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Current Bibliographies in Medicine 98-2

Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

January 1980 through August 1998, plus selected earlier citations

1440 Citations

Prepared by
Martha H. Glock, M.L.S., National Library of Medicine
Peter S. Jensen, M.D., National Institute of Mental Health
James R. Cooper, M.D., National Institute on Drug Abuse

1998 September

Public Health Service
National Institutes of Health

National Library of Medicine
Reference Section
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Series Note

Each bibliography in the Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE®, AVLINE®, BIOETHICSLINE®, CANCERLIT®, CATLINE®, HEALTHSTARtm, POPLINEtm, and TOXLINE®. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered.

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Table of Contents

Series Note


Sample Citations




Current Diagnostic Schema/Core Dimensions

Etiology/Risk Factors

Genetics and Pathophysiology

Cognitive and Behavioral Correlates


Prevalence Across the Life Span and Across Cultures

Course of the Disorder and Outcome, Including Comorbidity

Systems Impact: School and the Justice System

Impairment: Childhood and Adolescence

Impairment: Adulthood

Safety and Efficacy of Treatments: Short and Long Term

Stimulant Medications

Nonstimulant Medications

Psychosocial Interventions

Other Treatments

Treatment Comparisons

Matching Patients to Treatments

Substance Abuse Risks of Stimulant Treatments

Risk of Treatment vs. Nontreatment

ADHD Subgroups at Risk for Substance Use Disorder

Sensitization and the Risk of Exposure to Stimulant Medications

Stimulant Treatment as a Risk Factor for Nicotine Use and Substance Abuse

Abuse, Diversion and Consequences of Methylphenidate Abuse

Availability of Stimulant Medications: Nature and Extent of Abuse and Associated Harm

Existing Practices and Barriers Regarding Assessment and Treatment

Treatment Services Provided to Children With ADHD: A National Perspective

Current Assessment and Treatment Practices

Educational Policies

Insurance and Managed Care

Individual and Family Barriers

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is the most common behavioral disorder of childhood, estimated to affect 3-5% of school-age children. Its core symptoms include an inability to sustain attention, developmentally inappropriate levels of activity, distractibility, and impulsivity. Although some persons have suggested that ADHD is just normal childhood behavior, children with ADHD usually have pronounced difficulties due to the disorder across multiple settings in home, at school, and with peers--as well as long-term adverse effects on later academic, vocational, social-emotional, and psychiatric outcomes. The ADHD symptoms, degree of impairment, and longitudinal course form a coherent pattern such that well-trained clinicians can reliably diagnose ADHD at a level of accuracy that rivals or exceeds many other medical diagnostic and assessment procedures. Moreover, many clinical treatment studies of the condition have also been conducted, resulting in substantial evidence of efficacy for a variety of treatments.

Despite the substantial progress in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of children and adults with ADHD, the disorder has remained controversial in many sectors. The confusion resulting from the many diverse, frequently expressed opinions (often not based on research evidence) has made many families, health care providers, educators, and policy-makers uncertain about the status of the disorder and its long-term consequences, whether treated or not. For example, one of the major controversies concerning ADHD concerns the use of psychostimulants to treat the condition. These medications are regarded by many in the medical community as constituting the psychopharmacologic treatment of choice for ADHD. The use of methylphenidate and amphetamine nationwide has increased significantly in recent years. This increased availability and use of psychostimulants has intensified the concerns about use, overuse, and abuse.

This bibliography was prepared in support of the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, held in Bethesda, Maryland on November 16-18, 1998. The conference addressed these key questions and areas of controversy, which are reflected in the bibliography: What is the scientific evidence to support ADHD as a disorder?; what is the impact of ADHD on individuals, families, and society?; what are the effective treatments for ADHD?; what are the risks of the use of stimulant medication and other treatments?; what are the existing diagnostic and treatment practices, and what are the barriers to appropriate identification, evaluation, and intervention?; what are the directions for future research?

