)&(C), 305.127(6), 305.401 (except 305.401(c)); Chapter 324, sections, 324.17 through 324.20; and Chapter 335, sections 335.2(b), 335.206, 335.391 through 335.393.

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not incorporated by reference:

(i) Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) Annotated, (Vernon 1992), effective September 1, 1991: Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, sections 361.131 through 361.140; Chapter 371, Texas Oil Collection, Management, and Recycling Act, sections 371.021, 371.022, 371.024(e), 371.025, and 371.026(c).

(ii) Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) Annotated, (Vernon 1997 Supplement), effective September 1, 1996: Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, sections 361.131 through 361.140; Chapter 371, Texas Oil Collection, Management, and Recycling Act, sections 371.021, 371.022, 371.024(e), 371.0245, 371.0246, 371.025, and 371.026(c).

(iii) Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Environmental Quality, 1997, as amended, effective through January 1, 1997: Chapter 305, sections 305.27 (as it pertains to solid waste), 305.53, 305.64(b)(4); and Chapter 335, sections 335.321 through 335.332 and Appendices I and II.

(4) Unauthorized State Amendments. The following authorized provisions of the Texas regulations include amendments published in the Texas Register that are not approved by EPA. Such unauthorized amendments are not part of the State's authorized program and are, therefore, not Federally enforceable. Thus, notwithstanding the language in the Texas hazardous waste regulations incorporated by reference at §272.2201(b)(1), EPA will only enforce the authorized State provisions with the effective dates indicated in the following table. The actual State regulatory text authorized by EPA for the listed provisions is available as a separate document, Addendum to the EPA-Approved Texas Regulatory and Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, December, 1997. Copies of the document can be obtained from U.S. EPA Region 6, Grants and Authorization Section, RCRA Programs Branch, U.S. EPA Region 6, First Interstate Bank Tower at Fountain Place, 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200, Dallas, TX 75202.

State provisionEffective date of authorized provisionUnauthorized state amendments
Texas Register referenceEffective date
335.2(c)11/7/9118 TexReg 2799
18 TexReg 8218
335.6(a)7/29/9218 TexReg 27995/12/93
335.6(c) introductory paragraph7/29/9217 TexReg 8010
20 TexReg 2709
20 TexReg 3722
21 TexReg 1425
21 TexReg 2400
335.6(g)7/29/9218 TexReg 38146/28/93
335.10(b)(22)7/27/8817 TexReg 801011/27/92
335.24(b) introductory paragraph3/1/9621 TexReg 1098311/20/96
335.24(c) introductory paragraph3/1/9621 TexReg 1098311/20/96
335.41(c)9/1/8618 TexReg 821811/23/93
335.45(b)9/1/8617 TexReg 50177/29/92
335.204(a)(1)5/28/8616 TexReg 606511/7/91
335.204(b)(1)5/28/8616 TexReg 606511/7/91
335.204(b)(6)5/28/8616 TexReg 606511/7/91
335.204(c)(1)5/28/8616 TexReg 606511/7/91
335.204(d)(1)5/28/8616 TexReg 606511/7/91
335.204(e)(6)5/28/8616 TexReg 606511/7/91

(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region VI and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC), signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on July 24, 1997, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(6) Statement of Legal Authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of Texas on May 22, 1984 and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement dated November 21, 1986, July 21, 1988, December 4, 1989, April 11, 1990, July 31, 1991, February 25, 1992, November 30, 1992, March 8, 1993, January 7, 1994, August 9, 1996, October 16, 1996, as amended February 7, 1997, and March 11, 1997, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(7) Program Description. The Program Description and any other materials submitted as part of the original application or as supplements thereto are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[64 FR 49680, Sept. 14, 1999]

§§ 272.2202-272.2249   [Reserved]
Subpart TT—Utah
§ 272.2251   Utah State-Administered program: Final authorization.

(a) Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Utah has Final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Utah's base program application for Final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on October 24, 1984. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on March 7, 1989; July 22, 1991; July 14, 1992; April 13, 1993; December 13, 1994; July 21, 1997; and March 15, 1999.

(b) State statutes and regulations. (1) The Utah regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies of the Utah regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 288 North 1460 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114–4880, Phone (801) 538–6776.

(i) The EPA Approved Utah Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated March 1999.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) The following statutes and regulations concerning State procedures and enforcement, although not incorporated by reference, are part of the authorized State program:

(i) Utah Code Annotated, Volume 3A, 1998 Replacement and 1999 Supplement, Title 19: Sections 19–1–306(2), 19–1–306(3), 19–6–102 introductory paragraph, 19–6–102(1) & (2), 19–6–102(6)–(9), 19–6–102(11), 19–6–102(13)–(21), 19–6–102.1, 19–6–103, 19–6–104(1) except (1)(j), 19–6–105(1) introductory paragraph, 19–6–105(1)(a)–(f), 19–6–105(1)(i) & (j), 19–6–105(2), 19–6–106, 19–6–107, 19–6–109, 19–6–111, 19–6–112, 19–6–113(1) through (4), 19–6–113(6), 19–6–114, 19–6–115, and 19–6–116.

(ii) Utah Code Annotated, Volume 6D, 1997 Replacement and 1999 Supplement, Title 63: Sections 63–2–103 through 63–2–105, 63–2–201 through 63–2–203 (except 63–2–203(10)), 63–2–204, 63–2–205, 63–2–301 through 63–2–308, 63–2–401 through 63–2–405, and 63–2–802.

(iii) Utah Code Annotated, Volume 3, 1953 as amended 1987, Title 26, Chapter 14: Section 26–14–8.

(iv) Utah Administrative Code revised as of January 3, 1989: R450–3.1.1(b) & (c) and R450–3–2.4(b).

(v) Utah Administrative Code revised as of February 15, 1996: Sections R315–2–14, R315–3–3(i)(1)&(3), R315–3–11(a), (b) & (f), R315–3–16(b), R315–3–23(b)(1) & (2), R315–3–23(c) & (d), R315–3–24(a) through R315–3–29, and R315–3–34.

(vi) Utah Administrative Code revised as of May 15, 1996: Section R315–15–1.1(j) & (k).

(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader-in-scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not incorporated by reference:

(i) Utah Code Annotated, Volume 3A, 1998 Replacement and 1999 Supplement, Title 19: Sections 19–6–105(3), 19–6–113(5), 19–6–118, 19–6–120, and 19–6–121.

(ii) Utah Administrative Code revised as of February 15, 1996. EPA considers Utah's listing of all P999 and some F999 wastes (specifically: nerve, military, and chemical agents) as more stringent than the Federal rule. To the extent that unused chemical agents, as produced, exhibit a hazardous waste reactivity characteristic, they are considered hazardous waste and, thus, are regulated under Federal rule. Utah's listing of these wastes enhances the degree of regulatory control regarding these wastes. EPA also considers Utah's rule as broader-in-scope than the federal rule for those F999 process wastes which do not exhibit a characteristic for hazardous waste and would not be regulated under Federal rule. R315–2–10(e)(1), 315–2–11(e) introductory paragraph and R315–2–11(e)(1) are broader-in-scope regarding these wastes.

(iii) Utah Administrative Code, as of May 15, 1996: R315–15–7.1(d), R315–15–10, R315–15–11 with respect to used oil transfer and off-specification used oil burning facilities, and R315–15–12 through R315–15–15 except R315–15–13.5(d).

(4) Unauthorized State provisions: (i) Although the Federal rules listed in the following table have been adopted by the State and have been included in the materials incorporated by reference in paragraph (b)(1) of this Section, EPA has not authorized the State for these rules at this time. While they may be enforceable under State law, they are not enforceable under RCRA:

Federal requirementFederal Register referencePublication date
Standards for Generators of Hazardous Waste; Manifest Renewal (Revision Checklist 58)53 FR 4508911/8/88
Removal of Legally Obsolete Rules (Non-HSWA provisions) (Revision Checklist 144)60 FR 339126/29/95
Testing and Monitoring Activities Amendment III (Revision Checklist 158)62 FR 324526/13/97

(ii) Additionally Utah has adopted but is not authorized to implement the HSWA rules that are listed below in lieu of EPA. EPA will continue to implement the Federal HSWA requirements for which Utah is not authorized until the State receives specific authorization for those requirements.

