/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 1:18:23 Aug 25, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 13:59:06 May 21, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* * Copyright 1999-2002 by Vignette, Inc., * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of Vignette, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You * shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement * you entered into with Vignette. * */ function cm_scrollup(y1,y2){ for (var i=y1; i>y2;) { window.scroll(1,i) i-=SCROLL_SPD } } function cm_scrolldown(y1,y2){ for (var i=y1; ix2;) { window.scroll(i,1) i-=SCROLL_SPD } } function cm_scrollright(x1,x2){ for (var i=x1; ip){ this.view.setWidth(this.minw); } else { this.view.setWidth(p); } } else { this.view.setWidth(p); } } else { this.view.setWidth(this.width); } } Row.prototype.setSameWidth = function(maxw) { if(!maxw) return; if(maxw>this.w){ var dw=maxw-this.w; this.w=maxw; this.view.setWidth(this.w); } else { var dw=0; } if(!this.ends){ var numOfCol=this.columns.length; if (numOfCol>0) { var x=this.x; var col for (var i=0;ithis.h){ this.h=maxh; this.view.setHeight(this.h); } var x=this.x; for(var i=0;i0) this.columns[this.columns.length-1].last=0; this.columns[this.columns.length]=column; column.parent=this; column.last=1; } Row.prototype.addIndicator = function(indicator) { this.indicator=indicator; } Row.prototype.switchClass = function(classNum) { if(this.classes&&classNum>=0&&this.currentClass!=classNum){ if(classNumthis.w){ this.w=totalw; this.view.setWidth(this.w); } this.resizeHeight(); this.view.showIt(); this.h=this.view.getHeight(); if(this.type==MOD_DRG){ this.dc= new DragCapability(this.view.evnt,this.view.css,this.dragAnchorId,this.y,this.x,this.w,this.h); this.dc.Obj.module=this; this.dc.BindEvent(EVENT_MOUSEDOWN,DownHandler); this.dc.BindEvent(EVENT_MOUSEOVER,OverHandler); } this.setIndicatorLoc(1,1,1); } function DownHandler (e) { // this is bind to DragCapability.Obj if (bw.ie) { e = window.event; } if (bw.ns6) { MovEl = e.target; } else { MovEl = e.srcElement; } if (this.anchorEleIndex) { var srcID = MovEl?MovEl.id:0; if (!srcID || srcID.indexOf(this.anchorEleIndex) == -1) { return; } } if (bw.ie || bw.ns6) { document.onmousemove = MoveHandler; document.onmouseup = UpHandler; } else { window.onMouseMove = MoveHandler; window.onMouseUp = UpHandler; window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE | Event.MOUSEUP); } this.module.dc.SetZIndex(MOD_TOP_Z); ModStartX = (bw.ie ? e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft: e.pageX); ModStartY = (bw.ie ? e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop: e.pageY); DraggMod = this.module; DraggMod.view.css.cursor="move"; if (PageLayout.upModCl && PageLayout.dnModCl) { DraggMod.view.evnt.className=PageLayout.upModCl; } //DraggMod.view.css = dropShadow(offX=2, offY=2, color=#666666); // turn on module up location indicator if present if (PageLayout.upModFp) { PageLayout.upModFp.setLeft(DraggMod.x); PageLayout.upModFp.setTop(DraggMod.y); PageLayout.upModFp.setWidth(DraggMod.w); PageLayout.upModFp.setHeight(DraggMod.h); PageLayout.upModFp.showIt(); } DropCol = null; return false; } function OverHandler (e) { return false; } function Column(divID,width,modType,spcBtwCols,btmSpc,absPos,miniHeight,topSpc,toChildWidth) { this.view = new cm_makeObj(divID); this.id=divID; if (typeof width == "undefined" || width == null) { this.width = "100%"; } else { this.width = width; } this.height = -1; this.rows = new Array(); this.parent = null; this.type = MOD_DRG; if (MOD_FIX == modType) { this.type = MOD_FIX; } this.spacing=0; if (spcBtwCols && typeof spcBtwCols == "number" && spcBtwCols != NaN) { this.spacing = spcBtwCols; } this.bottomSpace = 0; if (btmSpc && typeof btmSpc == "number" && btmSpc != NaN) { this.bottomSpace = btmSpc; } this.topSpace = 0; if (topSpc && typeof topSpc == "number" && topSpc != NaN) { this.topSpace = topSpc; } this.toChildWidth=0; if (toChildWidth) this.toChildWidth=toChildWidth; this.indicator = null; this.isPosAbsolute = true; if (false == absPos) { this.isPosAbsolute = false; this.relativeX = 0; this.relativeY = 0; } this.minih=-1; if(miniHeight && typeof miniHeight == "number" && miniHeight != NaN) { this.minih=miniHeight; } this.last=0; this.toPageH=0; return this; } Column.prototype.setRelativePos = function(pX, pY) { this.relativeX = pX; this.relativeY = pY; } Column.prototype.resizeWidth = function() { if (this.parent!=null && this.width.indexOf("%")!