The bibliography consists primarily of citations to English-language journal articles published between 1980 to 1998; some publications such as conference papers have also been included as well as some material published before 1980 and a few selected foreign language items. Both human and animal studies are included. Items were selected for the bibliography based on the following criteria: (1) they directly relate to the questions being addressed by the conference; and (2) they report the results of original research rather than speculation or commentary on the work of others. In several areas, too few articles met the above criteria. In such instances the selection criteria were relaxed, thereby allowing commentaries and editorials to be included. This was necessary to ensure that a balanced perspective be presented concerning the questions addressed by the conference. The bibliography is organized thematically, such that topic areas follow in the order of the conference themes and presentations. Most items are listed under only one category; each was assigned to the best-fitting topic area according to the overall thrust of its content and where it provided the most seminal information.

Any reproductions of this bibliography, in whole or in part, must include all credits. If you wish to cite this bibliography, the correct format is:
Glock, Martha H.; Jensen, Peter S.; Cooper, James R., compilers. Diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [bibliography online]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine; 1998 Sep [insert cited year month day in brackets]. [insert no. of screens or lines in brackets]. (Current bibliographies in medicine; no. 98-2). 1440 citations from January 1980 through August 1998. Available from: URL

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Sample Citations

Citations are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus ®. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets; for monographs, the title is given in the original language. In both cases the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation.

Journal Article:

Tannock R, Purvis KL, Schachar RJ. Narrative abilities in children wiath attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal peers. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1993 Feb;21(1):103-17.

Order, with separating punctuation:
Authors. Article Title. Abbreviated Journal Title Date;Volume(Issue):Pages.

For details of the formats used for references, see the following publication:
Patrias, Karen. National Library of Medicine recommended formats for bibliographic citation. Bethesda (MD): The Library; 1991 Apr. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB91-182030.

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Overview and Introduction

American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Children with Disabilities, Committee on Drugs. Medication for children with an attention deficit disorder. Pediatrics 1987 Nov;80(5):758-60.

Biederman J, Milberger S, Faraone SV, Kiely K, Guite J, Mick E, Ablon JS, Warburton R, Reed E, Davis SG. Impact of adversity on functioning and comorbidity in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1995 Nov;34(11):1495-503.

Goldman LS, Genel M, Bezman RJ, Slanetz PJ. Diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents. Council on Scientific Affairs, American Medical Association. JAMA 1998 Apr 8;279(14):1100-7.

Swanson JM, Sergeant JA, Taylor E, Sonuga-Barke EJ, Jensen PS, Cantwell DP. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and hyperkinetic disorder. Lancet 1998 Feb 7;351(9100):429-33. Comment in: Lancet 1998 Feb 7;351(9100):387.

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ADHD as a Disorder in Children, Adolescents and Adults

Current Diagnostic Schema/Core Dimensions

Abikoff H, Courtney M, Pelham WE Jr, Koplewicz HS. Teachers' ratings of disruptive behaviors: the influence of halo effects. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1993 Oct;21(5):519-33.

Adams CD, Kelly ML, McCarthy M. The Adolescent Behavior Checklist: development and initial psychometric properties of a self-report measure for adolescents with ADHD. J Clin Child Psychol 1997 Mar;26(1):77-86.

Alessandri SM. Attention, play, and social behavior in ADHD preschoolers. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1992 Jun;20(3):289-302.

Alpert JE, Maddocks A, Nierenberg AA, O'Sullivan R, Pava JA, Worthington JJ 3rd, Biederman J, Rosenbaum JF, Fava M. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in childhood among adults with major depression. Psychiatry Res 1996 Jun 1;62(3):213-9.

Altepeter TS, Breen MJ. Situational variation in problem behavior at home and school in attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity: a factor analytic study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1992 May;33(4):741-8.

Anastopoulos AD, Barkley RA, Shelton TL. The history and diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Therap Care Educ 1994 Summer;3(2):96-110.