Federal requirementFederal Register referencePublication date
Removal of Legally Obsolete Rules (HSWA provisions) (Revision Checklist 144)60 FR 339126/29/95
Land Disposal Restrictions Phase III—Decharacterized Wastewaters, Carbamate Wastes, and Spent Potliners (Revision Checklist 151)61 FR 15566;
61 FR 15660;
  61 FR 19117;4/30/96;
  61 FR 33680;6/28/96;
  61 FR 36419;7/10/96;
  61 FR 43924;8/26/96;
  62 FR 75022/19/97
Organic Air Emission Standards for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers—formerly Revision Checklist 138 (Rule 154.1)59 FR 6289612/6/94
Land Disposal Restrictions Phase III—Emergency Extension of the K088 Capacity Variance (Revision Checklist 155)62 FR 19921/14/97
Land Disposal Restrictions—Phase IV (Revision Checklist 157)62 FR 259985/12/97
Carbamate Production, Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Land Disposal Restrictions (Conformance With the Carbamate Vacatur) (Revision Checklist 159)62 FR 329746/17/97

(5) Unauthorized State amendments. The following authorized provisions of the Utah regulations include amendments published in the Utah State Bulletin that are not approved by EPA. Such unauthorized amendments are not part of the State's authorized program and are, therefore, not Federally enforceable. Thus, notwithstanding the language in the Utah hazardous waste regulations incorporated by reference at §272.2251(b)(1), EPA will only enforce the authorized State provisions with the effective dates indicated in the table below. The actual State regulatory text authorized by EPA for the listed provisions is available as a separate document, Addendum to the EPA-Approved Utah Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, March 1999. Copies of the document can be obtained from U.S. EPA Region VIII, 999 18th St., Suite 500, Denver, Colorado 80202–2466, phone (303) 312–6139.

State provisionState referenceUnauthorized State amendments
State referenceEffective date
R315–2–1(b)(2)(ii)9/24/86DAR 126475/29/92
R315–7–11.3(b)1/3/89DAR 126525/29/92
R315–7–12.6(g)BaseDAR 096321/3/89

At R315–3–23(f)(3)(iv), Utah's analog to 40 CFR 270.33(b)(3)(iv), the State has a printing error in its regulations. The State will fix this error in its next rule making. For the codification, the authorized version of the provision will also be included in the Addendum to the EPA-Approved Utah Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, March 1999.

(6) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region VIII and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on October 4, 1994, is referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(7) Statement of legal authority. “Attorney General's Statement for Final Authorization”, signed by the Attorney General of Utah on January 16, 1984, and revisions, supplements and addenda to that Statement dated October 29, 1986, March 6, 1991, September 17, 1991, September 223, 1992, November 19, 1993, March 16, 1994, March 20, 1995, November 13, 1997, and March 2, 1999, are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(8) Program description. The Program description and any other materials submitted as part of the original application or as supplements thereto are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

[66 FR 58971, Nov. 26, 2002]

§§ 272.2252-272.2299   [Reserved]
Subpart UU—Vermont
§§ 272.2300-272.2349   [Reserved]
Subpart VV—Virginia
§§ 272.2350-272.2399   [Reserved]
Subpart WW—Washington
§§ 272.2400-272.2449   [Reserved]
Subpart XX—West Virginia
§§ 272.2450-272.2499   [Reserved]
Subpart YY—Wisconsin
§ 272.2500   [Reserved]
§ 272.2501   Wisconsin State-administered program; final authorization.

Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b): Wisconsin has final authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Wisconsin's base program application for final authorization which was approved by EPA effective on January 31, 1986. Subsequent program revision applications were approved effective on June 6, 1989, January 22, 1990, and April 24, 1992.

State Statutes and Regulations

(a) The Wisconsin statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

(1) EPA Approved Wisconsin Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, (dated August 9, 1993).

(2) EPA Approved Wisconsin Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program (dated August 9, 1993).

(b) The following statutes and regulations concerning State enforcement, although not incorporated by reference for enforcement purposes, are part of the authorized State program:

(1) Wisconsin Statutes, Volume 1, §§19.21; 19.31; 19.32(2) and (5); 19.35(3) and (4); 19.36; 19.37(1) and (2); Wisconsin Statutes, Volume 3, §§144.69–144.72; 144.73–144.74; 144.76(2) and (3); Wisconsin Statutes Volume 4, §§227.07; 227.09; 227.14; 227.51; and Wisconsin Statutes, Volume 5, §803.09 (1985–86).

(2) Wisconsin Administrative Code, Volume 1, §NR: 2.19; 2.195(1); and 2.195(5) (effective April 1, 1984); Wisconsin Administrative Code, Volume 12, §NR: 680.06(12) (effective March 1, 1991).

[58 FR 49200, Sept. 22, 1993]

§§ 272.2502-272.2549   [Reserved]
Subpart ZZ—Wyoming
§§ 272.2550-272.2599   [Reserved]
Subpart AAA—Guam
§§ 272.2600-272.2649   [Reserved]
Subpart BBB—Puerto Rico
§§ 272.2650-272.2699   [Reserved]
Subpart CCC—Virgin Islands
§§ 272.2700-272.2749   [Reserved]
Subpart DDD—American Samoa
§§ 272.2750-272.2799   [Reserved]
Subpart EEE—Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
§§ 272.2800-272.2849   [Reserved]
Appendix A to Part 272—State Requirements

Link to an amendment published at 73 FR 63901, October 28, 2008.

Link to an amendment published at 73 FR 64258, October 29, 2008.

The following is an informational listing of the State and local requirements incorporated in part 272 of the Code of Federal Regulations:


The statutory provisions include:

Arizona Laws Relating to Environmental Quality, 1993 edition, reprinted from Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 49, Sections 49–921 and 49–922. Copies of the Arizona statutes can be obtained from the State Bar of Arizona, 111 West Munroe, Suite 1800, Phoenix, Arizona 85003–1742.

The regulatory provisions include:

Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 8, December 31, 1994, Sections R18–8–260.A through R18–8–260.C, R18–8–260.E through R18–8–260.H; R18–8–261.A through R18–8–261.I; R18–8–261.K; R18–8–262; R18–8–263; R18–8–264; R18–8–265; R18–8–266; R18–8–268; R18–8–270.A through R18–8–270.F; R18–8–270.H through R18–8–270.Q; and R18–8–271.A through R18–8–271.E. Copies of the Arizona regulations can be obtained from the Arizona Secretary of State, Publications, Notary, Charitable Solicitation & Telemarketing Division, 1700 West Washington, 7th Floor, Phoenix, Arizona 85007–2808.


The statutory provisions include:

Arkansas Hazardous Waste Management Act, as amended, Arkansas Code of 1987 Annotated (A.C.A.), 1993 Replacement, Sections 8–7–202, 8–7–203, 8–7–215, 8–7–216, 8–7–219, 8–7–221, 8–7–223 and 8–7–225(a), as published by The Michie Company, Law Publishers, 1 Town Hall Square, Charlottesville, Virginia 22906–7587.

The regulatory provisions include:

Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology Regulation No. 23, Hazardous Waste Management, as amended August 27, 1993, effective September 21, 1993, chapter one; chapter two, sections 2a (except the second sentence of 2a(5)), 2b (except 2b(11)), 2c, 3a (except 3a(10), 3a(11) and 3a(13)), 5, 6 introductory paragraph, 6b, 6c, 9, 10, 12 introductory paragraph, 12a, 12b (except 12b(7) and 12b(8)), 12c(10), 12c(11), 13a introductory paragraph, 13a(1) through 13a(7), 13a(11), 14 introductory paragraph, 14b, 15, 16 introductory paragraph, 16b, 16c introductory paragraph, 16c(1) (except the phrase ‘or the letters “PCB” for PCB shipments’ in 16c(1)(e)), 16c(2) through 16c(6), 16c(7) (except the second and third sentences), 16c(8) through 16c(12), 16d(1) (except the phrase “(including PCBs and PCB contaminated wastes)” in the first sentence), 16d(1)(a) through 16d(1)(d), 16d(1)(e) (except the phrase ‘or “PCBs”’ in the first sentence), and 16d(1)(f) through 16e. Copies of the Arkansas regulations can be obtained from the Arkansas Register, Secretary of State, State Capitol Building, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201.


The statutory provisions include:

Florida Statutes, 1991, Chapter 1: 1.01 (1) and (2).

Florida Statutes, 1993, Chapter 403: 403.031 introductory paragraph; 403.031 (2)–(7); 403.087(1) first sentence, and (6); 403.201(4) (except the phrase “may require by rule a processing fee for and”); 403.703 introductory paragraph; 403.703 (2)–(6), (8)–(28), (30)–(34), (36), and (40), (42)–(44); 403.7045(1) introductory paragraph, (1) (a), (b) and (d); 403.7045(2) introductory paragraph; 403.7045(2) (a)–(c); 403.7045(3) introductory paragraph; 403.7045(3) (a)–(c); 403.72(2); 403.721(1); 403.722 (1)–(6); 403.7221; 403.724(1) (except the phrase “or corrective action”); 403.724(2); 403.728; 403.74 (1), (3)–(5); 403.751(1) (except (d) & (e); and (2).

Florida Statutes, 1994 Supplement to 1993, Chapter 403: 403.031(1); 403.703(1); 403.7222 (1) and (2); 403.74(2).

