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Health Centers in Albania to Practice Family Medicine

Health Centers in Albania to Practice Family Medicine

Tirana, January 29, 2009     Today, in a ceremony at the Ministry of Health, Albania’s Health Minister, Anila Godo, and the USAID Mission Director to Albania, Roberta Mahoney, celebrated progress achieved in reforming Albania’s primary health care system.  Through these reforms two new health policy documents, the Framework for Family Medicine and the Basic Package of PHC Services, will improve the way primary health care services are delivered to citizens.

Developed under the leadership of the Ministry, and in close collaboration with partner organizations including, the Faculty of Medicine, the Health Insurance Institute, WHO-Albania, the American Academy of Family Physicians, USAID’s PRO Shendetit project, and other donor and non-governmental organizations, these reforms aim to guarantee the provision of a comprehensive package of preventive and curative services for children, adults, and the elderly. People living in both rural and urban communities will have access to reproductive and mental health as well as receive information about promoting health lifestyles and behaviors.

Through these reforms, all physicians in Albania will now be trained in basic family medicine, and the Ministry will support specialization in Family Medicine and continuing medical education for practicing physicians. Through the USAID program, over 650 doctors have received training as Family Physicians. In the coming months, these doctors will receive formal certification.

“USAID is proud to have supported primary health care reforms in Albania for many years,” said Mahoney in her remarks. “Today is the culmination of a long and difficult process. With up-to-date standards and policies that will go a long way to improving transparency, accountability, and people's confidence in the system, Albania has taken a significant step forward in creating a modern health care system.”

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