Anastopoulos AD, Spisto MA, Maher MC. The WISC-III freedom from distractibility factor: Its utility in identifying children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychol Assess 1994;6(4):368-71.

Applegate B, Lahey BB, Hart EL, Biederman J, Hynd GW, Barkley RA, Ollendick T, Frick PJ, Greenhill L, McBurnett K, Newcorn JH, Kerdyk L, Garfinkel B, Waldman I, Shaffer D. Validity of the age-of-onset criterion for ADHD: a report from the DSM-IV field trials. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1997 Sep;36(9):1211-21.

Atkins MS, Pelham WE. School-based assessment of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. J Learn Disabil 1991 Apr;24(4):197-204, 255.

Atkins MS, Pelham WE, Licht MH. A comparison of objective classroom measures and teacher ratings of Attention Deficit Disorder. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1985 Mar;13(1):155-67.

Atkins MS, Stoff DM. Instrumental and hostile aggression in childhood disruptive behavior disorders. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1993 Apr;21(2):165-78.

August GJ, Garfinkel BD. The nosology of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1993 Jan;32(1):155-65.

August GJ, Stewart MA. Is there a syndrome of pure hyperactivity? Br J Psychiatry 1982 Mar;140:305-11.

Augustine LE, Damico JS. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: the scope of the problem. Semin Speech Lang 1995 Nov;16(4):243-57; quiz 257-8.

Barkley RA. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, self-regulation, and time: toward a more comprehensive theory. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1997 Aug;18(4):271-9.

Barkley RA. Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, and executive functions: constructing a unifying theory of ADHD. Psychol Bull 1997 Jan;121(1):65-94.

Barkley RA. A critique of current diagnostic criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: clinical and research implications. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1990 Dec;11(6):343-52.

Barkley RA. The ecological validity of laboratory and analogue assessment methods of ADHD symptoms. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1991 Apr;19(2):149-78.

Barkley RA, Biederman J. Toward a broader definition of the age-of-onset criterion for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1997 Sep;36(9):1204-10. Comment in: J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1998 Apr;37(4):343-5.

Barkley RA, DuPaul GJ, McMurray MB. Comprehensive evaluation of attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity as defined by research criteria. J Consult Clin Psychol 1990 Dec;58(6):775-89.

Bartell SS, Solanto MV. Usefulness of the Rorschach inkblot test in assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Percept Mot Skills 1995 Apr;80(2):531-41.

Bauermeister JJ, Alegria M, Bird HR, Rubio-Stipec M, Canino G. Are attentional-hyperactivity deficits unidimensional or multidimensional syndromes? Empirical findings from a community survey. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1992 May;31(3):423-31.

Biederman J, Faraone S, Mick E, Moore P, Lelon E. Child Behavior Checklist findings further support comorbidity between ADHD and major depression in a referred sample. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1996 Jun;35(6):734-42.

Biederman J, Faraone SV, Weber W, Russell RL, Rater M, Park KS. Correspondence between DSM-III-R and DSM-IV attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1997 Dec;36(12):1682-7.

Breen MJ, Altepeter TS. Situational variability in boys and girls identified as ADHD. J Clin Psychol 1990 Jul;46(4):486-90.

Brock SE. Diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in childhood: A review of the literature. Paper presented at: Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists; 1997 Apr 2-5; Anaheim, CA. 16 p.

Brockel BJ, Cory-Slechta DA. Lead, attention, and impulsive behavior: Changes in a fixed-ratio waiting-for-reward paradigm. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1998;60(2):545-55.

Buitelaar JK, Swinkels SH, de Vries H, van der Gaag RJ, van Hooff JA. An ethological study on behavioural differences between hyperactive, aggressive, combined hyperactive/aggressive and control children. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1994 Nov;35(8):1437-46.

Burns GL, Walsh JA, Owen SM, Snell J. Internal validity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and overt conduct disorder symptoms in young children: implications from teacher ratings for a dimensional approach to symptom validity. J Clin Child Psychol 1997 Sep;26(3):266-75.

