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Previous Next Up Topic Announcements / SeaDAS Announcements / Announcement: SeaDAS 5.4 now available (locked) (1396 hits)
By mark Date 2009-06-02 20:53 Edited 2009-06-05 18:33
Announcement: SeaDAS 5.4 is now available.

                    SeaDAS 5.4 - Release Notes (06/03/09)

Major Changes from SeaDAS 5.3:

* Updated the following processing programs:

    l1brsgen 5.9.7
    l1bgen 5.9.7
    l2gen 5.9.7
    l3bin 3.00
    smigen 4.0

  See http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/seadas/versions.html for a table of all
  program versions.

* Added new capability to load and display MERIS 300m FR_L1, FRS_L1, and FRS_L2
  products with navigation information.

* Added new capability to process ESA formatted Level-1B MERIS files to Level-2,
  Level-3 Binned, and Level-3 Mapped Ocean Color formatted products.

* Made it so that multiple instances of the same processing programs could run
  concurrently without conflicts.

* Added support for Fedora Core 10.  Discontinued support for Fedora Cores 4 and 6.

* Added calculation of standard deviation to ship track function.

* Reads in unsupported GeoTIFF formats as regular TIFF.

* New Aqua and Terra calibration LUTs.


The SeaDAS Development Group


The MERIS processing capability available in SeaDAS uses the NASA ocean color atmospheric correction and derived-product algorithms,
so results will differ from the standard MERIS processing performed by ESA.  The intent is to provide a mechanism for processing MERIS,
MODIS, and SeaWiFS radiances to derived geophysical products using common algorithms, and also to allow SeaDAS users to investigate
new products and applications that can be developed using the additional wavelengths and 300-meter resolution that MERIS offers. 
This version is a preliminary release.  No attempt has yet been made to vicariously calibrate the algorithm or validate the results.

We also thank Paul Martinolich and Paul Lyon of the Naval Research Laboratory, who provided the initial integration of MERIS processing
support for l2gen.

MERIS files in the supported Envisat N1 format are distributed via ESA's MERCI
website: http://merci-srv.eo.esa.int/merci/welcome.do (access is provided free
of charge after a simple registration at http://eopi.esa.int/esa/esa).

We'd like to extend our thanks for the support received from ESA
(http://envisat.esa.int/instruments/meris/) and to Brockmann Consult for the
C-library with source code for reading Envisat data products (epr_api-2.0.5,
28.10.2004 available here: http://www.brockmann-consult.de/beam/downloads.html).


The SeaDAS Development Group
Previous Next Up Topic Announcements / SeaDAS Announcements / Announcement: SeaDAS 5.4 now available (locked) (1396 hits)

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Authorized by: Gene C. Feldman
Updated: 27 November 2007
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