Florida Statutes, 1993, Chapter 404: 404.031(13).

Copies of the Florida Statutes that are incorporated by reference are available from the Florida Department of State, Division of Elections, Bureau of Administrative Code, Weekly and Laws, The Elliot Building, 401 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399–0250.

The regulatory provisions include:

The Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62–4, effective July 4, 1995: 62–4.070(2); 62–4.080; and 62–4.100.

The Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62–730, effective September 7, 1995: 62–730.001; 62–730.020 (1), (3), and (4); 62–730.021; 62–730.030; 62–730.140; 62–730.150; 62–730.160; 62–730.161; 62–730.170(1); 62–730.171; 62–730.180 (1)–(5), (7), and (8); 62–730.181; 62–730.183; 62–730.185; 62–730.200 (except (3)); 62–730.210; 62–730.220 (1), (2), (3), (5)–(8), (10), and (11); 62–730.231 (except (10)); 62–730.240 (1) and (2); 62–730.250; 62–730.260; 62–730.270(1) (except (1)(b)(4) and (1)(c)(3)), (2), and (3); 62–730.280; 62–730.290 (except the phrase “and submittal of the appropriate permit modification fee” at subparagraph (3)); 62–730.300; 62–730.320; 62–730.330; and 62–730.900.

Copies of the Florida Administrative Code are available from the Florida Department of State, Division of Elections, Bureau of Administrative Code, Weekly and Laws, The Elliot Building, 401 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399–0250.


(a) The statutory provisions include:

Idaho Code containing the General Laws of Idaho Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 44, “Hazardous Waste Management”, 2002: sections 39–4402; 39–4403 (except 39–4403(6) & (14)); 39–4408(1)–(3); 39–4409(1) (except fourth and fifth sentences); 39–4409(2) (first sentence); 39–4409(4) (except first sentence); 39–4409(5); 39–4409(6); 39–4409(7); 39–4409(8); 39–4411(2); 39–4411(4); 39–4411(5); 39–4423 (except 39–4423(3) (a) & (b)); and 39–4424.

Idaho Code containing the General Laws of Idaho Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 58, “Hazardous Waste Facility Siting Act”, published in 2002 by the Michie Company, Law Publishers: sections 39–5802; 39–5803; 39–5808; 39–5811; 39–5813(1); and 39–5818(2).

Copies of the Idaho statutes that are incorporated by reference are available from Michie Company, Law Publishers, 1 Town Hall Square, Charlottesville, VA 22906–7587.

(b) The regulatory provisions include:

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Rules and Regulations, Idaho Administrative Code, IDAPA 58, Title 1, Chapter 5, “Rules and Standards for Hazardous Waste”, as published on July 2004: sections;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and


The statutory provisions include:

Annotated Indiana Code, 1998 edition, Title 13, Sections 13–14–1, 13–14–7, 13–14–8, 13–19–3, 13–22–2, and 13–22–4.

Copies of the Indiana statutes that are incorporated by reference are available from West Publishing Company, 610 Opperman Drive, P.O. Box 64526, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164–0526.

The regulatory provisions include:

Indiana Administrative Code, 1996 edition, 2000 cumulative supplement, Title 329, Article 3.1, Sections 3.1–1–7, 3.1–4–1, 3.1–5–1, 3.1–5–2, 3.1–5–3, 3.1–5–4, 3.1–5–5, 3.1–5–6, 3.1–6–1, 3.1–6–2, 3.1–7–1, 3.1–7–2, 3.1–7–3, 3.1–7–4, 3.1–7–5, 3.1–7–6, 3.1–7–7, 3.1–7–8, 3.1–7–9, 3.1–7–10, 3.1–7–11, 3.1–7–12, 3.1–7–13, 3.1–7–14, 3.1–7–15, 3.1–7–16, 3.1–8–1, 3.1–9–1, 3.1–9–2, 3.1–9–3, 3.1–10–1, 3.1–10–2(1 through 3), 3.1–10–2(5 through 22), 3.1–11–1, 3.1–11–2, 3.1–12–1, 3.1–13–1, 3.1–13–2(1 through 3), 3.1–13–2(5 through 15), 3.1–13–3, 3.1–13–4, 3.1–13–5, 3.1–13–6, 3.1–13–7, 3.1–13–8, 3.1–13–9, 3.1–13–10, 3.1–13–11, 3.1–13–12, 3.1–13–13, 3.1–13–14, 3.1–13–15, 3.1–13–16, 3.1–13–17, 3.1–14–1, 3.1–14–2, 3.1–14–3, 3.1–14–4, 3.1–14–5, 3.1–14–6, 3.1–14–7, 3.1–14–8, 3.1–14–9, 3.1–14–10, 3.1–14–11, 3.1–14–12, 3.1–14–13, 3.1–14–14, 3.1–14–15, 3.1–14–16, 3.1–14–17, 3.1–14–18, 3.1–14–19, 3.1–14–20, 3.1–14–21, 3.1–14–22, 3.1–14–23, 3.1–14–24, 3.1–14–25, 3.1–14–26, 3.1–14–27, 3.1–14–28, 3.1–14–29, 3.1–14–30, 3.1–14–31, 3.1–14–32, 3.1–14–33, 3.1–14–34, 3.1–14–35, 3.1–14–36, 3.1–14–37, 3.1–14–38, 3.1–14–39, 3.1–14–40, 3.1–15–1, 3.1–15–2, 3.1–15–3, 3.1–15–4, 3.1–15–5, 3.1–15–6, 3.1–15–7, 3.1–15–8, 3.1–15–9, 3.1–15–10, 3.1–16–1, 13–1–1, 13–1–2, 13–2–1, 13–2–2, 13–2–3, 13–2–4, 13–2–5, 13–2–6, 13–2–7, 13–2–8, 13–2–9, 13–2–10, 13–2–11, 13–2–12, 13–2–13, 13–2–14, 13–2–15, 13–2–16, 13–2–17, 13–2–18, 13–2–19, 13–2–20, 13–2–21, 13–2–22, 13–2–23, 13–2–24, 13–2–25, 13–2–26, 13–2–27, 13–3–1, 13–3–2, 13–3–3, 13–4–1, 13–4–2, 13–4–3, 13–4–4, 13–4–5, 13–5–1, 13–5–2, 13–5–3, 13–6–1, 13–6–2, 13–6–3, 13–6–4, 13–6–5, 13–6–6, 13–6–7, 13–6–8, 13–7–1, 13–7–2, 13–7–3, 13–7–4, 13–7–5, 13–7–6, 13–7–7, 13–7–8, 13–7–9, 13–7–10, 13–8–1, 13–8–2, 13–8–3, 13–8–4, 13–8–5, 13–8–6, 13–8–7, 13–8–8, 13–9–1, 13–9–2, 13–9–3, 13–9–4, 13–9–5, 13–9–6, 13–10–1, 13–10–2, 13–10–3.

Copies of the Indiana regulations that are incorporated by reference are available from Indiana Legislative Services Agency, Administrative Code and Register Division, Legislative Information Center, 302 State House, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.


The statutory provisions include:

Louisiana Statutes Annotated, Revised Statutes, 1989, Volume 17B, Subtitle II of Title 30, Louisiana Environmental Quality Act, 1989: Chapter 1, sections 2002, 2003, 2004 introductory paragraph, 2004(1)–(8), 2004(10), 2004(13), 2004(14) introductory paragraph, 2004(14)(a)&(e), 2004(15); Chapter 9, sections 2172, 2173 (except 2173(2), 2173(9) and 2173(11) introductory paragraph), 2183.A,B,D&E, 2183.I, 2188.B, 2201, 2202, 2203.A, 2204.A(1) and 2204.C.

Louisiana Statutes Annotated, Revised Statutes, 1992 Cumulative Annual Pocket Part, Volume 17B, Subtitle II of Title 30, Louisiana Environmental Quality Act: Chapter 1, Section 2004(9); Chapter 2, Section 2022.A first sentence, Chapter 8, Section 2153(1); Chapter 9, Sections 2173(2) and 2173(11); Chapter 18, Section 2417.E(5).

Copies of the Louisiana statutes that are incorporated by reference are available from West Publishing Company, 610 Opperman Drive, P.O. Box 64526, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164–0526.