Cammann R, Miehlke A. Differentiation of motor activity of normally active and hyperactive boys in schools: some preliminary results. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1989 Nov;30(6):899-906.

Cantwell DP, Baker L. Attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity: a review and comparison of matched groups. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1992 May;31(3):432-8.

Carey WB. Temperament issues in the school-aged child. Pediatr Clin North Am 1992 Jun;39(3):569-84.

Carey WB, McDevitt SC. Minimal brain dysfunction and hyperkinesis: a clinical viewpoint. Am J Dis Child 1980 Oct;134(10):926-9.

Chabot RJ, Merkin H, Wood LM, Davenport TL, Serfontein G. Sensitivity and specificity of QEEG in children with attention deficit or specific developmental learning disorders. Clin Electroencephalogr 1996 Jan;27(1):26-34.

Chabot RJ, Serfontein G. Quantitative electroencephalographic profiles of children with attention deficit disorder. Biol Psychiatry 1996 Nov 15;40(10):951-63.

Chee P, Logan G, Schachar R, Lindsay P, Wachsmuth R. Effects of event rate and display time on sustained attention in hyperactive, normal, and control children. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1989 Aug;17(4):371-91.

Christie D, De Witt RA, Kaltenbach P, Reed D. Hyperactivity in children: evidence for differences between parents' and teachers' perceptions of predominant features. Psychol Rep 1984 Jun;54(3):771-4.

Cohen MJ, Riccio CA, Gonzalez JJ. Methodological differences in the diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Impact on prevalence. J Emot Behav Disord 1994 Jan;2(1):31-8.

Cohen ML, Kelly PC, Atkinson AW. Parent, teacher, child. A trilateral approach to attention deficit disorder. Am J Dis Child 1989 Oct;143(10):1229-33.

Cohen NJ, Minde K. The 'hyperactive syndrome' in kindergarten children: comparison of children with pervasive and situational symptoms. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1983 Jul;24(3):443-55.

Comings DE, Comings BG. A controlled study of Tourette syndrome. I. Attention-deficit disorder, learning disorders, and school problems. Am J Hum Genet 1987 Nov;41(5):701-41.

Conners CK. Is ADHD a disease? J Atten Disord 1997 Apr;2(1):3-17.

Cook JR, Mausbach T, Burd L, Gascon GG, Slotnick HB, Patterson B, Johnson RD, Hankey B, Reynolds BW. A preliminary study of the relationship between central auditory processing disorder and attention deficit disorder. J Psychiatry Neurosci 1993 May;18(3):130-7.

Copeland AP, Weissbrod CS. Cognitive strategies used by learning disabled children: does hyperactivity always make things worse? J Learn Disabil 1983 Oct;16(8):473-7.

Corkum PV, Siegel LS. Is the Continuous Performance Task a valuable research tool for use with children with Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder? J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1993 Oct;34(7):1217-39. Comment in: J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1995 Nov;36(8):1477-85; discussion 1487-93.

Cornett-Ruiz S, Hendricks B. Effects of labeling and ADHD behaviors on peer and teacher judgments. J Educ Res 1993 Jul-Aug;86(6):349-55.

Costello EJ, Loeber R, Stouthamer-Loeber M. Pervasive and situational hyperactivity--confounding effect of informant: a research note. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1991 Jan;32(2):367-76.

Cotugno AJ. The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in community mental health centers: Where and when. Psychol Sch 1993 Oct;30(4):338-44.

Cuffe SP, McCullough EL, Pumariega AJ. Comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. J Child Fam Stud 1994 Sep;3(3):327-36.

deHaas PA. Attention styles and peer relationships of hyperactive and normal boys and girls. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1986 Sep;14(3):457-67.

deHaas PA, Young RD. Attention styles of hyperactive and normal girls. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1984 Dec;12(4):531-46.

