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Print advertisement of a young couple, dressed in white embracing

Media Campaign Launched Today Hopes to Bring More “Happy Moments” to Albanians

USAID-funded Family Planning Campaign Promotes Use of Contemporary Contraceptives 

TIRANA, April 9, 2009  Today the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) unveiled a new series of television, radio and print ads which will carry messages of how to have more ‘happy moments’ with your special someone – by using contemporary contraceptive methods to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. 

The new initiative, being implemented by the Communication for Change (C-Change) Family Planning program in Albania, is focused on increasing use of contemporary contraceptive methods, countering misconceptions about side effects, and reducing dependency on traditional methods, primarily among young men and women ages 18 to 35.

“Many Albanian couples have already endorsed the concept of family planning, but depend mostly on traditional methods which are simply not as reliable as modern methods like the birth control pill, condoms or injectables,” said Berengere de Negri, the director of the project.  “With contemporary methods, you can be sure you are safely and effectively preventing an unplanned pregnancy and you can experience more happy moments and peace of mind in the process.”

The event was attended by USAID/Albania’s Mission Director, Roberta Mahoney, who said the goal of the effort is to foster a healthier and happier way of life for Albanians.  Mahoney also emphasized the need for continued investments in the health sector as an important standard necessary for accession into the European Union.

Mahoney was joined by the Minister of Health, Anila Godo, and the wife of the Prime Minister, Dr. Liri Berisha.

During today’s launch of the mass media campaign, Dr. Berisha reassured Albanians that contemporary methods are safe, effective, easy to use, and available in clinics, hospitals and pharmacies across the country.

The Minister presented the unveiling of one television spot, three radio spots and print ads that can be seen in newspapers, magazines and on billboards during the next several weeks.

“This is a time for Albanians to take charge of our future,” said Godo. “This is the kind of campaign that shows that we can make better choices for our health and our happiness.”

The launch of the campaign follows closely the World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Health Day as a visible effort to raise awareness around an important public health issue and provide a viable solution. The campaign will also be supported with press articles and discussion programs on television and radio throughout the year. Additionally, C-Change is working with partners, universities, and organizations such as UNICEF and UNFPA to reach pharmacists and university students in Tirana and Vlore.

For more information on contemporary contraceptive methods, visit your local health provider or pharmacist.

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