Flags of the U.S. and Afghanistan

Press Release

President Karzai Launches Kabul Power Plant

President Hamid Karzai opened the first 35 MW block of a 100 MW diesel power plant in Kabul today, significantly expanding power to the capital and surrounding area. Minister of Energy and Water Ismail Khan and U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry also attended the ceremony.

The U.S. Government-funded Tarakhil Power Plant will provide power to approximately 200,000 residents in Kabul in its first phase. When finished later this year, the plant will provide power to more than half a million people.

“This is an important milestone. The U.S. has a long history of partnership with Afghanistan and its power sector,” U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry said. “Greater access to electricity will improve economic opportunities and the quality of life for the citizens of Kabul.” He added that the U.S. government is proud of America’s contribution of $300 million to Afghanistan’s economic development noting that, “The U.S. has a long history of providing assistance to Afghanistan’s power sector. We will continue to make major investments designed to further Afghanistan’s economic growth with our next major anticipated achievement being the reopening of the Kajaki Power Station in Helmand Province.”

At the opening of the ceremony, President Karzai, Minister Khan and Ambassador Eikenberry climbed the stairs to the generator control room, where the President activated one of the plant generators via a computerized control console.

The new power generated by the Tarakhil Plant, located off Jalalabad Road east of the city, will significantly improve the quality of life for Kabul residents and other communities served by the North East Power System.  The 100 MW power plant will provide around 150 full time jobs supporting plant operations, including station manager, plant operators, maintenance personnel, trainees, administrative staff, and security personnel.


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Last updated August 24, 2009

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