Denckla MB. Biological correlates of learning and attention: what is relevant to learning disability and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder? J Dev Behav Pediatr 1996 Apr;17(2):114-9.

Draeger S, Prior M, Sanson A. Visual and auditory attention performance in hyperactive children: competence or compliance. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1986 Sep;14(3):411-24.

Dube R. [Hyperactivity in children: a valid diagnosis?]. Union Med Can 1993 Nov-Dec;122(6):428-31. (Fre).

DuPaul GJ, Anastopoulos AD, McGoey KE, Power TJ, Reid R, Ikeda MJ. Teacher ratings of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms: Factor structure and normative data. Psychol Assess 1997;9(4):436-44.

DuPaul GJ, Anastopoulos AD, Power TJ, Reid R, Ikeda MJ, McGoey KE. Parent ratings of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms: Factor structure and normative data. J Psychopathol Behav Assess 1998;20(1):83-102.

DuPaul GJ, Anastopoulos AD, Shelton TL, Guevremont DC, et al. Multimethod assessment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: The diagnostic utility of clinic-based tests. J Clin Child Psychol 1992 Dec;21(4):394-402.

DuPaul GJ, Power TJ, McGoey KE, Ikeda MJ, Anastopoulos AD. Reliability and validity of parent and teacher ratings of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms. J Psychoeduc Assess 1998 Mar;16(1):55-68.

Edelbrock C, Costello AJ, Kessler MD. Empirical corroboration of attention deficit disorder. J Am Acad Child Psychiatry 1984 May;23(3):285-90.

Edelbrock C, Greenbaum R, Conover NC. Reliability and concurrent relations between the teacher version of the Child Behavior Profile and the Conners Revised Teacher Rating Scale. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1985 Jun;13(2):295-303.

Ehrhardt KJ, Bienefeld C, Pothmann R. [Attention and distractibility in hyperkinetic children. Methods and results of research]. Z Kinder Jugenpsychiatr 1985;13(2):95-109. (Ger).

Eiraldi RB, Power TJ, Nezu CM. Patterns of comorbidity associated with subtypes of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among 6- to 12-year-old children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1997 Apr;36(4):503-14.

Faraone SV, Biederman J, Milberger S. How reliable are maternal reports of their children's psychopathology? One-year recall of psychiatric diagnoses of ADHD children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1995 Aug;34(8):1001-8.

Faraone SV, Biederman J, Weber W, Russell RL. Psychiatric, neuropsychological, and psychosocial features of DSM-IV subtypes of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: results from a clinically referred sample. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1998 Feb;37(2):185-93.

Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ. Predictive validity of categorically and dimensionally scored measures of disruptive childhood behaviors. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1995 Apr;34(4):477-85; discussion 485-7.

Forbes GB. Clinical utility of the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) in the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Clin Psychol 1998;54(4):461-76.

Granger DA, Whalen CK, Henker B. Malleability of social impressions of hyperactive children. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1993 Dec;21(6):631-47.

Haenlein M, Caul WF. Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity: a specific hypothesis of reward dysfunction. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1987 May;26(3):356-62.

Halperin JM, Newcorn JH, Matier K, Sharma V, McKay KE, Schwartz S. Discriminant validity of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1993 Sep;32(5):1038-43.

Harper GW, Ottinger DR. The performance of hyperactive and control preschoolers on a new computerized measure of visual vigilance: the Preschool Vigilance Task. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1992 Nov;33(8):1365-72.

Hart EL, Lahey BB, Loeber R, Applegate B, Frick PJ. Developmental change in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in boys: a four-year longitudinal study. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1995 Dec;23(6):729-49.

Hinshaw SP, March JS, Abikoff H, Arnold LE, Cantwell DP, Conners CK, Elliott GR, Halperin J, Greenhill LL, Hechtman LT, Hoza B, Jensen PS, Newcorn JH, McBurnett K, Pelham WE, Richters JE, Severe JB, Schiller E, Swanson J, Vereen D, Wells K, Wigal T. Comprehensive assessment of childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in the context of a multisite, multimodal clinical trial. J Atten Disord 1997 Jan;1(4):217-34.