The regulatory provisions include:

Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33, Part V, Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, Amendments through June 1995: Chapter 1, Sections 103, 105 introductory paragraph, 105.A-C, 105.D.2–.12, 105.D.13 (except the phrase “except as  *  *  * process hazardous waste”), 105.D.14–.17, 105.D.18 (except the phrase “except as  *  *  * process hazardous waste”), 105.D.19–.32, 105.D.33 (except 105.D.33.c), 105.D.34, 105.D.35, 105.D.37–.42, 105.D.43 (except 105.D.43.f), 105.D.45–.47, 105.E through 105.I, 105.J.1, 105.K, 105.L; 109 Definitions (except for “Carbon Regeneration Unit”, “Commercial Boiler”, “Commercial Industrial Furnace”, “Consignee”, “Containment Building”, “Designated Facility”, “EPA Acknowledgement of Consent”, Item 7 of “Hazardous Waste”, Item 2 of “Incinerator”, Item 12 of “Industrial Furnace”, “Infrared Incinerator”, the phrase “containment building” in “Miscellaneous Unit”, “Partial Closure”, the phrase “and that is not a containment building” in “Pile”, “Plasma Arc Incinerator”, “Primary Exporter”, “Receiving Country”, “Sludge Dryer”, “Solid Waste”, “Transit Country” and “Waste Reduction”), 111; Chapter 3, Sections 303, 305.B–.E, 307, 309 (except 309.L.3.b), 311.B&.E, 313, 315.A–.D, 317, 319, 321 (except 321.C.2.i), 322, 323.A , 323.B introductory paragraph, 323.B.1, 323.B.2 (except 323.B.2.e), 323.B.4, 325 and 329; Chapter 5, Sections 501, 505, 507 through 513, 515 (except for 515.25), 516, 517 (except 517.V), 519, 520, 521 through 532, 533 (except 533.B), 534 and 536; Chapter 7, Section 701; Chapter 9, Sections 901 through 923; Chapter 11, Sections 1101 (except 1101.B&.F), 1103 introductory paragraph, 1103.B (except the phrase “For the purposes of compliance with LAC 33:V.Chapter 22, or”), 1105, 1107 (except 1107.A.4 and 1107.D.5), 1108, 1109 (except 1109.E.1.d, E.8 and E.9), 1111.A, 1111.B.1 introductory paragraph (except the phrase “to a treatment, storage, or disposal facility within the United States”), 1111.B.1.a–.c, 1111.B.1.d (except the phrase “within the United States”), 1111.B.1.e (except the phrase “within the United States”), 1111.B.1.f, 1111.B.2 (except the phrase “for a period of at least three years from the date of the report” and the third and fourth sentences), 1111.C–.D, 1113, 1115 through 1121; Chapter 13, Sections 1301 through 1305, 1307.A introductory paragraph (except last sentence), 1307.B, 1307.C (except last sentence), 1307.D, 1307.E (except the phrase “and, for exports, an EPA Acknowledgement of Consent” at 1307.E.2), 1307.F (except the phrase “and, for exports, an EPA Acknowledgement of Consent” at 1307.F.2), 1307.G (except 1307.G.4), 1307.H, 1309, 1311, 1315 through 1323; Chapter 15, Sections 1501 through 1517, 1519 (except 1519.B.8 and 1519.D), 1521 through 1527, 1529 (except 1529.B.12–.19), 1531; Chapter 17, Sections 1701 through 1745; Chapter 19, Sections 1901 (except 1901.C&.D), 1903, 1905.A–.G, 1907, 1909.A–.C, 1911, 1913, 1915.A–.C, 1917 and 1919; Chapter 21, Sections 2101 (except 2101.D), 2103 through 2117; Chapter 23, Sections 2301, 2303 (except 2303.K), 2304 through 2309, 2311 (except the phrase “the waste and the pile satisfy all applicable requirements of LAC 33:V.Chapter 22, and” at 2311.A), 2313, 2315 and 2317; Chapter 25, Sections 2501, 2503.A through 2503.J, 2503.K (except 2503.K.1.o), 2503.L–.N, 2504 through 2509, 2511.A introductory paragraph (except the phrase “the waste and landfill meet all applicable requirements of LAC 33:V.Chapter 22, and”), 2511.A.2 (except the phrase “or LAC 33:V.4321 for interim status facilities”), 2511.B, 2513 through 2517, 2519 (except 2519.F), 2521 (except 2521.B.2) and 2523; Chapter 26, Sections 2601, 2602 and 2603 (except 2603.F.1); Chapter 27, Sections 2701, 2703 (except for 2703.I&.J), 2705 through 2713, 2715 introductory paragraph (except the phrase “the waste and the treatment zone meet all applicable requirements of LAC 33:V.Chapter 22, and”), 2715.A&.B, 2717 through 2723; Chapter 29, Sections 2901, 2903 (except 2903.I), 2904 through 2911, 2913 introductory paragraph (except the phrase “the waste and impoundment satisfy all applicable requirements of LAC 33:V.Chapter 22, and”), 2913.A.1, 2913.A.2 (except the phrase “or for interim status facilities;”), 2915 and 2917; Chapter 31, Sections 3101, 3103 , 3105 (except 3105.D), 3107 through 3121; Chapter 32, sections 3201 through 3207; Chapter 33, Sections 3301, 3303 (except 3303.C&.D), 3305 through 3313, 3315 (except for 3315.K), 3317 through 3322, 3323 (except the phrase “or its successor agency” at 3323.D) and 3325; Chapter 35, Sections 3501 through 3505, 3507 (except the phrase “1803, 1911” at 3507.C), 3509 through 3527; Chapter 37, Sections 3701, 3703, 3705 (except the last sentence of 3705.D), 3707.A–.F, 3707.G (except the phrase “and financial test and guarantee, except that the financial test and guarantee may not be combined” in the second sentence), 3707.H, 3707.I (except the phrase “, and for facilities subject to LAC 33:V.3525  *  *  * LAC 33:V.3525.B.2”, and the two occurrences of the phrase “or that the owner or operator has failed  *  *  * LAC 33:V.3525”), 3709 through 3713, 3715 (except 3715.F.8), 3717 through 3719; Chapter 40, Sections 4001 through 4025, 4027 (except 4027.C), 4029 through 4093; Chapter 41, Sections 4101, 4103, 4105 introductory paragraph, 4105.A, 4105.B (introductory paragraph), 4105.B.1 introductory paragraph (except the phrase “except that”), 4105.B.1 (except 4105.B.1.a&.b), 4105.B.2, 4105.B.4–.14, 4105.C, 4105.E, 4107 through 4113, 4115.A (except the reference “22,”), 4115.B, 4137, 4139.A.1, 4139.A.2 (except 4139.A.2.b&.c), 4139.B.1, 4139.B.4, 4143, 4145; Chapter 43, Sections 4301 (except the last sentence of 4301.E), 4302, 4303 through 4305, 4307 through 4335, 4337 through 4349, 4351 through 4355, 4357 (except 4357.B.8–.14), 4359 through 4365, 4367 through 4375, 4377 (except 4377.B.4), 4379 (except the phrase “and LAC 33:V.4705” at 4379.C), 4381 through 4395, 4397, 4399 (except 4399.A.6.i), 4401, 4403 (except for the phrase “and after receiving the certification required under LAC 33:V.4393.B.2 for facilities subject to LAC 33:V.4393” and the two occurrences of the phrase “or that the owner or operator has failed  *  *  * LAC 33:4393” in 4403.H), 4405 through 4411, 4413, 4417 through 4429, 4431 through 4445, 4447 through 4455, 4457.A, 4457.B (except the first occurrence of 4457.B.2), 4459 (except the phrase “the waste and impoundment satisfy all applicable requirements of LAC 33:V.Chapter 22.” at 4459.A), 4461, 4462 (except 4462.H), 4463 through 4470, 4471 (except the phrase “the waste and pile satisfy all applicable requirements of LAC 33:V.Chapter 22 and”), 4472 through 4476, 4477 through 4493, 4495 through 4499, 4501 (except 4501.D.3), 4502, 4503 (except the phrase “and landfill meet all applicable requirements of LAC 33:V.Chapter 22, and the waste” at 4503.A introductory paragraph), 4505 through 4509, 4511 introductory paragraph, 4511.A–.D, 4511.E (except the two occurrences of the reference “and F”), 4512, 4513 through 4522, 4523 (except the phrase “and LAC 33:V.Chapter 30  *  *  * LAC 33:V.109” at the end of the paragraph), 4525 through 4534, 4535 through 4547, 4549 through 4559, 4561 through 4589, 4591 through 4601; Chapter 49, Sections 4901.A through 4901.F, 4901.G (except the entries for EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers K042 and 151 in Table 6), 4903 through 4907, Appendices A through D.

Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33, Part V, Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, Amendments for July 1995—March 1996: Chapter 1, Sections 109 “Designated facility”, 109 “Partial Closure”, 109 “Solid Waste”; Chapter 3, Sections 305.A, 309.L.3.b, 321.C.2.i, 323.B.2.e, 323.B.4.c, Chapter 5, Section 533.B; Chapter 7, Section 706; Chapter 11, Section 1101.B; Chapter 25, Section 2521.B.2; Chapter 26, Section 2603.F.1; Chapter 28, Sections 2801 through 2809; Chapter 41, Sections 4115.C, 4139.B.2&.3; Chapter 49, Sections 4901.G Table 6 (entries for EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers K042 and 151 only), Appendix A (entry for 2,6–Toluenedine only) and Appendix B (paragraphs 8.2 and 8.2.5 through

Copies of the Louisiana regulations that are incorporated by reference are available from Office of the State Register, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804–9095.


