Sample GOES plot.

GOES satellites carry onboard a Space Environment Monitor subsystem that measures X-rays, Energetic Particles and the Magnetic Field at the spacecraft.

GOES SEM What to Look For ...


Sunspot number graphPhotograph of sunspot.

Conditions in near-Earth space are dominated by solar activity. Solar astronomers have monitored that activity for decades and have found that the size and number of dark spots on the Sun are a good indicator of the frequency and intensity of explosive events like solar flares. Flares are eruptions in the solar atmosphere fueled by the intense magnetic fields that accompany sunspots.

Solar activity follows an 11-year cycle as shown in the plot above. The space environment monitored by GOES is much more disturbed during the years of high sunspot numbers than during sunspot minimum. The most common pattern displayed by a solar event begins with an X-ray burst. If conditions are right on the sun, this may be followed closely by a particle event.

The daily particle plots, however, show the background levels drop during solar maximum. This is due to the disturbed interplanetary magnetic field disrupting the flow of galactic ions - particles from deep space.

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GOES particle sensor daily values 01/86-12/99 without E1 and I1. (PDF)

Satellite Anomalies:

Documentation for Anomaly tables (text).

Anomaly report summary, by satellite (text).

Anomaly table (sans TDRS-1) (Excel Spreadsheet)

TDRS-1 SEU table (Excel Spreadsheet)

TDRS-1 Single Event Upsets and the Effect of the Space Environment, IEEE T-NS/38/6/07133

Various Satellite Anomly Plots:

TDRS-1 SEUs and the Space Weather Climatology -- 1986-1993 (PDF) (10/23/98 ver.)

TDRS-1 SEUs Vs. GOES Protons, scatter plot -- 1986-1993 (PDF) (10/26/98 ver.)

GOES surface charging anomalies and the Magnetospheric Specification Model. (PDF)

GOES Seasonal and Local Time Anomaly Trends (Excel)

SEM plot showing TELSTAR-401 anomaly -- 1/7/97-1/15/97. (GIF)

Geographic location of computer upsets on select Space Shuttle missions. (PDF)

Onboard memory upsets from UOSAT-2 (University of Surrey Satellite) cluster about the SAA (South Atlantic Anomaly). (Small GIF 1028x678 pixels, Large GIF for printing 3058x2017 pixels)

Electron plot with anomalies -- 1/94-2/95. (PDF)

Electron plot with anomalies -- 1/96-2/97. (PDF)