March 2, 2004


The Honorable John T. Conway


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 700

Washington, DC 20004-2901


Dear Mr. Chairman:


This letter transmits the Programmatic Risk Assessment for the Savannah River Site (SRS) Salt Processing Program (Commitment 2.12 of the Department of Energy’s Implementation Plan in response to Recommendation 2001-l), provides information on the Low Curie Salt (LCS) Program (Commitment 2.11), and gives notice that Commitment 2.9 (Process the first batch of LCS in Saltstone) was not met as scheduled.


In accordance with Commitment 2.12, please find enclosed the Programmatic Risk Assessment for the SRS Salt Processing Program (Enclosure 1).  The assessment covers the risks and proposed mitigation actions for the key facilities and activities required to execute all three phases of the SRS Salt Processing Program:  LCS processing, low curie-high actinide processing, and high curie-high actinide processing.  The Department plans to maintain this assessment and update it as needed.  It will be used as a management tool to ensure that risks are identified, managed, and mitigated to support our Accelerated Cleanup Program goals.


One of the identified risks in the Programmatic Risk Assessment is how ongoing litigation may delay certain aspects of the Salt Processing Program.  On July 3, 2003, parts of DOE Order 435.1 dealing with the authority for determining waste incidental to reprocessing were declared invalid by the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho.  This ruling currently is on appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.  Accordingly, the Programmatic Risk Assessment did not undertake a probability or consequence analysis of the litigation’s outcome on the Salt Processing Program and rated this risk as “Uncertain.”  Once this litigation is resolved, the Department will provide you with an update on salt waste processing and disposal plans.


An evaluation of the LCS Program as outlined in Commitment 2.11 has found that while the LCS Program plans and schedules have not been fully achieved, several key technical milestones have been met.  The most significant of these are:




Several issues have prevented the LCS Program from meeting all of its objectives.





Should you or your staff have any questions concerning these issues, please contact Jeffrey Allison at (803) 952-6337 or me at (202) 586-0738.




Dr. Inés Triay

Deputy Chief Operating Officer

Office of Environmental Management




cc w/o encl:

Jessie Hill Roberson, EM- 1

Mark Whitaker, DR-1

Jeffrey Allison, SR