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You are here: Home / About NAL / Policies and Guidelines 
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About NAL

booksCollection Development Policy of NAL
Discover how the depth and breadth of the Library's acquisitions are defined. See also the subject specific collection policies in which other national libraries have an interest.
  • Biotechnology
  • Human Nutrition and Food
  • Veterinary Science and Related Subjects
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    HandshakeCustomer Service Statement
    The National Agricultural Library seeks to provide the highest level of customer service by meeting or exceeding customer expectations for the delivery of quality agricultural information.
    Reference DeskRequest Library Materials
    Includes NAL's lending and document delivery policies.
  • Eligibility
  • Registration
  • Request Options
  • Delivery Options
  • Copies, Loans and Interlibrary Borrowing
  • Onsite Requests
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    ComputerUser Fee Policy
    Learn about the fees associated with the various services that NAL offers and who is exempt from paying them.
  • Requesting Library Materials
  • Research Assistance
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    Last Modified: Jul 14, 2009  
    About NAL
        Policies and Guidelines
					   Collection Development Policy—Biotechnology
					   Collection Development Policy—Human Nutrition and Food
					   Collection Development Policy—Veterinary Science
					   Customer Service Statement
					   User Fee Policy
        Visiting the Library
        Structure and Organization
    See Also
        Web Policies and Important Links
        Job Openings at NAL
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