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About Us

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), was created to develop and focus attention on programs and funding for improving the lives of people with or at risk for mental and substance abuse disorders.

To achieve its mission, SAMHSA collaborates with the States, national and local community-based and faith-based organizations, and public and private sector providers, to ensure that people with or at risk for a mental or addictive disorder have the opportunity for a fulfilling life that includes a job, a home, and meaningful relationships with family and friends.

When natural disasters occur, individuals can lose their entire communities. Immediately following such crises and for the long-term, SAMHSA focuses on its mission of “Building Resilience and Facilitating Recovery” for those affected. Our goal is to serve all concerned—the most vulnerable of whom are often individuals with substance abuse and mental illness disorders.