=-1) { var p = Math.round(this.parent.view.getWidth()*parseInt(this.width.substring(0,this.width.length-1))/100); this.view.setWidth(p - this.spacing); } else { this.view.setWidth(this.width); } } Column.prototype.setSameWidth = function(maxw,begin) { if (!maxw) return; if (begin) { if (this.toChildWidth) { var x=this.x+this.leftSpc+dw/2; dw=0; } else { var x=this.x; } var y=this.y+this.topSpace; for (var i=0;ithis.w){ var dw=maxw-this.w; this.w=maxw; this.view.setWidth(this.w); } else { var dw=0; } if (this.toChildWidth) { var x=this.x+this.leftSpc+dw/2; dw=0; } else { var x=this.x; } var y=this.y+this.topSpace; var row=null; for (var i=0;i -1) { this.view.setHeight(this.minih); } else { this.view.setHeight(this.height); } } Column.prototype.setSameHeight = function(maxh,eqlDisb) { if (!maxh) return; if (maxh>this.h) { var dh=maxh-this.h; this.h=maxh; this.view.setHeight(this.h); } else { var dh=0; } var numOfRows = this.rows.length; if (numOfRows>0) { if (eqlDisb) { var dh1 = dh/numOfRows; if (this.toChildWidth) var x=this.x + this.leftSpc; else var x=this.x; var y=this.y + this.topSpace; for (var i=0;i=0;i--){ if (!isEmpty[i]) luckyChild=i; } if (this.toChildWidth) var x=this.x + this.leftSpc; else var x=this.x; var y=this.y + this.topSpace; for (var i=0;i0) lastRow=this.rows[this.rows.length-1]; if(!IndicatorHeight) IndicatorHeight=1; if(l){ var x=lastRow?lastRow.x:this.x; if(d.x!=x){ d.x=x; d.setLeft(x); } } if(t){ if(lastRow) var y=lastRow.y+lastRow.h+lastRow.spacing/2-IndicatorHeight; else var y=this.y+this.h/2-IndicatorHeight; if(d.y!=y){ d.y=y; d.setTop(y); } } if(w){ var w=lastRow?lastRow.w:this.w; if(d.w!=w){ d.w=w; d.setWidth(w); } } if(!d.h) d.setHeight(IndicatorHeight*2); } } Column.prototype.addRow = function(row) { this.rows[this.rows.length] = row; row.parent = this; if (this.type == MOD_FIX) { row.type = MOD_FIX; } } Column.prototype.addIndicator = function(indicator) { this.indicator = indicator; } Column.prototype.removeRow = function(row) { var numOfRows = this.rows.length for (var i=0; i= numOfRows) { this.addRow(row); } else { var rowsPart1 = this.rows.slice(0,index); var rowsPart2 = this.rows.slice(index, numOfRows); rowsPart1[rowsPart1.length] = row; row.parent = this; this.rows = rowsPart1.concat(rowsPart2); } } Column.prototype.switchClass = function(classNum) { if (this.classes && classNum >= 0 && this.currentClass != classNum) { if (classNum < this.classes.length) { this.view.evnt.className = this.classes[classNum]; this.currentClass = classNum; } } } Column.prototype.render = function(left,top) { if (typeof left != "undefined") { this.view.setLeft(left); this.x = left; } else this.x = this.view.getLeft(); if (typeof top != "undefined") { this.view.setTop(top); this.y = top; } else this.y = this.view.getTop(); this.resizeWidth(); if (this.isPosAbsolute) { var childLeft = this.x; var childTop = this.y; } else { var childLeft = this.relativeX; var childTop = this.relativeY; this.x = this.relativeX; this.y = this.relativeY; } if (this.topSpace) childTop += this.topSpace; var numOfRows = this.rows.length; if (this.toChildWidth) { var fatChild=0; for (var i=0;i fatChild) { this.leftSpc = (this.w-fatChild)/2; } else { this.leftSpc = 0; this.w = fatChild; this.view.setWidth(fatChild); } childLeft += this.leftSpc; // renderring children for (var i=0;i child.w) { wdiff++; } } this.w = this.view.getWidth(); if (wdiff>0) this.setSameWidth(fatChild,1); if (fatChild > this.w) { this.view.setWidth(fatChild); this.w = fatChild; } } this.resizeHeight(); this.view.showIt(); this.h = this.view.getHeight(); if (this.toPageH) { if (this.height > this.h) { this.setSameHeight(this.height); this.h=this.height; } } this.setIndicatorLoc(1,1,1); if (!this.isPosAbsolute) { if (this.posAnchor) { var newLeft=_getPageOffsetLeft(this.posAnchor.evnt); var newTop=_getPageOffsetTop(this.posAnchor.evnt); if (newLeft != this.relativeX || newTop != this.relativeY) { this.relativeX=newLeft; this.relativeY=newTop; this.moveFamilyTo(newLeft,newTop); } } if (cm_posCheckE) eval(cm_posCheckE); } } var SCROLL_OFFSET=20,SCROLL_SPD=3,SCROLL_DST=15; function MoveHandler(e) { if (!DraggMod) { return true; } absX = bw.ie?window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft:e.pageX; absY = bw.ie?window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop:e.pageY; if (typeof cmpage != "undefined" && cmpage) { var scrollleft = cmpage.scrollX(); var scrolltop = cmpage.scrollY(); if (absY+SCROLL_OFFSET>cmpage.y2+scrolltop) { cm_scrolldown(scrolltop,scrolltop+SCROLL_DST); } else if (absY-SCROLL_OFFSETcmpage.x2+scrollleft) { cm_scrollright(scrollleft,scrollleft+SCROLL_DST); } else if (absX-SCROLL_OFFSET 0) { for (var i=0; i DropCol.rows[i].y) { DropIndex = i; } else { break; } } var rowMidPt = DropCol.rows[DropIndex].y + Math.round(DropCol.rows[DropIndex].h/2); if (absY > rowMidPt) { DropIndex++; } } //window.status = "you are inside column " + DropCol.id + " index=" + DropIndex; if (DropIndex < numOfColRows) { var drop = DropCol.rows[DropIndex].indicator; } else { var drop = DropCol.indicator; } } if (drop != DropIndicator) { if (DropIndicator != null) { DropIndicator.hideIt(); } DropIndicator = drop; if (DropIndicator != null) { DropIndicator.showIt() } } return false; }