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Press Release

Dedication of New Classrooms for Moot Court and Legal Instruction at Kabul University Law and Political Science and Sharia Faculties

On March 19, 2009, Kabul University’s Law and Political Science and Sharia faculties dedicated four new classrooms.

The moot court classrooms will offer Afghan’s future legal professionals opportunities to develop their oral presentation and advocacy skills as they participate in simulated role-playing scenarios and moot court exercises.

USAID, through its Rule of Law Project, has installed model instructional classrooms at six Afghan universities. Each classroom is fitted with a computer, a digital projector and screen, and a whiteboard. The classrooms promote active learning and offer teachers greater opportunities to incorporate interactive teaching methods into classroom instruction.

The dedication included remarks by Prof. Hamidullah Amin Chancellor of Kabul University and the Deans of the Law and Political Science, and Sharia faculties of Kabul University. A moot court demonstration was provided by the Balkh University Moot Court team, which will compete in the March 2009 Jessup International Moot Court Competition in Washington, DC.

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Last updated August 24, 2009

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