Conference Blog

Boehner Talks With George Stephanopoulos

April 20, 2009

House Leader John Boehner appeared yesterday on "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos, saying legislators should beware of "trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see." Boehner applauded last week's hurricane of taxpayer tea parties and attended one in Bakersfield, California.

"...when I talk to people at these rallies, it was pretty clear these people are scared to death," Boehner said. "And they’re scared to death about the future for their kids and their grandkids and the facts that the American dream may not be alive for their kids and grandkids."

As Washington leaders move towards a focus on energy, Boehner touched on what Republicans hope to see in the future. He recently created the House GOP Energy Solutions Group to help combat Democrat energy policies that will increase taxes.

“We believe that all of the above energy strategy from last year continues to be the right approach on energy," he said. "That we ought to make sure that we have new sources of energy, green energy, but we need nuclear energy, we need other types of alternatives and, yes, we need American-made oil and gas.”

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