Flags of the U.S. and Afghanistan

Press Release

U.S. Government Announces $26.3 Million Small Grants Fund to Support Afghan Women

Today, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry and Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer announced the start of the Ambassador’s small grants program to support gender equality in Afghanistan.  Launched at a joint press conference with Afghan Deputy Minister of Women’s Affairs Syeda Mojgan Mostafavi, this three-year, $26.3 million program will provide technical assistance and small grants to women-focused Afghan NGOs in accordance with the National Action Plan for the Women of Afghanistan. 

Working in coordination with the Afghan Ministry of Women’s Affairs, the Ambassador’s Small Grants Program will increase gender equality and build the capacity of women-led civil society organizations to deliver services to Afghan citizens.  The program will offer flexible, rapid response grants to NGOs that address the needs of Afghan women in the areas of education, health, skills training, counseling on family issues, and public advocacy.  

Ultimately, developing women’s groups at the community level will enhance female participation in local governance, further promote education for girls, and improve the status and quality of life of Afghan women – all of which strengthen democracy and are in direct opposition to the goals of insurgents.  “Empowering Afghan NGOs through this fund will serve generations of Afghans by developing capacity and leadership in civil society organizations and NGOs – crucial partners with the Afghan government in its march towards peace, justice and economic livelihood,” noted Ambassador Eikenberry at the press conference.  As Ambassador Verveer noted, the long term security, stability and prosperity of a country depends upon the energy of women and men.  No country can get ahead if women are left behind and if men are left out of this process. 

“This fund represents the United States’ people’s longstanding dedication to advancing the cause of Afghan women,” said Ambassador Verveer.  “During this visit to Afghanistan I had the opportunity to engage with leaders of Afghan NGOs who selfless strive to give literacy, justice, economic opportunity, and health to their fellow citizens.  Supporting these crucial efforts through the Ambassador’s Grants Program is an expression of our deepest admiration and commitment to the Afghan people.”

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Last updated August 24, 2009

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