[House Seal]

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November 4, 2005

Abercrombie's Iraq withdrawl bill receives
high-profile endorsement


Washington, DC -- Congressman Neil Abercrombie’s resolution to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq received the endorsement yesterday of former Senator Max Cleland (l), Vietnam War hero, former chief of the Veterans Administration, and Senate Armed Services Committee member. 

Also pictured are other original sponsors of the bipartisan resolution: Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC), far right; and Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), to Abercrombie’s right.  

House Joint Resolution 55, sponsored by 62 House Members from both parties, calls on the President to announce a plan to begin bringing U.S. troops home from Iraq, commencing no later than October 31, 2006. 

“Max Cleland brings unimpeachable credentials to the Iraq discussion,” said Abercrombie.  “As a Vietnam hero, former member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and chief of the VA, he speaks with unique authority about the intersection of national policy and the sacrifices made by those in uniform.  His support strengthens the ranks of patriots who have endorsed the bipartisan effort to bring our troops home. 

“Our troops have done everything we’ve asked of them in Iraq.  They’ve demonstrated courage, patriotism and professionalism of the highest order.  It’s time to move on to the next stage, to begin turning Iraq over to the Iraqis and start bringing our troops home to receive the honors and welcome they so richly deserve.” 

In addition to announcing Senator Cleland’s support for House Joint Resolution 55, those attending the announcement memorialized the more than 2,000 U.S. troops who have died as a result of the war in Iraq.