Ho TP, Leung PW, Luk ES, Taylor E, Bacon-Shone J, Mak FL. Establishing the constructs of childhood behavioral disturbances in a Chinese population: a questionnaire study. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1996 Aug;24(4):417-31.

Ho TP, Luk ES, Leung PW, Taylor E, Lieh-Mak F, Bacon-Shone J. Situational versus pervasive hyperactivity in a community sample. Psychol Med 1996 Mar;26(2):309-21.

Hynd GW, Nieves N, Connor RT, Stone P, Town P, Becker MG, Lahey BB, Lorys AR. Attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity: reaction time and speed of cognitive processing. J Learn Disabil 1989 Nov;22(9):573-80.

Inoue K, Nadaoka T, Oiji A, Morioka Y, Totsuka S, Kanbayashi Y, Hukui T. Clinical evaluation of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder by objective quantitative measures. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 1998 Spring;28(3):179-88.

Javorsky J. An examination of youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and language learning disabilities: a clinical study. J Learn Disabil 1996 May;29(3):247-58.

Jensen PS, Mrazek D, Knapp PK, Steinberg L, Pfeffer C, Schowalter J, Shapiro T. Evolution and revolution in child psychiatry: ADHD as a disorder of adaptation. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1997 Dec;36(12):1672-9; discussion 1679-81.

Jureidini J. Some reasons for concern about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Paediatr Child Health 1996 Jun;32(3):201-3. Comment in: J Paediatr Child Health 1997 Feb;33(1):81.

Lahey BB, Applegate B, McBurnett K, Biederman J, Greenhill L, Hynd GW, Barkley RA, Newcorn J, Jensen P, Richters J, et al. DSM-IV field trials for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents. Am J Psychiatry 1994 Nov;151(11):1673-85.

Lahey BB, Pelham WE, Schaughency EA, Atkins MS, Murphy HA, Hynd G, Russo M, Hartdagen S, Lorys-Vernon A. Dimensions and types of attention deficit disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1988 May;27(3):330-5.

Lahey BB, Pelham WE, Stein MA, Loney J, Trapani C, Nugent K, Kipp H, Schmidt E, Lee S, Cale M, Gold E, Hartung CM, Willcut E, Baumann B. Validity of DSM-IV attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder for younger children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1998 Jul;37(7):695-702.

Lahey BB, Schaughency EA, Frame CL, Strauss CC. Teacher ratings of attention problems in children experimentally classified as exhibiting attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity. J Am Acad Child Psychiatry 1985 Sep;24(5):613-6.

Lahey BB, Schaughency EA, Hynd GW, Carlson CL, Nieves N. Attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity: comparison of behavioral characteristics of clinic-referred children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1987 Sep;26(5):718-23.

Lahey BB, Schaughency EA, Strauss CC, Frame CL. Are attention deficit disorders with and without hyperactivity similar or dissimilar disorders? J Am Acad Child Psychiatry 1984 May;23(3):302-9.

Lambert NM. Temperature profiles of hyperactive children. Am J Orthopsychiatry 1982 Jul;52(3):458-67.

Levy F, Hobbes G. Discrimination of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by the continuous performance test. J Paediatr Child Health 1997 Oct;33(5):384-7.

Levy F, Horn K, Dalglish R. Relation of attention deficit and conduct disorder to vigilance and reading lag. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 1987 Jun;21(2):242-5.

Lilienfeld SO, Waldman ID. The relation between childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and adult antisocial behavior reexamined: The problem of heterogeneity. Clin Psychol Rev 1990;10:699-725.

Marshall RM, Hynd GW, Handwerk MJ, Hall J. Academic underachievement in ADHD subtypes. J Learn Disabil 1997 Nov-Dec;30(6):635-42.

