Flags of the U.S. and Afghanistan

Press Release

Testing begins at Shibirghan gas fields

Today, Minister of Mines Adel opened the Yatimtaq and Gerquduq gas fields for testing and exploration at a ceremony dedicating the newly installed drilling rig.   

The Ministry of Mines, in coordination with the Afghan Gas Company, will use the USAID-funded rig to test gas levels in the fields’ wells to determine if they contain enough gas to fuel a regional power plant.  This testing represents a significant step towards establishing a reliable indigenous power source for Afghanistan. 

Soviet geologists discovered and initiated development of the wells in the 1980s.  Although the war and a lack of resources prohibited further exploration and development, gas production continued under the Ministry of Mines and Afghan Gas Company.  The new drilling rig will enable the government to accurately determine the level of gas available for use in the fields. 

According to USAID official Charles Drilling, “This signals progress in the Afghan Government’s efforts to provide more, and cleaner, electricity to the Afghan people.  Increasing indigenous energy options in Afghanistan will also lead to greater prosperity and economic independence in Afghanistan.”


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Last updated August 24, 2009

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