F Kiosk – Information about Ruth L. Kirschstein
NRSA Individual Fellowship Funding Opportunities

F Kiosk


Program Description


Corrections to the Instructions in SF424 (R&R) Individual Fellowship Application Guide for NIH and AHRQ (NOT-OD-09-131) (7/31/2009)

Amendment: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellowships (F31) to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (PA-09-209) (NOT-OD-09-117)

Announcing New Business Processes and Confirming the Transition of Individual National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship (“F”) Applications to Electronic Submission (NOT-OD-09-106)

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Stipend and Other Budgetary Levels Effective for Fiscal Year 2009 (NOT-OD-09-075)

Announcing a Delay in Transition to Electronic Submission of Applications for Individual National Research Service Awards (Fs) and Confirming Plans to Transition Individual Research Career Development Awards (Ks) (01/28/2009)

Extension of Several NRSA Training (T), NRSA Fellowship (F), and Career Development (K) Funding Opportunity Announcements (05/16/2008)

Revised NIH Parental Leave Policy for the Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Awards (04/10/2008)

Revision: Notice of New NIH Policy for Funding of Tuition, Fees, and Health Insurance on Kirschstein-NRSA Awards (08/18/2006) – See update: NOT-OD-08-036


Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral MD/PhD and Other Dual Doctoral Degree Fellows (F30)
The purpose of the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (Kirschstein-NRSA) is to provide support to individuals for combined MD/PhD and other dual doctoral degree training (e.g. DO/PhD, DDS/PhD, AuD/PhD).

NHLBI Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral MD/PhD Fellows (F30)
The NHLBI is interested in supporting individual predoctoral fellowships for combined MD/PhD training in research areas relevant to the mission of the NHLBI.


Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellowships (F31) to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
The purpose of this individual predoctoral research training fellowship is to improve the diversity of the health-related research workforce by supporting the training of predoctoral students from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented.

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellows (F31)
The purpose of this individual predoctoral research training fellowship is to provide support for promising doctoral candidates who will be performing dissertation research and training in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers.

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) for Individual Predoctoral Fellows in Nursing Research (F31)
The NINR is particularly interested in facilitating the progress of students who are in research training programs for recent nursing graduates and students in BSN to PhD programs.


Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA) for Individual Postdoctoral Fellows (F32)
The purpose of this individual postdoctoral research training fellowship is to provide support to promising Fellowship Applicants with the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of participating NIH Institutes and Centers.

National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Fellowships In Epidemiology, Clinical Trials, And Outcomes Research In Skin Diseases(F32) Expired, but will be reissued.
The NIAMS, along with the American Skin Association (ASA), supports individual postdoctoral fellowships to train physicians with expertise in clinical dermatology to supplement that knowledge with training in epidemiology/clinical trials/outcomes research.


Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA) for Individual Senior Fellows (F33)
The purpose of the individual senior-level fellowship is to support experienced scientists who wish to make major changes in the direction of their research careers or who wish to broaden their scientific background by acquiring new research capabilities as independent investigators.