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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2007349 Documentation for the 2004-05 Teacher Follow-up Survey
Technical documentation for the 2004-05 Teacher Follow-Up Survey, done one year after the 2003-04 Schools and Staffing Survey. The documentation covers the entire survey cycle--from sample design, questionnaire revisions, and field data collection through all stages of processing. There are descriptions and explanations of the survey cycle in the main text, supplemented by more detailed information in appendices.
NCES 2007307 Teacher Attrition and Mobility: Results from the 2004-05 Teacher Follow-up Survey
This First Look report provides some selected findings from the 2004-05 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) along with data tables and methodological information. The TFS is a follow-up of a sample of the elementary and secondary school teachers who participated in the previous year’s Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS). The TFS sample includes teachers who leave teaching in the year after the SASS data collection and those who continue to teach either in the same school as last year or in a different school. The purpose of the Teacher Follow-up Survey is to determine how many teachers remained at the same school, moved to another school or left the profession in the year following the SASS administration.
NCES 2004325 Developments in School Finance: 2003
This report contains papers presented at the 2003 annual NCES Summer Data Conference. The scholars' papers address teacher turnover; financing urban schools; the costs of improving student performance; distinguishing good schools from bad in principle and practice; an evaluation of the efficacy of state adequacy and equity indicators; school finance reform in Vermont; and school accountability.
NCES 2000152 Progress Through the Teacher Pipeline: 1992-93 College Graduates and Elementary/Secondary School Teaching as of 1997
This report is the second in a series of reports that follows 1992-93 college graduates' progress through the teacher pipeline using data from the Second Follow-up of the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:93/97). The first report, entitled Out of the Lecture Hall and Into the Classroom: 1992-93 College Graduates and Elementary/Secondary School Teaching (NCES 96-899), focused on graduates' transitions into teaching 1 year after college graduation. This report focuses on the academic characteristics and preparation for teaching of those who took various steps toward teaching and is organized by a conceptual "teacher pipeline" that represents a teacher's career. The pipeline includes preparatory activities-considering teaching, student teaching as an undergraduate, becoming certified to teach, applying for teaching jobs-as well as teaching experiences and plans for teaching in the future.
NCES 97926 Teachers' participation in professional development
An indicator reprinted from The Condition of Education, 1996.
NCES 97069 Teacher Professionalization and Teacher Commitment: A Multilevel Analysis
This report is concerned with the effects of teacher professionalization on elementary and secondary teachers in the United States. The analysis assesses the effects of teacher professionalization by examining the relationships between a selected set of characteristics, traditionally associated with professions and professionals, and one of the most important aspects of the quality and performance of teachers: their commitment to their teaching careers.
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