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folder.gif Long Term Resource Monitoring Program
 Vegetation Data

Vegetation Informal Database Browser

Because this is a real-time query of UMESC's Oracle Database, any query submitted may take a while, depending on the complexity of the query, the amount of data in the database tables querying, and the current load on the server.

Please read the UMESC LTRMP Database Browser Notes before using this browser.

Query parameters are appended to each other using AND logic conditionals only. Using any type of OR logic conditionals greatly complicates the query for both the user and the program logic.

River Pool, Begining Date, and Ending Date are the only required parameters. If these are the only parameters entered, then all data for this River Pool and Date Range will be retrieved. If additional parameters are entered, the data retrieved will be a subset based on the parameters.

Parameters which are not entered are not used as a criteria to further subset the data query.

Parameters which are a range or a minimum/maximum value require two parameters, one for the start or minimum, and one for the end or maximum. If either of these parameters are not entered, the entire range is cleared and not used as a parameter for the data query.

Enter the criteria you would like to use in your vegetation informal query:
Field Station:

Please select the Field Stations(s) you would like to query (Required):

Field Station 1 (Lake City, MN)
Pools 4 and 5
Field Station 2 (Onalaska, WI)
Pools 7 and 8
Field Station 3 (Bellevue, IA)
Pools 12 and 13
Field Station 4 (Brighton, IL)
Pool 26 & Lower Alton Pool
Field Station 6 (Havana, IL)
Upper Alton Pool & LaGrange

Date Range:

Vegetation Informal data has been collected every year starting in 1992 to 1997, and was collected during the months of May through October.

Starting Years For Each Pool
Field Station River River Pool Starting Year Ending Year
1 (Lake City, MN)
Mississippi Pool 4
2 (Onalaska, WI)
Mississippi Pool 8
3 (Bellevue, IA)
Mississippi Pool 13
4 (Brighton, IL)
Mississippi Pool 26
6 (Havana, IL)
Illinois La Grange

Attention: The four digit date is now being used.

Please enter a beginning and ending date you would like to query with: (Required)
(Format: mm/dd/yyyy)
: Date Range: Beginning: Ending:

Barcodes are used to identify the data sheets upon which the data is originally recorded. The barcodes for LTRMP data is an eight digit number. You may use a range of barcodes, a list of barcodes, or a combination of each.

Please enter the range of barcodes desired (Not Required):
Starting Barcode: Ending Barcode:
Please enter the list of barcodes desired (separate each barcode with a space)
(Not Required)
: Barcode List:

Utm Range:

The usual method of locating where the data was collected is by recording of the UTM coordinates. UTM coordinates are global grid system similar to latitude and longitude. Rather than using hemispheres, UTM coordinates divide the earth into sixty north-south zones of 6 degrees longitude each. The UTM coordinates are the distance in meters from the central meridian (Easting) and from the earth's equator (Northing) for each of these 6 degree zones. A zone's central meridian is the line of longitude from the 6 degree intersection with the equator to the North Pole. UTM coordinates for all river pools are based from zone 15.

Please enter a UTM range for the pool selected (Not Required):

Valid UTM Ranges For Each Pool
River River Pool Valid UTM Easting Range Valid Northing Range
Mississippi Pool 4
515600 - 597200
4908100 - 4980300
Mississippi Pool 8
633200 - 648700
4825900 - 4868600
Mississippi Pool 13
693400 - 739700
4608400 - 4681900
Mississippi Pool 26
695100 - 751400
4297300 - 4324500
Illinois La Grange
707300 - 786000
4422300 - 4503700
UTM Easting Coordinate Range: Beginning: Ending:
UTM Northing Coordinate Range: Beginning: Ending:
Location Code:

Another method of locating where the data was collected is by recording what is called a Location Code. This is never as accurate as the UTM coordinates. However, for some applications and parties who want to use a site list or river mile, it can at least get them close to what they are looking for. The format varies, however, the primary format is rmmm.m where r designates the river (M = Mississippi and I = Illinois), and mmm.m is the river mile (recorded to the nearest 0.1 mile).

Please select the Location Code(s) you would like to query with. You may choose from the provided list, type them in, or use a combination of each.(Not Required):

If any Location Codes you are interested in are not in this list, you need to type them in here (separate each Location Code with a space). You may use * (many characters) and ? (single character) as wildcards in any combination. Example: M2??.? would get all Mississippi Sites for river miles 200 - 299.
(Not Required):
Location Code List:

Habitat Class:

A brief description of the type of river environment in which the data were found. Please select the Habitat Class you would like to query with (Not Required):

Backwater Contiguous (BWC) Backwater Isolated (BWI)
Impounded (IMP) Main Channel (MC)
Main Channel Border (MCB) Side Channel (SC)
Tributary (TDL)

Substrate Type:

A brief description of the type of sediment (river bottom) in which the data were found. Please select the Substrate Type you would like to query with (Not Required):

Predominantly Silt and/or Clay Predominantly Silt with some Sand
Predominantly Sand with some Silt or Clay

Estimated vegetation bed size:
Please select the Bed Size you would like to query with (Not Required):
Small Bed (0-10 meters in length and width) Long-Linear Bed (>10 meters in length and 0-10 meters in width)
Medium Bed (10-100 meters in length and width) Large Bed (>100 meters in length and >10 meters in width)

Water Depth:
Water depth is measured to the nearest 0.1 meter. Please enter the water depth range desired: (Not Required)
(Valid Range: 0 - 10)
Water Depth Range: Minimum: Maximum:
Vegetation Species (Common and Scientific):
Scientific Species are listed after the Common Species.

You may select multiple Species by holding your control key down while selecting them.
Please select the Species you would like to query with (Not Required):

Vegetation Species:

Choose the data fields you want to download for your query. If you choose "All Fields" (default), all the fields from the data field list will be downloaded. If you want to only download certain fields, select them by first clicking on the first one, then, while holding down your Control key, click on additional ones. If any fields are selected and you still have the "All Fields" selected, you will only get the selected fields, not all fields. "All Fields" needs to be selected by itself to work.

Data Field List

Download Data As Fixed Column Length Format
Download Data As Comma Delimited Format
Download Data As ArcView Compatible Format


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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: October 16, 2007