American Society for Clinical Pathology

certification: ASCP Board of Registry

certification:  ASCP Board of Registry
Better job prospects. Higher salaries. The respect of your colleagues. The confidence that comes from knowing you’re fully qualified to be a top-notch laboratory professional. Since 1928, certification by the ASCP Board of Registry has been the industry standard for laboratory professionals. more...

advocacy: Get Involved

advocacy: Get Involved
President Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” That’s why uniting ASCP’s diverse membership of more than 130,000 pathologists, physicians, technologists, technicians and other laboratory professionals, is such a powerful force for advocacy. more...

outreach: Global Initiatives

outreach: Global Initiatives
Nine international guests joined Global Outreach staff in Philadelphia to attend ASCP’s Leadership Exchange conference and then traveled back to Chicago for meetings and laboratory visits. more...

members: Profile

members: Profile
Lab professionals from Rush University were on NBC morning news in Chicago April 22, 2009 in honor of National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week. more...

education: Home

what's new: Event Calendar

Upcoming ASCP Programs: ASCP Live Events CalendarFor a full list of our live events and educational activities, please visit the ASCP Events Calendar today!

publications: Journals and Books

New Features for ASCP Journal Websites and now offer several features to improve the viewing of online content and to facilitate finding articles of potential interest. more...

certification: Maintenance

ASCP provides the tools and resources you need to maintain your certification. Laboratory professionals can earn points toward the ASCP Board of Registry (BOR) Certification Maintenance Program (CMP).

Pathologists can earn credits for the American Board of Pathology’s (ABP) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirements. ASCP offers a number of activities designed to help you meet Part II SAM (Self Assessment Modules) requirements of the MOC program.

Visit the ASCP Newsroom today!

Stimulus Money Available for Lab Workforce Issues
MT/CLS schools at risk or programs seeking to expand should proactively seek money available in the stimulus package. more...

Laboratory Workforce Shortage Reaches Crisis
Half of all laboratories nationwide struggle to hire laboratory personnel. The ASCP's Wage & Vacancy survey provides current wage data and information about the distribution of personnel within the nation’s clinical laboratory workforce and is conducted every two years. more...

Pathology and Lab Medicine News
Get the latest pathology and laboratory medicine news from ASCP's partnership website with Medscape. more...

AJCP Call for Abstracts
The deadline to submit an abstract for the 2009 Annual Meeting has passed. The AJCP Poster Sessions and Resident Research Symposium competition will take place at the 2009 ASCP Annual Meeting in Chicago, October 28-November 1. more...

2009 Annual Meeting