The statutory provisions include: Minnesota Statutes, June 1992 edition, Chapters 13.03; 13.05 Subdivision 9; 13.08; 13.37; 15.17; 15.171; 115.061; 115A.03; 116.06; 116.07 Subdivisions 4, 4a, 4b, 5 and 8; 116.075; 116.081 Subdivisions 1 and 3; and 116.14.

The regulatory provisions include: Minnesota Rules, June 1992 edition, 7001.0010; 7001.0020(B); 7001.0030–7001.0150(3)(C); 7001.0150(3)(E)–7001.0200; 7001.0500–7001.0730(2); 7001.0730(4); 7045.0020–7045.0143; 7045.0205–7045.0270(6); 7045.0275–7045.0310; 7045.0351–7045.0685; 7045.0692–7045.0695; 7045.1300–7045.1380 (June 1992 edition).


The statutory provisions include: 260.350–260.360(3), 260.360(5)–260.360(12), 260.360(14)–260.360(19), 260.380–1.–260.380–1.(9), 260.380–2., 260.385(2)–260.390(7), 260.390(9), 260.395–6.–260.395–7.(4), 260.395–7.(7)–260.395–18.

The regulatory provisions include: 3.260–3.260(1)(A)20, 3.260(1)(A)22–3.260(1)(A)23, 3.260(2), 4.261–4.261(2)(A)5, 5.262–5.262(2)(B)1., 5.262(2)(B)3.–5.262(2)(C)1., 5.262(2)(C)2.A.–5.262(2)(D), 5.262(2)(D)2.–5.262(2)(H), 6.263–6.263(2)(A)2., 6.263(2)(A)5.–6.263(2)(A)10.C, 6.263(2)(B)–6.263(2)(D)2., 7.264–7.264(2)(A)2., 7.264(2)(B)2.–7.264(2)(O), 7.264(2)(X), 7.265–7.265(2)(A), 7.265(2)(E)–7.265(2)(K), 7.266–7.266(2), 7.268–7.268(2), 7.268(2)(A)., 7.268(2)(A)4.–7.268(2)(C), 7.270–7.270(2)(B)6., 7.270(2)(B)9., 7.270(2)(B)11., 7.270(2)(B)14.–7.270(2)(B)17., 7.270(2)(C)–7.270(2)(C)1., 7.270(2)(C)1.B.–7.270(2)(C)1.C., 7.270(2)(C)2.–7.270(2)(C)2.C., 7.270(2)(C)2.E., 7.270(2)(D)–7.270(2)(D)3., 7.270(2)(E)–7.270(2)(G).


The regulatory provisions include:

Administrative Rules of Montana, Title 17, Environmental Quality, Chapter 53, Hazardous Waste, effective April 1, 2005, sections 17.53.101, 17.53.102, 17.53.105, 17.53.107, 17.53.111(1), 17.53.111(2), (except the phrase “or to pay the fee required by ARM 17.53.111” in the introductory paragraph), 17.53.111(3) (except the phrase “and the generator fee required by ARM 17.53.113” at 17.53.111(3)(a)), 17.53.301 (except the phrase “and for which a registration fee is assessed” at 17.53.301(2)(q)), 17.53.401, 17.53.402, 17.53.403, 17.53.501, 17.53.502, 17.53.601, 17.53.602, 17.53.603, 17.53.604, 17.53.701, 17.53.702, 17.53.704, 17.53.706, 17.53.707, 17.53.708, 17.53.801, 17.53.802, 17.53.803, 17.53.901, 17.53.902, 17.53.903, 17.53.1001, 17.53.1002, 17.53.1003, 17.53.1004, 17.53.1101, 17.53.1102, 17.53.1201, 17.53.1202 (except 17.53.1202(5)(l), (5)(m), (6) and (17)), 17.53.1203, 17.53.1301, 17.53.1302, 17.53.1303, 17.53.1401, and 17.53.1402.

Copies of the Montana regulations that are incorporated by reference are available from the Montana Secretary of State, Administrative Rules Bureau, P.O. Box 202801, Helena, MT 59620–2801 (Phone: 406–444–2055).

New Mexico

The statutory provisions include:

New Mexico Statutes 1978 Annotated, Hazardous Waste Act, Chapter 74, Article 4 (1993 Replacement Pamphlet), sections 74–4–2, 74–4–3 (except 74–4–3L, 74–4–3O and 74–4–3R), 74–4–3.1, 74–4–4.2A, 74–4–4.2B, 74–4–4.2G introductory paragraph, 74–4–4.2G(2), 74–4–4.3F, 74–4–4.7 (except 74–4–4.7B and 74–4–4.7C), 74–4–9 and 74–4–10.1C, as published by the Michie Company, Law Publishers, 1 Town Hall Square, Charlottesville, Virginia 22906–7587.

The regulatory provisions include:

Title 20, Chapter 4, part 1, New Mexico Annotated Code, effective June 14, 2000, sections 20.4.100,,,,,,,,,,,, 20.4.801,, through,,,, and 20.4.1103. Copies of the New Mexico regulations can be obtained from the New Mexico Commission of Public Records, State Records Center and Archives, Administrative Law Division, 1205 Camino Carlos Rey, Santa Fe, NM 87507.

New York

The regulatory provisions include:

Title 6, New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (6 NYCRR), Volume A–2A, Hazardous Waste Management System, as amended through April 10, 2004.

Please note the following:

(1) The State's official regulations, as amended through April 10, 2004, contain typographical and printing errors that were not in the State's regulations submitted for authorization. New York subsequently corrected these errors in its official “Supplement”, dated July 15, 2005, filed with the New York Secretary of State. EPA recognizes the corrected provisions as part of the authorized program. The authorized provisions for which typographical and printing errors in the April 10, 2004 regulations have been corrected are noted below by inclusion in parentheses of July 15, 2005 after the regulatory citation.

(2) For a few regulations, the authorized regulation is an earlier version of the New York State regulation. For these regulations, EPA authorized the version of the regulations that appear in the Official Compilation of Code, Rules and Regulations dated January 31, 1992 or January 1, 1999. New York State made later changes to these regulations but these changes have not been authorized by EPA. The regulations where the authorized regulation is an earlier version of the regulation are noted below by inclusion in parentheses of January 31, 1992 or January 1, 1999 after the regulatory citations.

Part 370—Hazardous Waste Management System—General: Sections 370.1(a) (except (a)(3)); 370.1(b) through (d); 370.1(e) (except (e)(1)(xv), (e)(1)(xvi) and (e)(6)(ii) through (iii)); 370.2(a); 370.2(b)(1) through (b)(15) “battery”; 370.2(b)(15) “bedrock” (January 31, 1992); 370.2(b)(17)–(b)(54); 370.2(b)(56) through (b)(71); 370.2(b)(72) (July 15, 2005); 370.2(b)(73) through (b)(91); 370.2(b)(94) through (b)(104); 370.2(b)(106) through (b)(122); 370.2(b)(123) and (124) (July 15, 2005); 370.2(b)(126) through (b)(187); 370.2(b)(188) (July 15, 2005); 370.2(b)(189) through (b)(212); 370(b)(214) and (b)(215); 370.2(b)(216) (except the last sentence); 370.2(b)(217) through (b)(220); 370.3 (except 370.3(c)); 370.4 (except 370.4(a)(1)(i) through (v)); 370.4(a)(1)(i) through (v) (July 15, 2005); 370.5 (except (b)).

Part 371—Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste: Sections 371.1(a) through (c); 371.1(d) (except (d)(1)(ii)(e)); 371.1(e) (except 371.1(e)(2)(vi)('b')(21); 371.1(f)(1) through (7); 371.1(f)(8) (except the phrase “or such mixing occurs at a facility regulated under Subpart 373–4 or permitted under Part 373 of this Title”); 371.1(f)(9) and (f)(10); 371.1(g)(1)(i); 371.1(g)(1)(ii) (except (g)(1)(ii)(c)); 371.1(g)(1)(iii) (except (g)(1)(iii)(a)); 371.1(g)(1)(iii)(a) (except the phrase “as defined in section 372.5 of this Title, and provide a copy of”) (January 1, 1999); 371.1(g)(2) through (4); 371.1(h) through (j); 371.2; 371.3; and 371.4(a) and (b); 371.4(c) (except K171 and K172 entries); 371.4(c), K171 and K172 entries (July 15, 2005); 371.4(d), (f) and (i).

