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The Daily Truth About the Democrats' National Energy Tax

The Daily Truth About the Democrats' National Energy Tax

JULY 17, 2009

Truth #14: No Household Appliance is Safe from Government Regulation

What the bill does: The bill authorizes taxpayer dollars to subsidize the replacement of wood stoves or pellet stoves that do not meet government mandated performance standards intended to reduce “particulate matter emissions.”  Taxpayer dollars would subsidize the replacement of the stove, together with the replacement of and repairs to ventilation, flues, chimneys, and other related items.  The bill prioritizes the replacement of wood stoves or pellet stoves manufactured before July 1, 1990.  (H.R. 2454, Section 218, page 497.)

What this means for Americans: The government is going to tell Americans they need to replace functioning stoves in their homes with “government-certified” stoves and use taxpayer dollars to do so.  The Democrats’ national energy tax is just more government intrusion and more taxpayer dollars used for government-imposed mandates.


For Additional Information

Contact Matt Lloyd or Mary Vought at
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