Flags of the U.S. and Afghanistan

Press Release

Student Roundtable at American University of Afghanistan

On May 20, 2009, U.S. Deputy Ambassador Francis Ricciardone held a roundtable discussion with students at the American University of Afghanistan (AUAf).

In his opening remarks, Deputy Ambassador Ricciardone stated that “You, the students using this impressive facility, are part of the transformational change taking place in Afghanistan today.  I encourage your firm commitment to participating in your country’s development.”

After meeting with AUAf Acting President and Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Athanasios Moulakis, Ricciardone met with students to discuss the state of higher education in Afghanistan, which has suffered from lack of investment and development over the past twenty-five years.  The United States has worked to rebuild and strengthen Afghanistan’s higher education sector by supporting Afghan institutions of higher learning such as AUAf.

AUAf, founded in 2006, is Afghanistan’s only private, English language, liberal arts institution.  Over 300 students are currently enrolled at the university, which is addressing critical shortages in Afghanistan’s supply of skilled labor in sectors not yet well-served by existing higher education institutions.  AUAf provides an English language undergraduate curriculum in business management, information technology, and public administration.

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Last updated August 24, 2009

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