Part 372—Hazardous Waste Manifest System and Related Standards for Generators, Transporters and Facilities: Sections 372.1(a) through (d); 372.1(e)(2)(ii)(c) (January 31, 1992); 372.1(e)(2)(iii)(c) (January 31, 1992); 372.1(e)(3) through (e)(8); 372.1(g) and (h); 372.2 (except (a)(8)(vi)); 372.3 (except (a)(1), (a)(4), (a)(7)(i), (a)(8), (b)(1)(ii), (b)(5)(ii), (b)(6)(iv), (c)(4) and (d)(3)); 372.5 (except (h) and (i); 372.6; 372.7(a) and (b); 372.7(c) (except (c)(1)(ii)); and 372.7(d) (except (d)(4)); 372.7(d)(4) (January 31, 1992).

Part 373, Subpart 373–1—Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility Permitting Requirements: Sections 373–1.1(a) through (c), 373–1.1(d) (except (d)(1)(iii)(b), (d)(1)(iii)(c)(6), (d)(1)(iii)(d), (d)(1)(iv)(a) and (b), (d)(1)(x), (d)(1)(xvi) and (xviii)); 373–1.1(e); 373–1.1(h) and (i); 373–1.2; 373–1.3; 373–1.4(a); 373–1.4(g) and (h); 373–1.5(a)(1); 373–1.5(a)(2) (except (a)(2)(xviii)); 373–1.5(a)(3) and (4); 373–1.5(b) and (c); 373–1.5(d) (except (d)(3)); 373–1.5(e) through (p) (except reserved paragraphs); 373–1.6 (except (c)); 373–1.7 through 373–1.9; 373–1.10 (except (a)(1)); 373–1.10(a)(1) (January 1, 1999); and 373–1.11.

Part 373, Subpart 373–2—Final Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities: Sections 373–2.1 through 373–2.4; 373–2.5(a); 373–2.5(b) (except the last sentence in (b)(1)(i)(b) and the entire provision at (b)(1)(vii)); 373–2.5(c) through (g); 373–2.6 through 373–2.9; 373–2.10 (except last sentence in (g)(4)(i)); 373–2.11; 373–2.12 (except 373–2.12(a)(1), (d) and (g)(2)); 373–2.12(a)(1) (January 31, 1992); 373–2.12(g)(2) (January 31, 1992); 373–2.13; 373–2.14; 373–2.15 (except (a)(2)); 373–2.19; 373–2.23; 373–2.24; 373–2.27; 373–2.28; 373–2.29; 373–2.30; and 373–2.31.

Part 373, Subpart 373–3—Interim Status Standards Regulations for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Facilities: Sections 373–3.1 (except 373–3.1(a)(4) and the phrase “or Subpart 374–2 of this Title” in 373–3.1(a)(6)); 373–3.2 through 373–3.4; 373–3.5 (except last sentence in 373–3.5(b)(1)(i)(b) and (b)(1)(vii)); 373–3.6 through 373–3.9; 373–3.10 (except last sentence in (g)(4)(i)); 373–3.11 through 373–3.14; 373–3.15 (except (a)(2)); 373–3.16 through 373–3.18; 373–3.23; and 373–3.27 through 373–3.31.

Part 374, Subpart 374–1—Standards for the Management of Specific Hazardous Wastes and Specific Types of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities: Sections 374–1.1; 374–1.3; 374–1.6 (except (a)(2)(iii)); 374–1.7; 374–1.8(a)(1); 374–1.8(a)(2) (except the second sentence “Such used oil  *  *  * of this Title” in (a)(2)(i)); 374–1.8(a)(3) through (a)(6); 374–1.8(b) through (m); and 374–1.13.

Part 374, Subpart 374–3—Standards for Universal Waste: Sections 374–3.1 (except (f) and (g)); 374–3.2; 374–3.3; 374–3.4 (except (a)(2)); 374–3.5; 374–3.6; and 374–3.7.

Part 376—Land Disposal Restrictions: Sections 376.1 (except (a)(5), (a)(9), (b)(1)(xi), (e) and (f)); 376.2; 376.3 (except (b)(4), (c) and (d)(2)); 376.4 (except (c)(2) and (e)(1) through (7)); and 376.5.

Appendices: Appendices 19 through 25; Appendices 27 through 30; Appendix 33; Appendix 38; Appendices 40 through 49 and Appendices 51 through 55.

Copies of the New York regulations that are incorporated by reference are available from West Group, 610 Opperman Drive, Eagan, MN 55123, ATTENTION: D3–10 (Phone #: 1–800–328–9352).

North Dakota

(a) The statutory provisions include: North Dakota Century Code, Volume 4A, 2002 Replacement. Chapter 23–20.3 “Hazardous Waste”: Sections 23–20.3–05(1), (2), (4), (7), and (9). Copies of the North Dakota statutes that are incorporated by reference are available from the Matthew Bender & Company Inc., P.O. Box 7587, Charlottesville, VA 22906–7587, phone number: (800) 833–9844.

(b) The regulatory provisions include: North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC), Article 33–24, Hazardous Waste Management, as amended through December 1, 2003.

Please note the following:

For a few regulations, the authorized regulation is an earlier version of the North Dakota State regulation. For these regulations, EPA authorized the version of the regulations that appear in the North Dakota Administrative Code dated July 1, 1997. North Dakota made later changes to these regulations, but these changes have not been authorized by EPA. The regulations where the authorized regulation is an earlier version of the regulation are noted below by inclusion in parentheses of July 1, 1997 after the regulatory citations.

Chapter 33–24–01—General Provisions: Sections 33–24–01–01 through 33–24–01–14.

Chapter 33–24–02—Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; 33–24–02–01; 33–24–02–02; 33–24–02–03 except .1.b(3) and (6); 33–24–02–04 through 33–24–02–06; 33–24–02–07; 33–24–02–08 through 33–24–02–19; 33–24–02–22; and Appendices I through V.

Chapter 33–24–03—Standards for Generators: Sections 33–24–03–01; 33–24–03–02; 33–24–03–03.1 and .2; 33–24–03–03.3, (except the phrases “and a transporter permit” and “and applied for a permit”); 33–24–03–03.4; 33–24–03–04 through 33–24–03–12; 33–24–03–13, (except the phrase “March first of each even-numbered year” in .2); 33–24–03–14 through 33–24–03–24; 33–24–03–30; 33–24–03–40; and Appendix I.

Chapter 33–24–04—Standards for Transporters: Sections 33–24–04–01, (except .4); 33–24–04–02.1, (except the phrase “, a transporter permit, and a registration certificate”); 33–24–04–02.2, (except the phrases “and a registration certificate, or a transporter permit,” and “and issue a registration certificate”); and 33–24–04–03 through 33–24–04–08.

Chapter 33–24–05—Standards for Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities and for the Management of Specific Hazardous Wastes and Specific Types of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities: Sections 33–24–05–01; 33–24–05–02, (except the second sentence); 33–24–05–03 through 33–24–05–10; 33–24–05–15 through 33–24–05–20; 33–24–05–26 through 33–24–05–31; 33–24–05–37 through 33–24–05–44; 33–24–05–47 through 33–24–05–50; 33–24–05–51, (except Table 1); 33–24–05–51, Table 1 (July 1, 1997); 33–24–05–52 through 33–24–05–55; 33–24–05–56, (except .11); 33–24–05–57 through 33–24–05–69; 33–24–05–74 through 33–24–05–81; 33–24–05–89 through 33–24–05–93; 33–24–05–94, (except .4.b); 33–24–05–95 through 33–24–05–98; 33–24–05–103 through 33–24–05–115; 33–24–05–118 through 33–24–05–128; 33–24–05–130 through 33–24–05–138; 33–24–05–144 through 33–24–05–151; 33–24–05–160 through 33–24–05–170; 33–24–05–176 through 33–24–05–188; 33–24–05–201 through 33–24–05–204; 33–24–05–230; 33–24–05–235; 33–24–05–250 through 33–24–05–252; 33–24–05–253, (except .3); 33–24–05–256, (except .1.b(2)); 33–24–05–258, (except .4.b(2)); 33–24–05–265; 33–24–05–270 through 33–24–05–279; 33–24–05–280, (except .9); 33–24–05–281; 33–24–05–282, (except .2); 33–24–05–283; 33–24–05–284.8 through .13; 33–24–05–285; 33–24–05–286; 33–24–05–288 through 33–24–05–290; 33–24–05–300 through 33–24–05–303; 33–24–05–400, (except .4); 33–24–05–401 through 33–24–05–406; 33–24–05–420 through 33–24–05–435; 33–24–05–450 through 33–24–05–460; 33–24–05–475 through 33–24–05–477; 33–24–05–501 through 33–24–05–506; 33–24–05–525 through 33–24–05–537; 33–24–05–550 through 33–24–05–553; 33–24–05–554, (except .1.b); 33–24–05–555; 33–24–05–600; 33–24–05–610 through 33–24–05–612; 33–24–05–620 through 33–24–05–624; 33–24–05–630 through 33–24–05–632; 33–24–05–640 through 33–24–05–647; 33–24–05–650 through 33–24–05–667; 33–24–05–670 through 33–24–05–675; 33–24–05–680; 33–24–05–681; 33–24–05–701 through 33–24–05–705; 33–24–05–708 through 33–24–05–720; 33–24–05–730 through 33–24–05–740; 33–24–05–750 through 33–24–05–756; 33–24–05–760 through 33–24–05–762; 33–24–05–770; 33–24–05–780; 33–24–05–781; 33–24–05–800 through 33–24–05–802; 33–24–05–820 through 33–24–05–826; 33–24–05–850; 33–24–05–855 through 33–24–05–857; 33–24–05–860; 33–24–05–865; 33–24–05–866; 33–24–05–870; 33–24–05–875; 33–24–05–880; 33–24–05–885; 33–24–05–890; 33–24–05–895 through 33–24–05–900; 33–24–05–905; 33–24–05–910; 33–24–05–915; 33–24–05–916; and Appendices I through VIII, X through XIII, XVI through XXIV; and XXVI through XXIX.

