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Advocacy Official Communication Archive
(1996 - 2000)


Antitrust & Trade



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Antitrust & Trade

Letter dated 01/31/00 - Federal Trade Commission [html] or [text] - Consent agreement in the Exxon Mobile merger.

Letter dated 10/08/99 - Federal Trade Commission [html], [text] or [PDF File] - .Pproposed mergers in the oil industry.

Letter dated 06/16/99 – Federal Trade Commission [html], [Text], or [PDF File]- Children's Online Privacy Protection Act; 64 Fed. Reg., 22,750, (April 27, 1999)[PDF File].

Notice dated 12/2/98 - United State Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Proposed Rule for Importation of Orchids in Growing Media; 63 Fed. Reg. 46,403 (September 1, 1998)[PDF File]; CC Docket No. 98-035-1.

Letter dated 12/05/97 - Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration - Total quantity and respective territorial shares of insular watches and watch movements which will be allowed to enter the United States free of duty in the calendar year 1998. 62 Fed. Reg. 59,829, November 5, 1997.[PDF File]

Letter Dated 4/30/97 - Federal Trade Commission - Advanced notice of proposed rule to amend its Trade Regulation Rule entitled Disclosure Requirements and Prohibitions concerning Franchising and Business Opportunity Ventures. 16 CFR Part 436.

Letter Dated 04/14/97 - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - Pending merger application between Potomac Electric Power Company and Baltimore Gas and Electric Company.

Letter dated 8/14/96 -- Federal Trade Commission - Draft consent order for the proposed Time Warner/Turner Broadcasting Merger currently being considered by the FTC.

Letter dated 6/13/96 -- United States Trade Representative - Comments regarding the Proposed Imposition of Retaliatory Duties on Certain Bicycles Imported From China, Docket No. 301-02.

Letter dated 6/10/96 -- Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) - Final rule promoting wholesale competition through open access nondiscriminatory transmission services by public utilities, recovery of stranded costs by public utilities and transmitting utilities; 61 Fed. Reg. 21,540.


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