[House Seal]

[Hawaiian Flag]
June 8, 2006
Abercrombie statement on Akaka bill cloture vote 
Washington, DC -- Congressman Neil Abercrombie expressed disappointment at today’s 56-41 U.S. Senate vote against cloture on the Native Hawaiian Reorganization Act (S. 147, also known as the Akaka bill).


“I am disappointed by the vote,” said Abercrombie. “However, a bipartisan majority of Senators voted to proceed with debate on the bill, and that indicates the measure will pass if it comes to a straight up or down vote on the substance of the legislation.  Senator Akaka did a tremendous job, and he deserves thanks and congratulations for his efforts.


“The main obstacle facing the legislation was an over-the-top right wing propaganda campaign.  It turned the concept of fairness on its head, falsified Hawaii’s history, and insulted and patronized our people.


“The opposition of the Republican-dominated Civil Rights Commission and the last minute attack by the Bush Administration highlighted the national GOP position: Native Hawaiians don’t exist as a people, and to the extent they do, they’re fast fading into history. Governor Lingle, who takes pride in her ties to President Bush, failed to alter that position and she failed to deliver on the Akaka bill.


“It’s clear that we have to keep trying. Our opponents are not just against Hawaiian recognition: they are against every Hawaiian program there is.  Today’s vote has invigorated them.  They will lose no time revving up their p.r. spinmeisters, astroturf activists, and legal hired guns to attack Hawaiian Homes, Hawaiian education, Hawaiian health and every other Hawaiian program. 


“In the final analysis, this is about land, money and greed. Ultimately, our adversaries will move to alienate Hawaiians from the lands and revenues set aside by law for their benefit.  Hawaiian recognition is the bulwark against those forces that threaten to make Hawaiians strangers in their own land.


“We start anew today.”

