OEMM ~ MMAB: Welcome to Minerals Management Advisory Committees
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      Minerals Management Advisory Committees

Welcome to Minerals Management Advisory Committees

The Minerals Management Service has three advisory committees; the OCS Policy Committee, the Royalty Policy Committee, and the OCS Scientific Committee. They are charted under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).

Each committee provides advice to the Secretary of the Interior or other officials of the Department in implementing the OCS Lands Act, as amended, the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982, the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970, and the mineral leasing laws for coal and other solid mineral leases and agreements.

Committee activities are reported annually in a report titled "Report to the Congress from the President on Federal Advisory Committee Activities". It is part of FACA database, which is used by Federal agencies to continuously manage an average of 1,000 advisory committees government-wide This database is also used by the Congress to perform oversight of related Executive Branch programs and by the public, the media, and others, to stay abreast of important developments resulting from advisory committee activities.

Last Updated: 07/17/2009, 11:22 AM Central Time