Chapter 33–24–06—Permits: Sections 33–24–06–01, (except .2.a); 33–24–06–01.2.a (July 1, 1997); 33–24–06–02 through 33–24–06–04; 33–24–06–05.1.c; 33–24–06–06, (except .2 and .3); 33–24–06–07; 33–24–06–08; 33–24–06–10 through 33–24–06–13; 33–24–06–14, (except .3.a(4)); 33–24–06–14, Appendix I; 33–24–06–15 introductory paragraph through .1.a; 33–24–06–16.5 through .7; 33–24–06–17, (except .2.k and .2.z); 33–24–06–18 through 33–24–06–20; 33–24–06–30 through 33–24–06–35; and 33–24–06–100.

Chapter 33–24–07—Permitting Procedures: Sections 33–24–07–01; 33–24–07–02; and 33–24–07–03, (except .4).

Copies of the North Dakota regulations that are incorporated by reference are available from North Dakota Legislative Counsel, Second Floor, State Capitol, 600 E Boulevard, Bismarck, ND 58505, phone number: (701) 328–2916.


The statutory provisions include:

Oklahoma Hazardous Waste Management Act, as amended, 27A Oklahoma Statute 1997 Edition, Sections 2–7–103, 2–7–108(A), 2–7–108(B)(1), 2–7–108(B)(3), 2–7–108(C), 2–7–110(B), 2–7–110(C), 2–7–111(A), 2–7–111(B) (except the last sentence and the phrase, “ recycling” in the first sentence), 2–7–111(C)(2)(a) (except the phrase “Except as provided in subparagraph b of this paragraph” and the word “recycling” in the first sentence), 2–7–111(D), 2–7–111(E) (except the word “recycling” in the first sentence), 2–7–112, 2–7–116(B) through 2–7–116(F), 2–7–116(H)(2), 2–7–118(A), 2–7–124, 2–7–125, 2–7–127 and 2–10–301(G).

Copies of the Oklahoma statutes that are incorporated by reference are available from West Publishing Company, 610 Opperman Drive, PO Box 64526, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164–0526.

The regulatory provisions include:

The Oklahoma Administrative Code, Title 252, Chapter 205, effective June 12, 2000: Subchapter 1, Sections 252:205–1–1(a), 252:205–1–1(c) introductory paragraph, 252:205–1–1(c)(1), 252:205–1–2 introductory paragraph, 252:205–1–2 “OHWMA”, 252:205–1–2 “Post-closure permit”, 252:205–1–3(c); Subchapter 3, Sections 252:205–3–1, 252:205–3–2(a)(2), 252:205–3–2(b)–(m), 252:205–3–4, 252:205–3–5 and 252:205–3–6; Subchapter 5, Sections 252:205–5–1 (except 252:205–5–1(4)), 252:205–5–2 through 252:205–5–5; Subchapter 7, Sections 252:205–7–1 through 252:205–7–3 and 252:205–7–4 (except the phrase “or in accordance with 252:205–15–1(d)); Subchapter 9 (except 252:205–9–5 and 252:205–9–6); Subchapter 11, 252:205–11–1(a) (except the word “recycling”), 252:205–11–1(b) through 252:205–11–1(e) and 252:205–11–2; and Subchapter 13, Sections 252:205–13–1(a)—(e).

Copies of the Oklahoma regulations that are incorporated by reference can be obtained from The Oklahoma Register, Office of Administrative Rules, Secretary of State, 101 State Capitol, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105.

South Dakota

The regulatory provisions include:

Administrative Rules of South Dakota, Article 74:28, Hazardous Waste, effective August 29, 2004, sections 74:28:21:01, 74:28:21:02, 74:28:21:03, 74:28:22:01, 74:28:23:01, 74:28:24:01, 74:28:25:01 through 74:28:25:05, 74:28:26:01, 74:28:27:01, 74:28:28:01 through 74:28:28:05, 74:28:29:01, 74:28:30:01 and 74:28:33:01; Article 74:36, Air Pollution Control Program, effective January 2, 2005, section 74:36:11:01.

Copies of the South Dakota regulations that are incorporated by reference are available from the South Dakota Legislative Research Council, 3rd Floor, State Capitol, 500 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501, (Phone: 605–773–3251).


The statutory provisions include:

Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) Annotated, (Vernon 1992), effective September 1, 1991: Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, sections 361.003 (introductory paragraph), 361.003(1), 361.082(a), 361.082(f), 361.086, 361.087, 361.093, 361.095(a), 361.099(b), and 361.110; Chapter 371, The Texas Oil Collection, Management, and Recycling Act, section 371.041(a).

Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) Annotated, (Vernon 1997 Supplement), effective September 1, 1996: Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, sections 361.003 except (3), (4), (19), (27), (35) and (39)), 361.066(a), and 361.094; Chapter 371, The Texas Oil Collection, Management, and Recycling Act, sections 371.003, 371.024(b), and 371.026(d).

Copies of the Texas statutes that are incorporated by reference are available from West Publishing Company, 610 Opperman Drive, P. O. Box 64526, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164–0526.

The regulatory provisions include:

Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Environmental Quality, 1994, as amended, effective through January 1, 1994: Chapter 305, section 305.50(4); Chapter 335, sections 335.6(d) (except last sentence), 335.6(e), 335.9(b), 335.10(a) (introductory paragraph), 335.10(a)(1), 335.10(b)(5)&(8), 335.13(c)&(d), 335.13(g), 335.15 (introductory paragraph), 335.23(2), 335.24(e), 335.71, 335.214(a).

Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Environmental Quality, 1997, as amended, effective through January 1, 1997: Chapter 20, section 20.15; Chapter 281, section 281.3(c); Chapter 305, 305.1(a), 305.2 (except the definitions for “by-pass,” “Class I sludge management facility,” “component,” “continuous discharge,” “CWA,” “daily average concentration,” “daily average flow,” “direct discharge,” “discharge monitoring report,” “effluent limitation,” “Environmental Protection Agency,” “facility mailing list,” “functionally equivalent component,” “indirect discharger,” “injection well permit,” “National Pollution Discharge Elimination System,” “new discharger,” “new source,” “outfall,” “primary industry category,” “process wastewater,” “publicly owned treatment works,” “recommencing discharger,” “regional administrator,” “schedule of compliance,” “severe property damage,” “sewage sludge,” “Texas pollution discharge elimination system,” “toxic pollutant,” “treatment works treating domestic sewage,” “variance,” and “wetlands”), 305.29(a)&(d), 305.41, 305.42, 305.43(b), 305.44, 305.45, 305.47, 305.50 (introductory paragraph), 305.50(1), 305.50(2) (except the paragraph beginning “Also to be submitted are listings  *  *  *” to the end of the subsection), 305.50(3), 305.50(5)–(8), 305.50(13)&(14), 305.51, 305.61, 305.62(a) (except the phrase “§305.70 of this title  *  *  * Solid Waste Class I Modifications” in the first sentence and the fifth sentence “If the permittee requests a modification of a municipal solid waste permit  *  *  * Solid Waste Class I Modifications).”), 305.62(b)–(h), 305.63 (introductory paragraph), 305.63(1)&(2), 305.63(3) (except the last sentence), 305.63(4)–(6), 305.64(a), 305.64(b) (except 305.64(b)(4)&(5)), 305.64(c), 305.64(e), 305.64(g), 305.66(a) (except 305.66(a)(7)&(8)), 305.67, 305.69 (except 305.69(i) A.8–A.10), 305.121, 305.122(a)–(c), 305.124, 305.125 (except 305.125(1), (3), and (20)), 305.127 (introductory paragraph), 305.127(1)(B)(iii), 305.127(1)(E)&(F), 305.127(2)&(3), 305.127(4)(B), 305.127(5)(C), 305.128, 305.141 through 305.145, 305.146 (introductory paragraph), 305.146(1), 305.150, 305.171 through 305.174, 305.181 through 305.184, 305.191 through 305.194, 305.401(c), 305.571, 305.572 (except the date “September 5, 1991” in the (introductory paragraph)), 305.573; Chapter 324, sections, 324.1 through 324.4, 324.6, 324.7, 324.11 through 324.16, 324.21; Chapter 335, sections 335.1 (introductory paragraph), 335.1 (except the definitions for “activities associated with the exploration, development, and protection of oil or gas, or geothermal resources,” “class 1 wastes,” “class 2 wastes,” “class 3 wastes,” “commercial hazardous waste facility,” “contaminant,” “contaminated medium/media,” “control,” “decontaminate,” “essentially insoluable,” “hazardous industrial waste,” “hazardous substance,” “industrial solid waste,” “Petroleum substance,” “remediation,” “remove,” shipment,” “spill,” and “treatment”), 335.2(a), 335.2(c)–(g), 335.2(i)&(j), 335.4, 335.5, 335.6(a)–(c), 335.6(f)–(j), 335.7, 335.8(a)(3)&(4), 335.9 (except 335.9(b)), 335.10(a)(3) (except the phrase “, unless the generator is identified in paragraph (2) of this section”), 335.10(a)(4), 335.10(a)(6), 335.10(b) (except 335.10(b)(5)&(8)), 335.10(c) (except the phrase “the United States customs official,”), 335.10(d)–(f), 335.11 (except 335.11(d)), 335.12 (except 335.12(a)(5)), 335.13(a), 335.13(e)&(f), 335.14, 335.15(1), 335.17, 335.18, 335.19, 335.20 through 335.22, 335.23 (except 335.23(2)), 335.24(a)–(d), 335.24(f), 335.29, 335.30, 335.31, 335.41(a)–(h), 335.43 through 335.45, 335.47 (except the second sentence in 335.47(c)(3)), 335.61(a)–(e), 335.63 through 335.68, 335.69(a)–(h), 335.70, 335.73, 335.74, 335.76, 335.77, 335.78 (except 335.78(d)(2)), 335.91 through 335.94, 335.111, 335.112 (except 335.112(a)(17)), 335.113, 335.114(a), 335.115 through 335.123, 335.124 (except second sentence in 335.124(e)), 335.125 through 335.127, 335.151 through 335.153, 335.154(a), 335.155 through 335.178, 335.201(a) (except 335.201(a)(3)), 335.201(c), 335.202 (except the definitions for “active geologic processes,” “area subject to active shoreline erosion,” “areas of direct drainage,” “commercial hazardous waste management facility,” “critical habitat of an endangered species,” “erosion,” “public water system,” and “residence”), 335.203, 335.204(a) (introductory paragraph), 335.204(a)(1)–(5), 335.204(b)(1)–(6), 335.204(c)(1)–(5), 335.204(d)(1)–(5), 335.204(e) (introductory paragraph), 335.204(e)(1) (introductory paragraph) (except the phrase “Except as  *  *  * (B) of this paragraph,” and the word “event” at the end of the paragraph), 335.204(e)(2)–(7), 335.204(f), 335.205(a)&(b), 335.205(i), 335.211 through 335.213, 335.214(b), 335.221 through 335.226, 335.241, 335.251, 335.361 through 335.367, 335.431, and 335.504.

Copies of the Texas regulations that are incorporated by reference are available from West Publishing Company, 610 Opperman Drive, P. O. Box 64526, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164–0526.


The regulatory provisions include:

Utah Administrative Code effective February 15, 1996: Sections R315–1 except R315–1–1(a), R315–1–1(f)&(h) and R315–1–2(a); R315–2 except R315–2–3(d)(2), R315–2–5, R315–2–6, R315–2–10(e)&(f), R315–2–11(e)&(f), R315–2–17, and R315–2–25(d); R315–3 except R315–3–1(b)&(c), R315–3–3(b)(3), R315–3–3(i)(1)–(3), R315–3–3(n)(8)(iv), R315–3–11(a)&(b), R315–3–11(f), R315–3–13(a)(4),R 315–3–16(b), R315–3–23(b)(1)&(2), R315–3–23(c)&(d), R315–3–24 through R315–3–29, R315–3–34 and R315–3–36; R315–4 through R315–7, except R315–7–8.1(c)(12)(iv), R315–7–18.9(d)(2)(i)(A) phrase “given the specific site conditions and the nature and extent of contamination”; R315–8 except R315–8–1(e)(10)(iv), R315–8–6.1(a)(3), R315–8–6.12(b), R315–8–11.2(e) phrase “given the specific site conditions and the nature and extent of contamination”, R315–8–14.10(b); R315–9; R315–14 except R315–14–3, R315–14–4, and R315–14–7; R315–16 except R315–16–1.1(a)(4), R315–16–1.6, R 315–16–1.7(c), R315–16–1.7(g), R315–16–1.7(l)(4), R315–16–2.4(d), R315–16–2.5(e), R315–16–2.12, R315–16–3.4(d), R351–16–3.5(e), R315–16–3.6(c)(2) word “lamp”, R315–16–3.10(a)(2) word “lamp”, R315–16–3.10(b)(2) word “lamp”, R315–16–3.12, R315–16–5.1(a); R315–50 except R315–50–9, R315–50–10, R315–50–12, and R315–50–13.

Utah Administrative Code revised as of May 15, 1996: Section R315–15, except R315–15–1.1(j)&(k), R315–15–1.3(b), R315–15–2.1(a)(1)&(4), R315–15–2.3(c)(1), R315–15.2.3(d), R315–15–2.4(a), R315–15–2.4(d)&(e), R315–15–3.1(b), R315–15–3.2(a), R315–15–4.6(f), R315–15–5.1(c), R315–15–5.5(e), R315–15–6.5(e), R315–15–7.1(d), R315–15–8.3, R315–15–9, R315–15–10, R315–15–11 with respect to used oil transfer and off-specification used oil burning facilities, R315–15–12, R315–15–13.5(a)–(c) &(e), R315–15–14, and R315–15–15.

Utah Administrative Code revised as of October 16, 1997: R315–2–3(d)(2), R315–2–10(e), R315–8–6.12(b), R315–8–14.10(b), R315–15–1.3(b), R315–15–2.1(a)(1)&(4), R315–15–2.3(c)(1), R315–15.2.3(d), R315–15–2.4(a), R315–15–2.4(d)&(e), R315–15–3.1(b), R315–15–3.2(a), R315–15–4.6(f), R315–15–5.5(e), R315–15–6.5(e), R315–15–8.3, and R315–15–9.

Utah Administrative Code revised as of February 20, 1998: R315–1–1(a), R315–1–2(a), R315–2–5, R315–2–6, R315–2–10(f), R315–2–11(e), R315–2–11(f), R315–2–17, R315–3–3(b)(3), R315–13–1, R315–14–7, R315–16–5.1(a), R315–50–9, R315–50–10, and R315–50–12.

Copies of the Utah regulations that are incorporated by reference are available from the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 288 North 1460 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114–4880, Phone (801) 538–6776.


The statutory provisions include: Wisconsin Statutes, Volume 3, Sections: 144.01; 144.43–433; 144.44 (except 144.44(4)(a)); 144.441(1)–(2); 144.441(3) (b), (f), and (g); 144.441(4) (a) and (c)–(g); 144.441(6); 144.442(1), (4)–(11); 144.443; 144.444; 144.60–144.63; and 144.64 (2)–(3) (except for 144.64(2)(e)(1)).

The regulatory provisions include: Wisconsin Administrative Code, Volume 12, §NR 600.01–600.04(2); 600.06; 600.3–600.11; 605.02; 605.04–605.11; Appendix II, III, IV and V; 610.01–610.09(2); 615.01–615.13(2)(b); 620.01; 620.04–620.10(3); 620.14; 625.04(4); 625.05(1)–625.07(7)(c)12; 625.12(1) and (2); 630.02; 630.04–630.40(3)(c); 635.02; 635.05–635.16(17)(d); 635.17(1), (2) and (3); 640.02; 640.06(2)(b); 640.09–640.22(22); 645.04–645.14; 645.17(1)(a)(1)– 645.17(1)(a)3.e; 650; 655.02; 655.05–655.13(13); 660.02; 660.08–660.20(2); 665.02; 665.05(1)–665.10(2); 670.06–670.11(2)(d)3; 675.01–675.30(6); 680.01–680.51(5); 685.02; 685.05–685.08(13)(b).

[58 FR 3500, Jan. 11, 1993]

Editorial Note:   ForFederal Registercitations affecting appendix A to part 272, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.

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