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Exposure Assessment and Airshed Modeling Applications in Support of SCPC and CHS Projects

EPA Grant Number: R827352C015
Subproject: this is subproject number 015 , established and managed by the Center Director under grant R827352
(EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).

Center: Southern California Particle Center and Supersite
Center Director: Froines, John R.
Title: Exposure Assessment and Airshed Modeling Applications in Support of SCPC and CHS Projects
Investigators: Froines, John R. , Arey, Janet , Atkinson, Roger , Avol, Edward L. , Cass, Glen , Cho, Arthur K. , Colome, Steven D. , Fukuto, Jon , Gauderman, William , Gong, Henry , Harkema, Jack , Hinds, William C. , Kleinman, Michael T. , Lurmann, Fred , McConnell, Rob , Miguel, Antonio , Nel, Andre E. , Paulson, Suzanne , Peters, John M. , Phalen, Robert , Ritz, Beate R. , Schiestl, Robert H. , Sioutas, Constantinos , Stram, Dan , Turco, Richard , Winer, Arthur M. , Yu, Rong Chun
Current Investigators: Turco, Richard , Lurmann, Fred , Winer, Arthur M. , Wu, Jun , Yu, Rong Chun
Institution: University of California - Los Angeles , California Institute of Technology , Michigan State University , Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center , University of California - Irvine , University of California - Riverside , University of Southern California
Current Institution: University of California - Los Angeles
EPA Project Officer: Stacey Katz/Gail Robarge,
Project Period: June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005 (Extended to May 31, 2006)
RFA: Airborne Particulate Matter (PM) Centers (1999)
Research Category: Particulate Matter



This project is one of four specific studies that focus on emission sources and related adverse health effects. The study hypotheses are that:

The principal objective of the modeling component of the Southern California Particle Center and Supersite (SCPCS) is to develop more precise linkages between emission sources, human exposure, and health outcomes, including at the individual level for the Children's Health Study (CHS) cohort and at the population scale for the Los Angeles Basin (LAB). A principal hypothesis is that better characterization of the exposure of individual children in the CHS cohort will increase the robustness of observed health outcomes. A related hypothesis is that, within the framework of the coupled Surface Meteorology and Ozone Generation (SMOG)/Regional Human Exposure Model (REHEX) modeling system, SCPCS field and laboratory measurements can be extrapolated to estimate the population-wide implications of specific airborne materials-gaseous and particulate-and to identify and quantify specific source contributions.

The principal objectives of the study are to:


The overall objective of the Southern California Particle Center and Supersite (SCPCS) is to bring together outstanding scientists from the leading universities in Southern California to identify and conduct high priority research to better understand the effects of particulate matter (PM) and ensure protection of public health. The SCPCS makes use of an integrated approach to address each of the areas of Exposure, Dosimetry, Toxicology, and Epidemiology. This integration is accomplished by seeking out and involving in the Center some of the major figures in air quality and environmental health. A team has been assembled for SCPCS that is committed to the need for strong cross- and interdisciplinary programs of research in order to address the challenging issues posed by PM. By improving our fundamental and observational understanding of the complex relation between particle exposure and human health, it is our goal to lay a firm scientific foundation for effective intervention strategies for public health protection.

Publications and Presentations:

Publications have been submitted on this subproject: View all 6 publications for this subprojectView all 136 publications for this center

Journal Articles:

Journal Articles have been submitted on this subproject: View all 6 journal articles for this subprojectView all 135 journal articles for this center

Supplemental Keywords:

Particulate matter, quinones, PAHs, aldehydes, ketones, allergic airway disease, human exposure models, mobile sources, environmental monitoring, motor vehicle emissions, children's health, indoor air quality, California,

Progress and Final Reports:
2001 Progress Report
2002 Progress Report
2003 Progress Report
2004 Progress Report
Final Report

Main Center Abstract and Reports:
R827352    Southern California Particle Center and Supersite

Subprojects under this Center: (EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).
R827352C001 The Chemical Toxicology of Particulate Matter
R827352C002 Pro-inflammatory and the Pro-oxidative Effects of Diesel Exhaust Particulate in Vivo and in Vitro
R827352C003 Measurement of the “Effective” Surface Area of Ultrafine and Accumulation Mode PM (Pilot Project)
R827352C004 Effect of Exposure to Freeways with Heavy Diesel Traffic and Gasoline Traffic on Asthma Mouse Model
R827352C005 Effects of Exposure to Fine and Ultrafine Concentrated Ambient Particles near a Heavily Trafficked Freeway in Geriatric Rats (Pilot Project)
R827352C006 Relationship Between Ultrafine Particle Size Distribution and Distance From Highways
R827352C007 Exposure to Vehicular Pollutants and Respiratory Health
R827352C008 Traffic Density and Human Reproductive Health
R827352C009 The Role of Quinones, Aldehydes, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and other Atmospheric Transformation Products on Chronic Health Effects in Children
R827352C010 Novel Method for Measurement of Acrolein in Aerosols
R827352C011 Off-Line Sampling of Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Respiratory Health Surveys
R827352C012 Controlled Human Exposure Studies with Concentrated PM
R827352C013 Particle Size Distributions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the LAB
R827352C014 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of PM in the LAB (Source Receptor Study)
R827352C015 Exposure Assessment and Airshed Modeling Applications in Support of SCPC and CHS Projects
R827352C016 Particle Dosimetry
R827352C017 Conduct Research and Monitoring That Contributes to a Better Understanding of the Measurement, Sources, Size Distribution, Chemical Composition, Physical State, Spatial and Temporal Variability, and Health Effects of Suspended PM in the Los Angeles Basin (LAB)

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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