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March 7, 2008
Children’s Defense Fund Action Council Ranks Abercrombie Among "Best"

Non Partisan Scorecard Rates Lawmakers on Key Votes


Washington, D.C. -- The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) Action Council has rated U.S. Representative Neil Abercrombie as one of the “Best” among all 435 House Members and 100 Senators in the 110th Congress, based on their votes to protect children.  Abercrombie earned a 100% rating on ten key issues reviewed by the Council.

“I am grateful for the recognition by the Children’s Defense Fund Action Council,” said Abercrombie.  “Our children have always been my most important ‘special interest,’ and I intend to continue to do all I can to provide them every opportunity for a bright future.  I’m also very proud to be part of a Hawaii Delegation that ranks first in the nation in its support for these issues.”

The Nonpartisan Congressional Scorecard is compiled by the CDF Action Council each year.  The 2007 scorecard rated Members of Congress according to their votes on:

1. Supporting Pay-As-You-Go Rules for Taxes and Spending
2. Increasing the Minimum Wage
3. Supporting the 2008 Budget Resolution
4. Protecting Children from Unsafe Medications
5. Extending Health Coverage to 4.1 million Uninsured Children
6. Helping Youth Pay for College
7. Extending Health Coverage to 3.1 million Uninsured Children (The pared-back legislation was re-introduced and passed following President Bush’s veto.  He vetoed it a second time.)
8. Funding for Child Health and Education 
9. Supporting Tax Relief for Low-Income Families with Children
10. Expanding the Head Start program