Martin CS, Earleywine M, Blackson TC, Vanyukov MM, Moss HB, Tarter RE. Aggressivity, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity in boys at high and low risk for substance abuse. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1994 Apr;22(2):177-203.

Matier-Sharma K, Perachio N, Newcorn JH, Sharma V, Halperin JM. Differential diagnosis of ADHD: Are objective measures of attention, impulsivity, and activity level helpful? Child Neuropsychol 1995 Oct;1:118-27.

McBurnett K, Swanson JM, Pfiffner LJ, Tamm L. A measure of ADHD-related classroom impairment based on targets for behavioral intervention. J Atten Disord 1997 Jul;2(2):69-76.

McClure FD, Gordon M. Performance of disturbed hyperactive and nonhyperactive children on an objective measure of hyperactivity. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1984 Dec;12(4):561-71.

Miehlke A, Cammann R, Hoch S. [Manifestations and expression of motor activity in normally intelligent, concentration disordered, restless students in teaching]. Arztl Jugendkd 1985 Jun;76(3):162-8. (Ger).

Milich R, Loney J, Landau S. Independent dimensions of hyperactivity and aggression: a validation with playroom observation data. J Abnorm Psychol 1982 Jun;91(3):183-98.

Milich R, Loney J, Roberts MA. Playroom observations of activity level and sustained attention: two-year stability. J Consult Clin Psychol 1986 Apr;54(2):272-4.

Millstein RB, Wilens TE, Biederman J, Spencer TJ. Presenting ADHD symptoms and subtypes in clinically referred adults with ADHD. J Atten Disord 1997 Oct;2(3):159-66.

Newcorn JH, Halperin JM, Healey JM, O'Brien JD, Pascualvaca DM, Wolf LE, Morganstein A, Sharma V, Young JG. Are ADDH and ADHD the same or different? J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1989 Sep;28(5):734-8.

Palmeri S. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: sometimes a disorder, often a clinical tautology. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1996 Aug;17(4):253-4. Comment in: J Dev Behav Pediatr 1996 Oct;17(5):371.

Paternite CE, Loney J, Roberts MA. External validation of oppositional disorder and attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1995 Aug;23(4):453-71.

Paternite CE, Loney J, Roberts MA. A preliminary validation of subtypes of DSM-IV attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Atten Disord 1996 Aug;1(2):70-86.

Pinto LP, Tryon WW. Activity measurements support dimensional assessment. Behav Modif 1996 Jul;20(3):243-58.

Pisecco S, Baker DB, Silva PA, Brooke M. Behavioral distinctions in children with reading disabilities and/or ADHD. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1996 Nov;35(11):1477-84.

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Cognitive and Behavioral Correlates

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Prevalence Across the Life Span and Across Cultures

Abdur-Rahim FE-A, Al-Hamad A-R, Chaleby K, Al-Subaie A. A survey of a child psychiatry clinic in a teaching hospital in Saudi Arabia: Clinical profile and cross-cultural comparison. Saudi Med J 1996;17(1):36-41.

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Course of the Disorder and Outcome, Including Comorbidity

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Systems Impact: School and the Justice System

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Impairment: Childhood and Adolescence

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Impairment: Adulthood

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Safety and Efficacy of Treatments: Short and Long Term

Stimulant Medications

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Psychosocial Interventions

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Matching Patients to Treatments

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Substance Abuse Risks of Stimulant Treatments

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Sensitization and the Risk of Exposure to Stimulant Medications

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Stimulant Treatment as a Risk Factor for Nicotine Use and Substance Abuse

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Availability of Stimulant Medications: Nature and Extent of Abuse and Associated Harm

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Existing Practices and Barriers Regarding Assessment and Treatment

Treatment Services Provided to Children With ADHD: A National Perspective

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Current Assessment and Treatment Practices

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Educational Policies

Burcham B, Carlson L. Promising practices for serving students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. School Admin 1994 Nov;51(10):32-4.

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Insurance and Managed Care

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Individual and Family Barriers

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